Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) historia Aleksandria;

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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

So this is a picture of the Internet Archive at the Library of Alexandria.
To jest zdjęcie archiiwum internetowego w Bibliotece Aleksandryjskiej.


And there the centurion found a ship of Alexandria sailing for Italy; and he put us therein.
A tam setnik znalazłszy okręt Aleksandryjski, który płynął do Włoch, wsadził nas weń.

Jesus Army

The problem was you actually had to go to Alexandria to go to it.
Problemem było jednak to, że trzeba było udać się do Aleksandrii, aby z niej skorzystać.


And this is the opening day at the Library of Alexandria, the new Library of Alexandria, in Egypt.
A to jest dzień otwarcia Biblioteki Aleksandryjskiej, Nowej Biblioteki Aleksandryjskiej w Egipcie.


We are upset about the burning of the Library of Alexandria.
Wzburza nas spalenie Biblioteki Aleksandryjskiej.


The Nobel laureate turned opposition figurehead joined the sit-in in Alexandria over the case of a man allegedly killed by plainclothes policemen.
ElBaradei and a group of other prominent opposition figureheads â?? including former presidential candidate Ayman Nour, who was jailed after his unsuccessful attempt to unseat Mubarak in 2005 â?? arrived in Alexandria earlier to meet Said's family. After Friday prayers, the protesters congregated at a mosque where they were met by a huge contingent of riot police.
So I couldn't help wondering if the occasional burger and bottle of red had actually been my undoing. But Richard Hull, consultant rheumatologist at Queen Alexandria hospital in Portsmouth, says not. "If my patients take their medication properly, I don't put too much emphasis on their eating habits," he says.
Of course, we will never really know what life was like within the House of Wisdom. But it is well established and uncontroversial that the much earlier academy in Alexandria was likewise more than just a library, for it not only brought together under one roof much of the world's accumulated knowledge, but acted as a magnet for many of the world's greatest thinkers and scholars. The patronage of the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty, which provided travel, lodging and stipends to those men, is not so different from the government research grants that university academics worldwide receive today to carry out their research.
Of course, we will never really know what life was like within the House of Wisdom. But it is well established and uncontroversial that the much earlier academy in Alexandria was likewise more than just a library, for it not only brought together under one roof much of the world's accumulated knowledge, but acted as a magnet for many of the world's greatest thinkers and scholars. The patronage of the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty, which provided travel, lodging and stipends to those men, is not so different from the government research grants that university academics worldwide receive today to carry out their research.
In December 1788, the astronomer royal, Dr Nevil Maskelyne FRS, wrote effusively to 38-year-old Caroline Herschel congratulating her on being the "first women in the history of the world" to discover not one, but two new comets. No woman since renowned Greek mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria had had such an impact on the sciences. Her celebrity would, as the director of the Paris Observatory, Pierre M?©chain, noted, "shine down through the ages".
But as more than 50,000 polling stations open today, allegations of police torture are disrupting the government's carefully constructed narrative of a nation on the brink of democratic reform. "These are the stories our regime does not want you to hear," says Ahmed Nassar, a lawyer who has represented victims of police abuse and tried unsuccessfully to get his name on this year's parliamentary ballot paper. "On the streets of Alexandria these days, brutality counts for more than the law."
The Observer has collected testimony from several people in Alexandria alleging that they have been tortured by officers from Sidi Gabr over the past five months. Some, such as 30-year-old science lecturer Mohamed Tarek, are active dissidents. Others, such as Mohamed Ibrahim, have nothing to do with politics and were seemingly plucked off the street at random.

Up until 1971 in Alexandria, there was no race mixing.
Do 1971 roku w Alexandrii nie mieszano ras.

You know, in Alexandria they cut off the hand that steals.
Wiesz, w Aleksandrii obcinają rękę, która kradnie. Nie, proszę.

