im. Agnieszka
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Stobbart's grandmother, Agnes Hornsby, 68, said Moat had a violent temper and had once split open her granddaughter's head when he threw her against a wall. Hornsby said she feared for her own safety. "He's got a grudge against me, because every time he used to hit her, she came here and then she would go back. I always tried to persuade her not to."
The inquest was investigating the deaths of passengers Austen Kark, Emma Knights, Jonael Schickler, Alexander Ogunwusi, Chia Hsin Lin and Chia Chin Wu, and the pedestrian, Agnes Quinlivan.
Bookmakers William Hill installed the names Marnie, Enid or Agnes as favourites for the child's first name. An outside bet? True blue Tories might be tempted by odds of 50/1 against Margaret after the former Conservative leader Lady Thatcher.
Twenty minutes after the expectant mother went into labour, the police were knocking at the door. While mother and child were taken to hospital and treated well, the midwife at the birthing centre was thrown in jail. Dr Agnes Gereb is now being kept in maximum security conditions in a Budapest prison, facing a five-year prison sentence.
When Karen dieted, or "overdieted", Bash explains, there was a rush of attention from the family, especially Agnes. "Karen had never had attention from Agnes before â?? her mother doted exclusively on Richard â?? so she liked it. The experts say that one of the things that seems to drive young girls to overdiet is that they were oftentimes the kids that never got attention. It's a way of getting the love from their family that they never got before."
Under Agnes Carpenter's close watch, Karen slept 14-16 hours a day. "My mother thought I was dead," she told biographer Ray Coleman. "I normally manage on four to six hours. It was obvious that for the past two years I'd been running on nervous energy." Her weight eventually climbed to 7st 6lb.
Karen felt betrayed. Burris had lied to her; he had withheld this information for the duration of their courtship and engagement, knowing full well that starting a family was at the top of Karen's list of priorities. This was a deal breaker. The wedding was off. Karen picked up the phone and called her mother. She cried to Agnes as she explained the deceit that left her with no choice but to cancel the ceremony. But Agnes told her she would do no such thing. Family and friends were travelling from all over the country to attend the event. Moreover, the wedding expenses had already cost what Agnes considered to be a small fortune. "The invitations have gone out. There are reporters and photographers coming. People magazine is going to be there. The wedding is on, and you will walk down that aisle. You made your bed, Karen," she told her. "Now you'll have to lay in it."
Rather than address her daughter, Agnes explained how she preferred to be called Mrs Carpenter. "Well, I'm from the north," she continued. "And we just don't do things that way."
"Agnes couldn't do it," says Itchie Ramone, who discussed the meeting with Karen and Levenkron after the family left. "She couldn't do itâ?? In therapy you're basically stark naked. Then your own mother can't reach out to you? And the way she doted on Richard. Most children would try to dance as fast as they could to make their parents love them, but it was at that point that I think Karen decided it was time to take a step back."
On 16 November Karen visited Steven Levenkron for the last time and presented him with a farewell gift, a framed personal message in needlepoint. The large green-threaded words "you win â?? I gain" served as tangible proof of the long hours Karen had spent alone in the hospital. Learning of her plan to leave, Levenkron reminded Karen she was abandoning the program much too soon, and that treatment takes at least three years. He suggested a therapist in Los Angeles so that she might continue a routine of some sort upon her return home, but she declined. She promised to call him and swore she would not take any more laxatives or diuretics. Agnes and Harold (Karen's father) met up with her at Levenkron's office that day. The couple had flown to New York City to bring their daughter and her 22 pieces of luggage home. It was obvious to most that Karen's treatment was inadequate and ending too soon.
Maybe Agnes could come stay with you for a few days.
Może Agnes będzie mogła zostać z tobą przez kilka dni.
I would try to stop Agnes from going with you.
Jestem zachwycony, że myślisz, że próbowałbym powstrzymać Agnes przed pójściem z tobą.
I was shaken by what we had done to Agnes.
Byłam wstrząśnięta tym, co zrobiliśmy Agnes.
She wanted to prevent Agnes from following in her footsteps.
Nie chciała, by Agnes powtórzyła jej błędy.
Why don't we ask Miss Agnes what wants to do?
Może zapytamy pannę Agnes, co ona chce robić?
Agnes has just asked if she can join us.
Agnes właśnie zapytała czy może do nas dołączyć.
Agnes, every time that I've looked into her eyes, I was thinking of you!
Agnes, za każdym razem, gdy patrzyłem w jej oczy myślałem o tobie!
You didn't have to lie to me about Agnes.
