Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Aleksander

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

This week, 19-year-old Alexander Guttenplan captained his college on University Challenge. Worshipful Facebook groups for him have sprung up overnight like Portaloos - one links to a letter archived on the Observer site that he wrote to the paper aged 11, furious about proposed changes to the Science Museum. His followers, the Guttenfans, are building support for his appearance in the finals, with 1,200 members of one Facebook group planning viewing parties. The internet's good at getting people to come together, at campaigning. One click and the world changes. Two clicks and it changes back.
But in terms that are hotly contested by Labour and many economists, he says the move was "unavoidable". "The Liberal Democrat manifesto was clear that we aimed to eliminate the deficit solely through spending cuts, only considering further tax rises if necessary on grounds of fairness," Alexander writes.
As a model you quickly come to realise the utter objectivity with which others perceive you. Casting after casting in which one part of your appearance leads to rejection. Two castings in the last year have seen my body fail on exactly the point which won me this job. Both Wrangler jeans and Alexander McQueen's design house thought me too slender for their products (for Wrangler, my ass wasn't big enough).
Oh, it seems I've been beaten to that one. By Rev (BBC1), which could just as easily have been called The Vicar of Shoreditch. OK, so Dawn French is a she, and Tom Hollander's clearly a he; she was a chocoholic, he's an alcoholic; she dealt with issues faced by a rural community; the Rev Adam Smallbone faces more urban concerns, such as horrid middle-class parents bringing their kids to church so they can get them into better state schools. "On your knees, avoid the fees," as Alexander Armstrong's character, a smarmy MP, puts it.
The only departments not included in the Treasury trawl will be health and international development, which have been "ringfenced" for the current parliament. Education and defence will also escape lightly. Alexander has told the education secretary, Michael Gove, and the defence secretary, Liam Fox, to plan for two scenarios â?? cuts to budgets of 10% at best and 20% at worst over four years. All other departments â?? including the Home Office, the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department for Transport â?? have been ordered to produce plans showing the impact of cuts of 25%, and at worst 40%.
Alexander and Osborne briefed the full cabinet at a meeting last Tuesday. They stressed that asking ministers to look at the impact of 40% cuts did not mean they would be hit by such harsh settlements when final details were announced in the comprehensive spending review (CSR) on 20 October. Sources were at pains to point out that Labour had been planning cuts of 20% and that as a result the coalition's settlement would mean more for education, defence and health.
It must have been quite a culture shock for a south London schoolgirl. In the catty world of high fashion, where models and designers were accustomed to smiling prettily while stabbing one another in the back with a judiciously placed stiletto, Campbell's straight talking won her few admirers. The designer Alexander McQueen, who died earlier this year, once said that because Campbell "came from the street, like I do, people can't handle her. They can't handle that sort of aggression." Dylan Jones, the editor of GQ magazine, puts it differently: "Naomi Campbell genuinely kicks up dust, and for that reason people find her fascinating."
The four, Alexander Zaporozhsky, Gennady Vasilenko, Sergei Skripal and Igor Sutyagin, are Russian citizens.
Two others, Alexander Zaporozhsky and Igor Sutyagin, were convicted of spying for the US. The fourth, Gennady Vasilenko, was sentenced to three years on murky charges of illegal weapons possession. Reasons for his involvement in the swap were not immediately clear.
On the Monday, Alexander rang expressing Clegg's fears that the message about leaving had not got home. Then Ashdown called saying Brown staying on was a "deal-breaker".

No white man has ever been there and come out since Alexander.
Żaden biały człowiek nie dotarł tam i nie wrócił od czasu Aleksandra.

Alexander gave this to me before he left to visit your parents.
To od Alexandra. Dał mi to przed wylotem do twoich rodziców.

And Alexander still needs to learn our very first lesson.
A Alexander ciągle musi nauczyć się pierwszej lekcji.

It was the day Alexander had waited for all his life.
Był to dzień, na który Aleksander czekał całe życie.

My brother Alexander was so upset, that we didn't know what to do.
Mój brat Alexander był tak załamany, że nie wiedzieliśmy jak mu pomóc.

Why did Alexander didn't go from that buildings on his horse?
Czemu Aleksander... ...nie odjechał z tych budynków na swym koniu?

Was Alexander throw the water instead to give every soldier a little bit.
Aleksander wylał całą wodę, zamiast dać każdemu żołnierzowi, chociaż trochę.

It was here that Alexander made one of his most mysterious decisions.
To tutaj Aleksander podjął jedną ze swoich najbardziej tajemniczych decyzji.

You know, Alexander was like a son for me.
Alexander był dla mnie jak syn.

But as Alexander's army, they can go where they never thought possible.
Ale z armią Aleksandra, mogą iść, gdzie nigdy nie pomyśleliby, że będą.

To believe when Alexander looked you in the eye, you could do anything.
Wierz mi, że kiedy Aleksander spojrzał ci w oczy byłeś w stanie zrobić wszystko.

