Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Adam;
adam’s apple - (Noun) jabłko Adama, grdyka;
the old adam - (zła) natura ludzka, grzech pierworodny;
the old adam - (zła) natura ludzka, grzech pierworodny;

Słownik angielsko-polski PARK Copyright: © wersja książkowa słownika dostępna w wydawnictwie PARK

n ~'s apple grdyka
jabłko Adama

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Adam
pierwszy człowiek

Słownik religii angielsko-polski

Adam m pr

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But it's Williams, as the wife of PM "Adam Lang", who steals the show. Brighter than all around her, but bruised as so many have been by the years of collateral damage, she simply grips the screen with her wit, with the way in which her refusal to forgive herself for anything has carapaced into a refusal to extend forgiveness to anyone else; and then with her sudden, shocking vulnerability.
Be honest with the public, pleads the Adam Smith Institute's Eamonn Butler in his recently published 10 proposals to beat the deficit. Who could disagree? But cutting the deficit hurts â?? and so, it seems, does talking truthfully about cuts. All three main parties dissembled about these subjects throughout the general election. Cuts and taxes? Not in front of the voters. The informal conspiracy of silence suited everyone. Over the years, Gordon Brown's paranoia reduced Labour's capacity to debate economic choices to something close to the Chinese Communist party's capacity to debate political freedom. But the Tory party was as bad in its own way. The fear of frightening the voters this spring meant that the right's existential debate about public spending in the era of mounting sovereign debt crisis was never properly resolved before 6 May.
Top tips: Red Dust Road by Jackie Kay, Black Water Rising by Attica Locke, After the Fire, a Still Small Voice by Evie Wyld, The Quickening Maze by Adam Foulds, Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada
Neither Jonathan Dee's The Privileges nor Adam Haslett's Union Atlantic can really be described as works of "credit crunch lit", since both were begun well before the crisis and neither deals with it directly. But they feel very much like novels of the moment. Both earned lavish praise when they appeared in the US: Jonathan Franzen called The Privileges "cunning, seductive" and he pops up on the cover of Union Atlantic, describing it as "the rare novel that is both urgently of its time and fully true to itself". These encomiums are not excessive: The Privileges and Union Atlantic are both beautifully written and artfully plotted.
While avoiding the worst kind of "evil banker" cliches, Union Atlantic leaves its readers in no doubt Doug is a warped character whose career is largely a compensation for his emotional inadequacies. Jonathan Dee puts a similar Alpha-male type at the centre of his novel, but treats him very differently. The Privileges tracks the lives over two decades of Adam and Cynthia Morey, an enviably good-looking couple who marry in their early 20s, settle in Manhattan, have two children and build, thanks to Adam's skills both at conventional banking and insider trading, a staggering fortune. By the end of the novel the family has its own charitable foundation and flies about in a private jet. When Cynthia arrives at a hospice in Florida to visit her dying father, her first instinct is to "just buy the place".
An ability to slough off their pasts, to overcome the limitations of their backgrounds, is also one of the characteristics that defines both Adam and Cynthia. Aided by their wealth, they inoculate themselves from everything they don't like, from burdensome relatives to unwanted press intrusions to their own less-than-happy childhoods. The interesting thing is that Dee doesn't seem to regard this barrier-building as a limitation; on the contrary, you suspect he rather admires it. This gives The Privileges a very different tone to Union Atlantic. While the latter is an examination of the weaknesses that turn someone into an unscrupulous banker, The Privileges is a study in a kind of moral strength. As Dee says, conventional tales about the greedy rich getting their comeuppances are boring. But his book does have a slightly high-handed feel, as if he couldn't quite bring himself to get into the mucky business of deciding what to admire and what to dislike.
"Bradford is the best city in the world and England is the best country in the world and Manningham is the best place in Bradford," said Khadam Hussain, chair of Victor Street mosque. The look of relief on the faces of city councillors, who fight a constant battle against persistent, unhappier images left by the violence of the past, was manifest.
Adam Elfin, from the First Contact Agency, said stars, managers and promoters were overestimating artists' pulling power and overpricing their tickets. "That might be because their fan base is not as strong as they thought it was, the economy, or the fact that they have played recently and people are asking themselves why they should pay that type of price again. If the tickets were a tenner they would sell in a heartbeat â?? there has to be some dynamism on the price."
Adam Elfin, from the First Contact Agency, said stars, managers and promoters were overestimating artists' pulling power and overpricing their tickets. "That might be because their fan base is not as strong as they thought it was, the economy, or the fact that they have played recently and people are asking themselves why they should pay that type of price again. If the tickets were a tenner they would sell in a heartbeat â?? there has to be some dynamism on the price."
Oh, it seems I've been beaten to that one. By Rev (BBC1), which could just as easily have been called The Vicar of Shoreditch. OK, so Dawn French is a she, and Tom Hollander's clearly a he; she was a chocoholic, he's an alcoholic; she dealt with issues faced by a rural community; the Rev Adam Smallbone faces more urban concerns, such as horrid middle-class parents bringing their kids to church so they can get them into better state schools. "On your knees, avoid the fees," as Alexander Armstrong's character, a smarmy MP, puts it.

Adam, I feel like we might need to talk again.
Adam, czuję się jakbyśmy powinni porozmawiać jeszcze raz.

Today we must think of everyone, not just for Adam.
Dzisiaj musimy myśleć o wszystkich, nie tylko o Adamie.

Adam, we need to be able to talk about these things.
Adam, musimy potrafić rozmawiać o tych sprawach.

Adam's asked me to write something about him in the book.
Adam prosił mnie, żebym wspomniał o nim w książce.

