Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
No one should be surprised. Americans may not endorse serial infidelity as a hobby but they love a winner more than anything else. Woods is seeking some sort of a fresh start from the mess he has at home and he is smart enough to know that what he needs most of all is to win if he is to take a big step forward.When war veteran Timothy McVeigh bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, the US was stunned. Why did Americans like him hate their country? And, as the rightwing militias rise again, what lessons does that fateful day hold?The Alfred P Murrah building in Oklahoma City was bombed at 9.01 in the morning, as a normal working day on the Great Plains was getting under way â?? not by Islamic fundamentalists plotting in Afghan caves, but by a paramilitary unit of Americans who called themselves "patriots", led by a former serviceman and 1991 Gulf war veteran, Timothy McVeigh. McVeigh was executed in 2001, and his principal accomplice, Terry Nichols, is serving life.The fact that the 168 deaths at Oklahoma were the result of Americans killing Americans in the name of America has made the incident in some ways harder for the nation to process than 9/11 and the less complicated enemy, al-Qaida. "It made a terrible difference that this was homegrown terrorism," says Almon-Kok. "It left you with nothing to trust or believe in, apart from my faith that this city did everything it could in the aftermath, and that we have a legal system which, for the most part, works. But that doesn't answer why fellow Americans wanted to come killing our kids."And that's what happened on our first night at Camp Blessing, the battalion headquarters in the Pech River valley in eastern Afghanistan. We were inside the TOC â?? the tactical operations centre, which is like a big, classified PlayStation. The landscape comes to life on a movie screen by way of Google Earth and Predator drone video feeds. The Americans zeroed in on a few bad guys firing mortars from a roof. One soldier joked that we were about to get our first glimpse of Kill TV. The screen flashed, bright static, as a 500lb bomb hit the roof. The mortar stopped. So did the men. It was a snuff film. They call it pred porn."Pull out his eyes, apologise; apologise, pull out his eyes". The old, taunting rhyme bounced in my head as I looked into the eyes of an Afghan woman lying limp and frightened on a hospital bed down the valley in Kunar's capital. Attached to her was a nursing child. The bomb had landed on her house, killing her husband. Her eyes moved behind me, seemed to tour the room; then, seeing no salvation, they lost focus. There were other wounded women in the beds. One had lost her husband a year ago in a feud, and now her teenage son had been killed in the bombing. She was asking the doctor, me, anyone who'd listen, "Who will take care of me?" The doctor translated for them and then pursued me down the hall, urging me to tell the Americans to please stop bombing their villages. "It's too much, it's too much," he said. He was young, with a creased, tired face and was craning his head to catch up with me. "Please tell them," he said. "They might listen to you. They won't listen to us."I went to the showers, peeled off the clothes I hadn't taken off in six days, and disappeared under the patter of warm water. I cried for the hundredth time. I thought of the doctor. I never did deliver his message. I could see that as long as the soldiers were there, the Korengalis would keep shooting from the villages and the Americans would keep bombing them. The only thing I could do was write about it."We are seeing a sense of disarray with several voices speaking at the same time," said Clara O'Donnell of the Centre for European Reform. "But even if the EU is keen to help, the Israelis do not consider it reliable enough. There is not much Europe can do until the Americans move."WikiLeaks' response to the news that the Americans are trying to track down Assange came on Twitter. "Any signs of unacceptable behaviour by the Pentagon or its agents towards this press will be viewed dimly," it said.Harris doesn't think addicts should have children, and her charity is using cash incentives to make sure they don't. In the 12 years since Project Prevention launched in the US, she has paid 1,307 people $300 to be sterilised, and given money to many more in exchange for long-term contraception. In total, Harris has bought the fertility of more than 3,000 Americans with drug and alcohol problems â?? only 47 of them men. Now she's turning her attention to Britain.
The Americans began to new line of defense and energy.
Amerykanie zaczęli grę w nowym ustawieniu i z wielkim zapałem.
Perhaps you can show us how the Americans do it.
Możesz nam pokazać jak robią to Amerykanie.
He's one of nearly 50 million Americans with no health insurance.
Sabat1970Korekta: omickal Jest jednym z 50 milionów Amerykanów bez ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego.
However, the big question is: how are the Americans going to do that?
Jednak zasadnicze pytanie brzmi: jak Ameryka to zrobi?
The truth is that the Americans have not put forward anything so far.
Prawdą jest, że póki co Amerykanie niczego nie zaproponowali.
What number between 1 and 33 choose as many Americans?
Jaki numer najczęściej wybierają amerykanie z przedziału pomiędzy 1 a 33 ?
He says that the Americans should hit them if they come too close.
Mówi, że Amerykanie powinni ich walnąć, jeśli podejdą za blisko.
We, as Americans, decided that of course women should have the right to vote.
My, Amerykanie, zdecydowaliśmy... ... że kobiety powinny mieć prawu do głosowania.
I neither have the energy or the will to fight the Americans.
Nie mam ani środków, ani ochoty walczyć z Amerykanami.
Because you people and 62 million other Americans are listening to me right now.
Bo wy ludzie i 62 miliony innych Amerykanów... słuchają mnie właśnie teraz.
I hope this means that the Americans will give us a good hearing.
Mam nadzieję, że oznacza to, że Amerykanie nas wysłuchają.