Alexander has recovered well enough that I finally have the luxury to write you.
Alexander jest już prawie zdrowy, dzięki czemu mam czas, żeby do Was napisać.

And Alexander, at 25, was now king of all.
A Aleksander, w wieku 25 lat, był królem świata.

From the beginning, Alexander struggled to unify a land without a center.
Od początku Aleksander walczył by zjednoczyć kraj bez centrum.

Alexander and I had a little review this afternoon.
Aleksander i ja mieliśmy małą próbę sił dziś po południu.

Alexander collected treasures from all over the world and stored them in two places.
Aleksander zbierał skarby i trzymał je w dwóch miejscach.

You are not wrong princess, he too is alexander.
Nie mylisz się, księżniczko Stateiro. On również jest Aleksandrem.

And yet others said Alexander truly fell in love.
A jeszcze inni mówili, że Aleksander naprawdę się zakochał.

Who is this woman you call your queen, Alexander?
Kim jest ta kobieta, którą nazywasz swoją królową?

Mr. Alexander,does your dog have to go to the bathroom?
Musi pana pies wyjść do łazienki?

Chairman Alexander has given his wealth to the world.
Przewodniczący Alexander dał swe bogactwo światu.

I'm in constant fear that Alexander will say something to displease him.
Aleksander może powiedzieć coś, co zdenerwuje biskupa.

They say already, philip was a great general, but alexander is simply Great.
Mówią że Filip jest wielkim generałem, ale Aleksander... ...jest po prostu wielki.

Alexander the Great wrote, that his troops attacked them.
Aleksander Wielki udokumentował, jak atakowały jego wojska.

Alexander Revelle set me up in this house to witness the murder.
Alexander Revelle urządził to tak, żebym widział morderstwo.

And they began dive-bombing at the war elephants that were part of Alexander's army.
Zaczęły one bombardować z lotu nurkowego słonie bojowe, które były częścią armii Aleksandra.

If they say you failed, me and Alexander will go yell at the higher-ups!
Jak nie będą chcieli przedłużyć, to ja i Alexander do nich pójdziemy!

So, Alexander Pierce has a new face just as you suspected.
Alexander Pierce ma nową tożsamość. Tak, jak podejrzewałeś.

Alexander, someone is here to talk to you.
ktoś chce z tobą porozmawiać.

She and Alexander are gonna be about the same age.
Ona i Alexander będą mniej więcej w tym samym wieku, więc...

The man you are talking about is called Alexander Pearce.
Mężczyzna, o którym pan mówił, nazywa się Alexander Pearce.

You would do better to desifrujes before Alexander came.
Można to zrobić lepiej de ifruje przed Alexander przyszedł.

Never will there be an Alexander like you.
Nigdy nie będzie drugiego takiego Aleksandra jak ty.

Your name is Alexander Pearce, and you have no rights.
Jesteś Alexander Pearce i nie masz żadnych praw.

Alexander, you look weak when you not accept these honors.
Aleksandrze, wyglądasz na słabego, kiedy nie przyjmujesz tych honorów.

Alexander wants to see you, he discovered something.
Alexander chce pana zobaczyć. Podobno odkrył coś ważnego.

Dr. Alexander, this man has not been a part of academia for three decades.
Doktorze Alexander, ten człowiek nie był naukowcem, przez trzy dekady.

And Alexander was no longer loved by all.
I Aleksander nie był dłużej kochany przez wszystkich.

King lives, Alexander, son of philip, the most destined king.
Król żyje! Aleksander, syn Filipa! Niech bogowie pobłogosławią króla!

My relationship with Alexander is not your concern.
Mój związek z Alexandrem to nie twoja sprawa.

But I understand why now, a king isn't born Alexander,
Wtedy go nienawidziałem, ale teraz go rozumiem. Król się nie rodzi, Aleksandrze.

Alexander is stopped short of the goal line!
Alexander zatrzymany przed tuż przed linią pola punktowego!

Alexander, take him away, back to your time.
Alexandrze, zabierz go do twojego czasu.

Tell Alexander there's nothing to be afraid of.
Powiedz Aleksandrowi, że nie ma się czego bać.

Many will love you, Alexander, but none so pure and deep...
Wielu będzie cię kochało, Aleksandrze, ale nikt tak głęboko.

I've given him a lot of things, Alexander.
Dałem mu bardzo wiele rzeczy, Alexander.

Alexander, Like an old lover they forgive but they will never forget.
Jak dawny kochanek przebaczą, ale nigdy nie zapomną.

I do not believe that Alexander Borkhovin died of a heart attack!
Nie wierzę, że Alexander Borkhovin zmarł na atak serca!

After seven years, people wonder, Who is this King Alexander?
Po 7 latach ludzie się zastanawiają: kim jest ten król Aleksander?

There is a real problem here, as Alexander Radwan has outlined.
Rzeczywiście mamy problem, jak zaznaczył pan poseł Radwan.