Adam just told me you're not the mother of this child.
Adam właśnie mi powiedział, że nie jesteś matką tego dziecka.

Did Adam at my office put you up to this?
Czy Adam cię do tego namówił?

So Adam's the one that shouldn't get to watch television.
Więc to Adam nie powinien oglądać telewizji.

Adam, which you say doesn't do really a lot sense.
Adam, w tym co mówisz nie ma za wiele sensu.

Adam may no longer be here, but his dream still lives in you.
Adama nie ma już wśród nas, ale jego marzenia żyją w tobie.

Adam, it sounds like you got some work to do.
Adam, to znaczy, że masz coś do zrobienia.

There might be some information on here about Adam's machine.
Tutaj mogą jakieś informacje o maszynie Adam'a

Even as we speak, Adam is thinking about your smile.
W tym momencie Adam zapewne myśli o twoim uśmiechu.

Adam, can't you think about anyone but yourself, even for a minute?
Adam, nie możesz przestać myśleć tylko o sobie nawet na minutę?

But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?
Ale Adam, dlaczego nam o tym nigdy nie powiedzieli?

Adam and Eve didn't meet the way we say they did.
Adam i Ewa nie spotkali się w sposób, w jaki zwykło się mówić.

Adam and I were by his side when he passed quietly away.
Adam i ja byliśmy przy nim gdy w spokoju oddał ducha.

Mike and Adam did at least live long enough to complete it.
Mike i Adam dali z siebie wystarczająco, żeby ją ukończyć.

I thought you said Adam was going to be sensitive to her.
Wydawało mi się, że powiedziałeś, że Adam miał być dla niej delikatny.

Adam and Eve would be in a past life, not the next one.
Adam i Ewa żyli w poprzednim życiu, a nie w następnym.

Almost time to wake up, Adam, and take your first look at the world.
Już prawie czas się budzić, Adamie... ...i po raz pierwszy spojrzeć na świat.

Now Adam found a fiber in the cut glass from the window.
Adam znalazł włókno w szkle z tego okna.

Adam can certainly appreciate the benefits of trying someone different.
Adam z pewnością doceni korzyści spróbowania czegoś innego.

There'll be a time when Adam won't need me anymore.
Nadejdzie czas, gdy Adam nie będzie mnie już potrzebował.

In case you'd forgotten,adam wants nothing to do with you.
Na wypadek, gdybyś zapomniała, Adam nie chce mieć z tobą nic do czynienia.

Adam, I need the results from the blood on the first puzzle.
Adam, potrzebuję wyników z krwi na pierwszych puzzlach.

God created Adam with the earth, from clay and water.
Bog stworzyl Adama z ziemi, z gliny i wody.

I am very grateful for everything that Adam has done.
Jestem bardzo wdzięczny za wszystko to, co Adam zrobił.

You got me Adam, that was a pretty good joke.
To był dosyć dobry żart.

I ask for your assistance in returning young Adam to his mother.
Zwracam się z prośbą o pomoc w zwróceniu Adama jego matce.

And for a sensitive child like Adam, it can be especially dangerous.
A dla kogoś tak wrażliwego jak Adam, ten dzień może być niebezpieczny.

I was afraid if you found out Adam did it, you'd kill him.
Bałam się, że jeśli dowiecie się, że Adam to zrobił, to go zabijecie.

Think about this: you don't need a gun to kill Adam.
Pomyśl o tym. Nie potrzebujesz broni, żeby zabić Adama.

Adam, your mum is coming to get you, isn't she?
Twoja mam po ciebie przyjedzie, prawda?

I don't think anybody wants to watch you kiss, Adam.
Wątpię, żeby ktokolwiek chciał oglądać jak się całujesz.

Adam monroe killed my father, and for that he must pay.
Adam Monroe zabił mojego ojca i musi za to zapłacić.

Adam, you wouldn't believe how much honey was out there.
Adam, nie uwierzysz ile tam było miodu.

Adam's been working and helping out since he was a teenager.
Adam pracował i pomagał nam, odkąd był nastolatkiem.

Adam found her at a liquor store looking for a party.
Adam znalazł ją w sklepie z alkoholem, szukała imprezy.

And you're trying to protect her along with your grandson adam.
Próbuje pani chronić ją oraz swojego wnuka, Adama. Nic mu nie jest.

I have to get a new pair of sneakers for Adam.
Muszę wstąpić do galerii, odebrać zamówione szkła kontaktowe, kupić nowe tenisówki dla Adama.

Recovery of the hostile known as Adam is our first and most important job.
Odzyskanie nieprzyjaciela znanego jako Adam to nasze główne i najważniejsze zadanie.

So now, we just have to find Adam's family's crystal.
Więc teraz musimy znaleźć kryształ Adama rodziny.

Adam Lang was and is an old friend of mine.
Adam Lang był i jest moim starym przyjacielem.

Well, they don't call it an Adam's apple for nothing.
Cóż, nie nazywają tego jabłkiem Adama na darmo.

Guy had an Adam's apple the size of my fist!
Koleś miał grdykę wielkości mojej pięści!

Adam says his friends won't come over because my arm scares them.
Adam mówi, że koledzy go nie odwiedzają, bo przeraża ich moja ręka.

Adam, could you go see if there's a few cookies for Sarah and me?
Adam, czy mógłbyś zobaczyć czy znajdzie się parę ciasteczek dla mnie i Sary?

I just wanted to talk to him about Adam.
Chciałam z nim porozmawiać o Adamie.

Who knows what might happen between you and Adam?
Kto wie co się jeszcze wydarzy między Tobą, a Adamem?

Now, maybe you and Adam can be happy together.
Teraz może ty i Adam będziecie szczęśliwi.