What are the Americans and other major powers doing today?
Co robią dziś Amerykanie i inne główne mocarstwa?
My sister said the Americans could get us across the border.
Moja siostra mówi, że Amerykanie przerzucą nas przez granicę.
First thing on a list of what Americans hate: work.
To pozycja numer jeden na liście znienawidzonych przez Amerykanów rzeczy: praca.
I know this is hard for you Americans to imagine, but please try.
Wiem, że trudno wam sobie to wyobrazić ale proszę sprobujcie.
Americans out there who need and want to lose weight.
Amerykanie tam kto potrzebuje i chce zgubić wagę.
I'm only the guy that has to explain it to 150 million Americans.
Jestem tylko facetem, który wyjaśnia to 150 milionom Amerykanów.
I don't say that you Americans win, but we lose.
Nie mówię, że Amerykanie wygrali, ale że my przegraliśmy.
The Americans seems to operate under different rules from us.
Amerykanie zdają się kierować innymi zasadami niż my tutaj, w Europie.
The Americans have shown a very open attitude so far.
Jak dotąd Amerykanie wykazują bardzo otwarte podejście.
The Americans have special little prisons for children like you.
A11merykanie mają specjalne więzienia dla dzieci takich jak ty.
But of course you Americans are known to be fighters.
Ale wy Amerykanki, jesteście znane z waleczności.
Americans think they've got the answers for everything, including marriage.
Amerykanie myślą, że znają odpowiedź na wszystko, łącznie z małżeństwem.
Tell the general the Americans are learning how to retreat.
Powiedz generałowi, że Amerykanie uczą się odwrotu.
The Americans also had the best of intentions when they first created their system.
Amerykanie mieli oczywiście jak najlepsze intencje kiedy tworzyli ten system.
How can we persuade the Americans to take new steps?
W jaki sposób możemy przekonać Amerykanów do podjęcia nowych działań?
We have a great deal to be thankful for as Americans tonight.
Mamy wielką transakcję, za którą powinniśmy być wdzięczni, jako Amerykanie.'
I hoped one day that all Americans would have the same opportunity.
Miałem nadzieję, że pewnego dnia... wszyscy Amerykanie będą mieli taką okazję.
Will we be able to match the increased efforts of the Americans or not, and under what conditions?
Czy będziemy w stanie dorównać zwiększonemu wysiłkowi Amerykanów, i na jakich warunkach?
The Americans are bringing a large number of government politicians.
Amerykanie sprowadzą tu kilku swoich polityków.
Each and every goddamn one of them first or second generation Americans.
Każdy z tych agentów to Amerykanin pierwszej, bądź drugiej generacji.
We did not shoot at two Americans in the desert.
Nie strzelaliśmy do dwóch Amerykanów na pustyni.
A few weeks ago, two Americans were murdered right outside that hotel.
Kilka tygodni temu dwaj Amerykanie zamordowany tuż przed hotelem.
We need not hide from the Americans in this regard.
W tej sprawie nie musimy chować się przed Amerykanami.
Do the Americans want to observe the same balance when it comes to security and human rights?
Czy Amerykanie planują zachowywać się tak samo w kwestiach bezpieczeństwa i praw człowieka?
In the space of six months, nearly half a million Americans have had to file for personal bankruptcy.
Na przestrzeni sześciu miesięcy prawie pół miliona Amerykanów musiało zgłosić osobiste bankructwo.
That means every day, roughly 7,000 average Americans wake up for the last time.
Oznacza to, że każdego dnia, około 7.000 Amerykanów budzi się po raz ostatni.
Americans buy ideas that represent who they want to be, not the product.
Amerykanie kupują pomysły, które odzwierciedlają to kim chcieliby być, a nie produkty.
Others are discussing their own approach to missile defence with the Americans.
Inne omawiają wspólnie z Amerykanami własne podejście do obrony rakietowej.
We, in our own and their interests, must have the capacity to engage without the Americans.
Musimy - we własnym i ich interesie - mieć zdolność zaangażowania się bez udziału Amerykanów.
Americans are always happy to drill holes in other people's countries.
Amerykanie zawsze chcą wiercić dziury w innych krajach.
Is it true that 45 million Americans are not insured?
Czy to prawda, że 45 milionów Amerykanów nie jest ubezpieczona?
Did you know that only 20% of Americans have passports?
Wiedziałaś, że tylko 20% amerykanów posiada paszport?
After all, where would we be now without Americans?
W końcu, gdzie bylibyśmy teraz bez Amerykanów?
Our only chance is if we are with Americans.
Naszą jedyną szansą jest być z Amerykanami.
From here on, we work together as free Americans.
Od teraz, będziemy pracować wspólnie jako wolni Amerykanie.
Like americans, whatever is in the way of oil.
Tak jak Amerykanie, cokolwiek stoi na drodze do ropy.
Know how quick the Americans can shoot a fake film?
Wiesz jak szybko Amerykanie mogą nakręcić fałszywy film?
We are now being kindly invited by the Americans to pay a share.
Ostatnio amerykanie zwrócili się do nas z prośbą o wniesienie wkładu.
Americans are coming closer to the need to reinforce the welfare system.
Również w kwestii konieczności wzmocnienia systemu opieki społecznej Amerykanie zbliżają się do nas.