diploma; certificate; brevet
~ oficerski - commission
~ pilota - pilot certificate
~ ukończenia kursu podyplomowego - postgraduate diploma
(a document certifying the successful completion of a course of study)
diploma, sheepskin
~ uniwersytecki university degree
uzyskać ~ to get a degree
n masc C diploma
degree (certificate)
diploma, certificate~ czeladniczy - certificate of apprenticeship~ magisterski - master’s degree~ mistrzowski - foreman’s certificate~ szkoły wyższej - university diploma~ ukończenia studiów wyższych - higher education diploma, graduation certificate~ ukończenia studiów zawodowych - graduationcertificate of a technical college/of vocational studies~ uznania - certificate of recognition, diploma of acknowledgment of merits
m 1. certificate 2. diploma 3. qualification
license, diploma
1. certificate
2. diploma
3. qualification
m diploma
gr. diploma
m diploma, brevet, certificate of proficiency
associate degree