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n masc C (sport) handicap

ECTACO słownik polsko-angielski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy






Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Currently, EU contributions account for a third of Mauritania's national budget.
Obecnie wpłaty ze strony UE stanowią jedną trzecią krajowego budżetu Mauretanii.


For this we need facilities, however, and we also need to change the curriculum.
Do tego potrzebne są jednak odpowiednie urządzenia, jak również zmiana programu.


In fact we shall soon be agreed on the timetable for establishing this register.
W rzeczy samej, niebawem uzgodnimy kalendarz prac nad utworzeniem tego rejestru.


This applies particularly in regard to possible regulations for social services.
Odnosi się to w szczególności do możliwych dyrektyw w sprawie usług społecznych.


Honestly, I can get by with a little less love for a while.
Szczerze mówiąc, można uzyskać poprzez z nieco mniej miłości for a while.

What's this camera? Is this Game For A Laugh?
Co ta kamera? jest tym Game For jakiś śmiech?

This is what we would do as kids when we were out for mischief.
Tak robiliśmy jako dzieci when we were out for mischief.

For starters, I've learned that I gotta get out of the lab more often.
For osoby startujące, nauczyłem się, że ja gotta wyjść poza laboratorium częściej.

I think Reach for me would be great, don't you?
Myślę, że Reach for me będzie świetne, co ty na to?

I hear you've got a vacancy for a front-of-house porter.
Słyszałem ze masz wolną posadę for a front-of-house porter.

Eh, this one has to starve for a while yet.
Eh, this one has to starve for a while yet.

For sure me and my boys go on tour
For sure me and my boys go on tour

And finally, we'il save room for our one must join.
I wreszcie, zorganizujemy pokój for our one must join.

Tell us what inspired your song Gun for a mouth.
Powiedz co było inspiracją do napisania Gun for a mouth.

Then I'm sure you realize that School for Scandal
Zdajesz sobie więc sprawę, że School for Scandal to komedia?

I have 10 minutes. beforein that they shut me for the speech.
Mam 10 minut. beforethey shut in that me for the speech.

Jessie, maybe you can come on. Fondue for Two and judge my Cat.
Jessie, może mógłbyś przyjść do Fondue for Two i ocenić mojego kota.

After school, Ashley and I are going to the mall for the Nordstrom sale.
Po szkole idę z Ashley do centrum the mall for thena wyprzedaż

Oliver, maybe these talks are the opportunity we've been waiting for.
Oliver, może te rozmowy są możliwość We've been waiting for.

In the Forum for Life young people learn responsibility and generosity and gain experience in building interpersonal relationships.
W Forum for Life młodzież uczy się odpowiedzialności i wspaniałomyślności, a także zyskuje doświadczenie w budowaniu relacji międzyludzkich.

But instead, you went, Oasis for Men.
Ale zamiast tego, ty powiedziałeś, Oasis for Men.

Hey, I was just looking for Emma in the house.
Hey, I was just looking for Emma w domu.

And that Hugh Grant thing is starting to work for me.
I Hugh Grant thing is starting to work for me.

Now you point them out for me you know the result
Teraz wskażesz ich dla mnie for me you know the result

I take something for him.
Wezmę coś dla niego I take something for him.

How much does it take for deciding?
Ile zajmie podjęcie decyzji How much does it take for deciding?

For myself I am tough - Dude, where is this place?
For myself I am tough - Stary, gdzie to jest?

Stupid, but people pay more to get address books back than they can sell the phones for.
To głupie, ale ludzie płacą więcej za zwrot notatnika z adresami niż they can sell the phones for.

I can see that rock 'n' roll is good for me
I can see that rock 'n' roll is good for me

And everyone in your group-- you're all accounted for, right?
I każdy w twojej grupie-- you're all accounted for, right?

When one reads it, one is delighted because the targets formulated in it are the same as ours.
New Energy for America). Kiedy się go czyta, niektórzy są zachwyceni, ponieważ określone w nim cele są takie same jak nasze.

I feel for you deeply, and am truly fond of you.
I feel for you deepIy, i naprawdę cię lubię.

I was just looking for my compact.
I was just looking for my puderniczki.

Also, there's a television for your viewing pleasure.
Jest tu także telewizor for your viewing pleasure.

Vote for Spinkle, that's one fine bitch
Vote for Spinkle, to ona jest tą fajną dupeczką

A girl worth fighting for
What do we want A girl worth fighting for

And a big ace for the dealer.
And a big ace for the dealer.

And my company, built a system called Guide for theApple Macintosh.
Moja firma, stworzyła system nazwany Guide for theApple Macintosh.

O is for the only one I see
O is for the only one I see

Toys for Tots is a really cool organization.
Toys for Tots jest na prawdę świetną organizacją.

One is a gun with a dart for my sweetheart
Chodźmy do mnie. One is a gun with a dart for my sweetheart

I read an article on him in The American Journal for Evolutionary Science.
Czytałem o nim artykuł w American Journal for Evolutionary Science.

If it wasn't for your dress sense, I'd have thought you were gay.
If it wasn't for your dress sense, pomyślałabym, że jesteś gejem.

It's just a test A game for us to play
It's just a test A game for us to play

Jess, go turn that chicken-ass tenor into a soprano for me.
Jess, go turn that chicken-ass tenor into a soprano for me.

Last year, when you had no one, I was there for you.
Last year, when you had no one, I was there for you.

Nothing but a breeding groundfor tranks, lobos, and zipheads.
Nic prócz żyznej ziemi for tranks, lobos, and zipheads.

Reeves at Crunch. And the finals came in for Love for Sale.
Reeves i Crunch. i ostatnie ujęcie w Love for Sale.

?? We will sing one song For my old Kentucky home
We will sing one song For my old Kentucky home

I'll be a model for a can of green beans.
I'll be a model for a can of green beans.

it's time for you and me to do a little bit of lovin'
It's time for you and me to do a little bit of lovin'

Lots of groovers for you, get drunk, be loud, be really loud!
Lots of groovers for you, napijcie się, bądźcie głośno, naprawdę głośno!

Just for a laugh - Hi!
Just for a laugh - Cześć!

In other words: Road map for two states.
A więc: Road map for two states.