Słownik polsko-angielski

~ krótko obcięte - short-cut hair, hair cut short
~ obcięte na zero - pot. zero haircut

Wordnet polsko-angielski

(a covering for the body (or parts of it) consisting of a dense growth of threadlike structures (as on the human head)
helps to prevent heat loss
"he combed his hair"
"each hair consists of layers of dead keratinized cells")

Wielki słownik medyczny polsko-angielski 2011 r., Anna Słomczewska

hair as a collective word, hairs

ECTACO słownik polsko-angielski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Otwarty słownik polsko-angielski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.