The problem was you actually had to go to Alexandria to goto it.
Problemem było jednak to, że trzeba było udać się doAleksandrii, aby z niej skorzystać.

I love weddings and I've always wanted to visit Alexandria.
I love wesela i zawsze chciałem iść do Aleksandrii.

When this is all over, there will be no more Jews in Alexandria.
Kiedy to się skończy, w Aleksandrii nie będzie już Żydów.

That happens when you grow up in Alexandria, Virginia.
Tak już jest, gdy dorastasz w Aleksandrii, w Wirginii.

My wife in Alexandria is with child.
Moja żona jest w ciąży.

More and more, I think it will be Alexandria.
Coraz częściej myślę, że będzie to Aleksandria.

Witness is in a club called Fever, Sixth and Alexandria.
Šwiadek jest w klubie fever na szóstej i alexandrii.

When will we get to Alexandria, to Cairo?
Kiedy dotrzemy do Aleksandrii? Do Kairu?

Alexandria, get away from that ice.
Alexandria, odejdź od tego lodu.

Alexandria is a big city, yes?
Aleksandria to duże miasto, prawda?

It's my little library of Alexandria.
To moja mała Biblioteka Aleksandryjska.

Alexandria, no licking the ice today?
Alexandria, nie liżesz dzisiaj lodu?

Well, my car overheated on the Alexandria bridge...
Mój samochód się przegrzał na moście Alexandrii...

Tell me, Alexandria, do you read English?
Powiedz mi, Alexandria, czytasz po angielsku?

Submarine Project Alexandria can reach an Evora to 22.
Łódź podwodna Projektu Alexandria może osiągnąć do 22 węzłów.

Cairo and Alexandria must be defended.
Musimy bronić Kairu i Aleksandrii.

Hence forth, in Alexandria only Christian and Jewish worship shall be permitted.
Odtąd w Aleksandrii dozwolone będą jedynie wyznania żydowskie i chrześcijańskie.

Scrolls from the library at Alexandria.
Zwoje z biblioteki w Aleksandrii.

Within this framework, we condemn all the recent attacks in both Alexandria and elsewhere and express our condolences for the victims' families.
W tym kontekście potępiamy wszelkie niedawne ataki zarówno w Aleksandrii, jak i w innych miejscach, a także składamy kondolencje rodzinom ofiar.

I'm in possession of a biological weapon interdicted at the Port of Alexandria.
Jestem w posiadaniu broni biologicznej, zabranej z portu Alexandria.

My daddy coached in Alexandria.
Mój tata był trenerem w Alexandrii.

Then it is still your intention-- -To remain in Alexandria.
Czyli decydujesz się. . . - Zostaję w Aleksandrii.

Colonel, welcome aboard the Alexandria.
Pułkownik, powitaj na pokładzie Aleksandrię.

I'm code six on Alexandria Circle.
Jestem na Alexandria Circle.

Sixth and Alexandria. Move it.
Skrzyżowanie szóstej i Alexandria, jedziemy.

Respond to 4556 Alexandria Circle, Apartment 7.
Udaj się do 4556 Alexandria Circle, Apartment 7.

Alexandria, Beirut, lstanbul. How they loved me.
Aleksandria, Bejrut, Istambuł... jak oni mnie kochali.

Why not Athens, Rome or Alexandria?.
Czemu nie Ateny, Rzym czy Aleksandria?

The attacks against Christians in recent months are a tragedy for the many victims, particularly in Baghdad and Alexandria, but also for their co-religionists.
Ataki na chrześcijan, które miały miejsce w ostatnich miesiącach były tragiczne w skutkach dla licznych ofiar, szczególnie w Bagdadzie i Aleksandrii, ale również dla ich współwyznawców.

Kamal Abdel Azim of the Alexandria Police Orchestra.
Kamal Abdel Azim z Aleksandryjskiej Orkiestry Policyjnej.