Nie musisz mnie okłamywać w sprawie Agnes.
Agnes and I put the lady on the track.
Agnes i ja położyłyśmy kukłę na torach.
I've got a chance for my own restaurant, Agnes.
Mam szansę na własną restaurację, Agnes.
It can't help Sister Agnes to have this investigation continue.
Siostrze Agnes to śledztwo nie pomoże.
And then one evening, I saw Agnes standing by her window, singing.
Pewnego wieczoru zobaczyłam w oknie Agnes, śpiewała.
Well, I guess you and Agnes had a good talk about that, huh?
Jak sądzę miałyście z Agnes o czym rozmawiać, huh?
I understand Agnes has never felt so well.
Agnes nigdy nie czuła się tak dobrze jak teraz.
Agnes, darling, if such should be we never meet again...
Agnes, kochanie, jeśli tak ma być że się nigdy nie spotkamy więcej,
Could you be a bit more specific, Agnes?
Możesz bardziej szczegółowo, Agnes?
Would you please not talk while I address Agnes?
Mogłabyś łaskawie nie mówić, kiedy zwracam się do Agnes?
Agnes Ann, you were a wild creature, I must say.
Muszę powiedzieć Agnes Ann, że byliśmy wtedy dzicy.
I hate to leave, but Agnes is waiting.
Nie znoszę wychodzić, ale Agnes czeka.
Agnes, go to the door and don't stop.
Agnes, idź do drzwi i nie zatrzymuj się.
Agnes, could you get that guy's order, please?
Agnes, czy możesz przyjąć zamówienie od tego pana?
You must do the same with Agnes.
To samo musisz robić z Agnes.
Agnes, I haven't seen you since first communion.
Agnes, nie widziałem cię od czasu pierwszej komunii!
Agnes, that rhyme is too long for him.
Agnes, ten wiersz jest dla niego za długi.
Agnes is my mother, also your daughter.
Agnes to moja mama a także twoja córka.
The other place Agnes Thurmond bought 21 years ago at a bank auction.
Drugi dom Agnes Thurmond kupiła 21 lat temu na aukcji.
Jessie, Agnes Fletcher's burned down every house she's ever lived in.
Jessie, Agnes Fletcher spaliła każdy dom w, którym mieszkała.
When it comes to Agnes, nobody does.
Przed Agnes nikt nic nie ukryje.
Agnes de Mille is one of the great choreographers in ourhistory.
Agnes de Mille należy do największych choreografów w naszejhistorii
Agnes, don't you think that's a plain old turnip?
Agnes, nie sądzisz że to tylko zwykła stara rzepa?
Agnes, please tell Marea the food is wonderful.
Agnes, proszę powiedz Maree, że jedzenie jest przepyszne.
Why Agnes likes them, for one thing.
Dlaczego Agnes je tak lubi?
I barely want to talk with Agnes.
Ledwo daję radę z nią rozmawiać.
Miss Agnes is not at home, sir.
Panny Agnes nie ma w domu, proszę pana.
I told Agnes you could grow begonias here.
Powiedziałam Agnes, że mogą rosnąć tutaj.
Sister Agnes, please ask who send him!
Siostro Agnes, proszę spytać, kto go przysłał.
According to Agnes, it came this evening.
Agnes pisze, że przyszło to dziś wieczorem.
He'il tell you anything you want to hear, Agnes.
On powie ci cokolwiek chcesz usłyszeć, Agnes.
Agnes, you will remain in our souls.
Agnčs, pozostaniesz w naszych duszach.
And Agnes knows where he hid it.
Agnes wie gdzie ją ukrył.
Agnes, that has to be really secure.
Agnes, to musi być naprawdę bezpieczne.
Three years ago, Agnes opened a safe house in Africa tostop mutilation.
lata temu, Agnes otworzyła schronisko w Afryce, abyzapobiegać okaleczeniom.
Not more dull for me than Agnes.
Nie bardziej niż dla Agnes.
Agnes, who are you going with?
Agnes, z kim idziesz?
And I'm not sure you left Agnes.
Nie jestem pewna, czy zostawiłeś Agness.
Will you ask Agnes to come up, Doady?
Poprosisz Agnes, żeby przyszła do mnie?
Sister Agnes, you be up early.
Siostro Agnes, ty musisz być wcześnie na nogach.
Uh, this is Sister Agnes from the chapel upstairs.
To jest siostra Agnes z kaplicy na górze.
Agnes is so warm and kind.
Agnes jest ciepła i uprzejma.
Agnes wants Karin to come to her.
Agnieszka chce aby Karin przyszła do niej.