im. Andrzej
Andrzej m pr
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
If quitting Twitter and ditching the iPhone was relatively easy, Facebook made it as hard as possible, tugging on all the virtual heartstrings they could dredge up from their data. Having selected "deactivate account" from my settings, I was faced with a gallery of family and friends who I was told would miss me. Fortunately, as someone had tagged the contents of a barbecue grill with my friends' names, this was less of an emotional strain than was intended ("Andrew will miss you," pleaded a photo of a forlorn and slightly singed chicken drumstick). To alleviate my worries, I was given a final reminder: "Remember, you can reactivate at any timeâ??" But by then the deed was done.In an office overlooking reconstructions of ironworks, a coal mine and lime kilns, museum director Andrew Lovett takes a philosophical view of the region's changing face and what it means for its workers. "Here we have to tell the story warts and all, and not pretend that everyone skipped to work. It's folly to think hard industrial work is easy," he says.Andrew Sparrow with all today's political news â?? including David Cameron in Afghanistan, Nick Clegg in Spain, and details of Frank Field's poverty reviewShe went to the private girls' school Roedean and hated it. Yes, she knew she was privileged, but not in the way most of the other girls were. "I was a really pretentious teenager," she says, embarrassed. In what way? Well, there were times when she would listen only to music by brass bands, and she preferred painting and playing music to socialising. And? "I was quite into my politics. I didn't really want to be in a posh school, I didn't want to be posh â?? that was a lot to do with it. Yes, I had these high-profile parents, and Dad had a house in Chelsea, but it's not like I grew up enormously wealthy. My dad's done theatre all his life. He's not even done an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, for God's sake! My mum has no understanding of the class system in England and is totally American culturally. My upbringing wasn't hanging out on the Kings Road and having friends called Paloma and Fifi. So I didn't entirely relate to that." She speaks in a strangely neutral non-accent, impossible to place â?? not unlike Kate Winslet. She says she has been self-sufficient from a young age. "I've not been reliant on my parents. I was very independent. I think I had to be in a lot of respects."Andrew Neilson, assistant director of the Howard League, said that McNab's comments helped to shine new light on the reasons why former service personnel end up in prison.â?? Patients are less likely to die in the bigger, busier hospital units where surgical teams are more skilled because they do more of the operations. The results strongly suggest that smaller units should close. This presents a major challenge to the health secretary, Andrew Lansley, who has stopped all hospital reorganisation.Brigadier Andrew MacLennan, commander of British troops in the Derry region at the time, made it clear he was concerned about the decision to bring in the para "shock troops". He specifically ordered the paras not to get "sucked into the Bogside". His orders, those of the most senior British army commander with experience of Derry and its problems, were ignored. MacLennan was caught in a pincer movement by Ford and Wilford leading to a bloody battle that was to lead to hundreds of more deaths in the decades ahead.Justice Secretary: 'Inquiry has been a disaster'The inquiry has been a "disaster in terms of time and expense", the justice secretary Kenneth Clarke said yesterday. The Â?190m Saville Report will be published tomorrow, more than 12 years after hearings started. Mr Clarke said the inquiry, led by Lord Saville of Newdigate, had got "ludicrously out of hand" and he was "anxiously considering" how other inquiries should be held. Clarke, a QC, told Sky News: "There's no doubt that the kind of sums we spend â?? have vastly exceeded anything we would have contemplated when I was in practice. Really, you have to go back to the beginning and say 'Why is it costing so much more than it used to? Why is it costing so much more than any other country? What do you need to spend money on?' And Saville as an inquiry has been a disaster in terms of time and expense." PAThe British death toll since operations in Afghanistan began in 2001 stands at 296. The MoD yesterday confirmed the death of Lance Corporal Andrew Breeze, 31 from B (Malta) Company, 1st Battalion The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire). He was killed on Saturday after an explosion in southern Afghanistan.But the behaviour of Andrew Lansley and David Cameron in "saving" every hospital or unit everywhere in the pre-election period has beaten all records for opportunism. Labour has built scores of new hospitals, refurbished many, installed state of the art specialist units â?? especially for stroke, cancer and cardiology â?? with increasingly good results to show for it. How do you build new centres without removing some of the less good old units?Yet I read that Professor Tim Congdon, Mark Littlewood of the Institute of Economic Affairs, and Andrew Lilico of Policy Exchange are lined up as hawks, while David Blanchflower, Paul Krugman and Geoffrey Harcourt are doves. This is just six of them. Nobody dares bang their heads together, because they say no economists can ever agree.
Andrew here knows us well, but I was sent off to learn.
Andrzej tutaj zna nas dobrze, Mnie wysłali abym się uczył.
Andrew, you're in no state to help anyone right now.
Andrew, teraz nie jesteś w stanie nikomu pomóc.
It's just for a couple of weeks until Andrew gets better.
To tylko na kilka tygodni, aż Andrew nie wyzdrowieje.
So you wanted to do it, but not to get back at Andrew?
A więc chciałaś to zrobić, ale nie wspominając o tym Andrew?
Wait, the part that doesn't make any sense is Andrew?
Częścią, która nie ma sensu jest Andrew?
Doesn't he deserve to know what Andrew did to his mother?
Nie zasługuje na to, by znać prawdę?
Andrew has been with me since I launched the company.
Andrew był ze mną odkąd założyłam firmę.
You don't think that Andrew had - something to do with this?
Nie myślisz, że Andrew miał z tym wspólnego.
Your words to me were a great comfort after Andrew's death.