They were a splinter group... ...back when the Library wasin Alexandria in ancient times.
Oni byli odłamem grupy... ...w czasach, kiedy Biblioteka mieściła się w starożytnej Aleksandrii.

In addition, I would like to express my thanks to Mrs Ashton for her reaction to the situation of Christians in Alexandria.
Jednocześnie chciałbym też podkreślić swoje podziękowania dla pani Catherine Ashton za reakcję w sprawie chrześcijan w Aleksandrii.

As I said, it is Tewfiq Zakaria from the Alexandria Ceremonial Orchestra, we have...
Tak jak już mówiłem, mówi Tewfiq Zakaria z Aleksandryjskiej Orkiestry Ceremonialnej, właśnie...

I know Denise Harris is not from Alexandria because Denise Harris does not exist.
Wiem, że Denise Harris nie pochodzi z Alexandrii, bo Denise Harris nie istnieje.

When I look at Baghdad and Alexandria, however, I see that they are merely gross expressions of a life that exists under the surface in many countries.
Kiedy jednak patrzę na Bagdad i Aleksandrię, widzę rażący obraz życia toczącego się pod powierzchnią w wielu krajach.

Mr President, Baroness Ashton, ladies and gentlemen, the massacres inflicted on the Coptic Christians in Alexandria provoked international outrage.
Panie Przewodniczący, Pani Baronesso Ashton, Panie i Panowie! Ataki na chrześcijan koptyjskich w Aleksandrii wywołały międzynarodowe oburzenie.

This is Jacksons Aunt Fern Thornton... ...from Alexandria.
To ciotka Jacksona, Fern Thornton... z Alexandrii.

(NL) Mr President, when I look at the situation in Baghdad and Alexandria, I get the feeling that we have gone back in time 500 years.
(NL) Panie Przewodniczący! Kiedy patrzę na sytuację w Bagdadzie i Aleksandrii odnoszę wrażenie, że cofnęliśmy się w czasie o 500 lat.

In fact, it is well known that innocent lives have recently been lost in bloody attacks against Christian communities in Nigeria, Alexandria, the Philippines, Iraq and Syria.
W rzeczywistości powszechnie wiadomo, że niedawno w krwawych atakach na chrześcijańskie społeczności w Nigerii, Aleksandrii, na Filipinach, w Iraku i w Syrii stracili życie niewinni ludzie.

Mr President, Mrs Ashton, I should like to start by thanking Mrs Ashton for responding so rapidly to events in Alexandria.
Panie Przewodniczący, Pani Wysoka Przedstawiciel Ashton! Chciałbym zacząć od podziękowań dla Wysokiej Przedstawiciel Unii do Spraw Zagranicznych i Polityki Bezpieczeństwa za bardzo szybką reakcję na to, co się stało w Aleksandrii.

One of the most recent outbursts of anti-Christian violence was in Alexandria at New Year when 25 people were killed and 80 injured in the bombing of a church.
Jednym z ostatnich przejawów przemocy wobec chrześcijan był przeprowadzony w Nowy Rok w Aleksandrii atak bombowy na kościół, w wyniku którego zginęło 25 osób a 80 zostało rannych.

This is about real equality of opportunity because it should be as easy to build a Christian church in Alexandria or Ankara as it is to build a mosque in Brussels.
Chodzi o prawdziwą równość szans, ponieważ wybudowanie chrześcijańskiego kościoła w Aleksandrii lub Ankarze powinno być tak proste, jak wybudowanie meczetu w Brukseli.

on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. - (CS) Ladies and gentlemen, when the library in Alexandria burned down during Caesar's invasion of Egypt, a substantial part of all the literature written by mankind at that stage disappeared forever.
w imieniu grupy GUE/NGL. - (CS) Panie i panowie! Kiedy biblioteka aleksandryjska spłonęła podczas inwazji Juliusza Cezara na Egipt, znaczna część literatury stworzonej przez człowieka do tego czasu bezpowrotnie zniknęła.