Twoje słowa bardzo mi pomogły po śmierci Andrew.
Not to Andrew, when the only thing that matters to me is you?
Nie do Andrew, kiedy jedyną rzeczą na której mi zaleźy jesteś ty?
As a favor to me, consider meeting andrew and giving him a chance?
Czy mogłabyś, jako przysługę dla mnie, rozważyć spotkanie z Andrew i danie mu szansy?
Andrew. Promise me work harder to be a part of this family.
Andrew, obiecaj, że będziesz się starał być częścią tej rodziny.
Andrew, please. you were there. alex started the whole thing.
Andrew, proszę. Byłeś tam. Alex to wszystko zaczął.
John would been better, but Andrew was an apostle also.
John byłby lepszy, ale w końcu Andrzej też był apostołem.
Pete ain't been right since his brother Andrew came back dead from the war.
Pete nie miał racji, od kiedy jego brat Andrew wrócił martwy z wojny.
Andrew, I want you to find out the truth.
Andrew, chcę, żebyś dowiedział się prawdy.
You really think that would've made brother Andrew happy?
Naprawdę myślisz, że mój brat Andrew byłby zadowolony?
Look, we had nothing to do with Thomas and Andrew.
Nie mieliśmy nic wspólnego z Thomas'em i Andrew.
Like the boating accident that killed your late husband, Andrew.
Tak, jak zginął w wypadku twój nieodżałowany mąż Andrew?
Why won't you just tell me what happened, Andrew?
Dlaczego nie chcesz mi powiedzieć, co się stało?
Andrew's problem is he can't decide if he's a scientist or a priest.
Problem Andrew jest taki, że on sam nie wie, czy jest księdzem, czy naukowcem.
Andrew... you will not speak that way about your father in front of me.
Andrew... nie będziesz mówił w taki sposób o twoim ojcu, przy mnie.
So we've got you running from the scene of andrew goode's murder.
Tak więc uciekałeś z miejsca morderstwa Andrew Goode'a.
Andrew, what do we have to do to get rid of you?
Co mamy zrobić aby pozbyć się ciebie?
Andrew, your father and I are separated, and you know it.
Andrew, twój ojciec i ja jesteśmy w sepracji i wiesz o tym.
For andrew to commute five hours to his job.
Dla Andrew aby dojeżdżać 5 godzin do pracy
The theme of my first place was early american beanbag. well, it's all andrew.
Motywem mojego pierwszego mieszkania były wczesnoamerykańskie poduchy do siedzenia. To wszystko dzięki Andrew.
We are from different worlds, you and me, Andrew.
Pochodzimy z różnych światów. Ty i ja, Andrew.
Andrew knows the language, can talk to it, maybe give it commands.
Andrew zna język. Może mógłby z nią porozmawiać, może nawet jej rozkazywać.
Oh, you know, Andrew, this is a nice, big cleaver right here.
Wiesz co, Andrew, jest tu ładny i duży tasak.
So,andrew,we miss you around here, but I bet you love having your own place.
Ale założę się, że podoba ci się posiadanie własnego mieszkania.
You know, Andrew Klein was me when we were younger.
Wiesz, Andrew Klein był taki jak ja, gdy byliśmy młodsi.
But I think it's there, Andrew, in its own way.
Ale na swój sposób to wszystko tam jest.
Andrew Johnson was a tailor and he became president.
Andrew Johnson był krawcem, a został prezydentem.
Andrew, the cornerstone of their faith is the Church, not a crying statue.
Andrew, Kościół jest fundamentem ich wiary, a nie jakaś płacząca statua.
Andrew needs to bond, get comfortable to really havea conversation.
Andrew musi się przywiązać, czuć przy kimś bezpiecznie, żeby naprawdę porozmawiać.
Dave moved in with Andrew, who was himself in desperate need of help.
Dave zamieszkał u Andrew, który sam rozpaczliwie potrzebował pomocy.
We have Andrew saying that it's systematic physical abuse.
Mamy słowa Andrew, który mówi o systematycznym fizycznym znęcaniu.
Just Andrew and friends exploring the remote corners of the world on skis.
Tylko Andrew zwiedzający z przyjaciółmi na nartach odległe zakątki świata.
Andrew Klein was once your close friend and mentor.
Andrew Klein był swego czasu twoim bliskim przyjacielem i mentorem.
So what does Andrew Jenkins know about these new crimes?
Co Andrew Jenkins wie o tych nowych zbrodniach?
Andrew and I have to kill a girl.
Andrew i ja musimy zabić dziewczynę.
No wonder he didn't stick around last time we met. Andrew Powers?
Nic dziwnego, że nie został z nami, kiedy widzieliśmy się ostatni raz. Andrew Powers?
I know Andrew's been so happy these days.
Wiem, ze w te dni Andrew był taki szczęśliwy, czuję jakbym
Andrew, and where you worked in the capital?
Andriej, a gdzie pan pracował w stolicy?
As you can surmise, I had my brother Andrew's help.
Jak się domyślasz, pomógł mi mój brat Andrew.
Perhaps so. Meanwhile, Andrew can brief me on the details.
W międzyczasie, Andrew może mnie wprowadzić w szczegóły.
One of those cases is my own constituent Andrew Symeou.
Jeden z takich przypadków dotyczy mojego wyborcy Andrew Symeou.
Andrew Jackson back there was quite a shot.
Andrew Jackson z powrotem był całkiem strzał.
Listen, andrew klein is a good agent with good clients.
Andrew Klein jest dobrym agentem z dobrymi klientami.