Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) angloamerykański, angielsko-amerykański;

(Noun) Angloamerykanin, Angloamerykanka;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Of all the European countries outside the Anglo-American axis of rock music, prewar Yugoslavia produced arguably the best. Bands such as Azra, Bijelo Dugme ("White Button") and Zabranjeno Pu??enje ("No Smoking") played to higher standards than most, say, French or German groups. So it made sense for the veterans of the 60s Yugoslav radical movement to establish a wartime radio station to broadcast rock music and discussion as a form of resistance in Sarajevo after 1992. Radio Sarajevo Zid ("Radio Sarajevo Wall") was at the core of this subversion, founded by Zdravko Grebo, who also wrote its manifesto, the most articulate statement of resistance to the genocide (far more so than any political speech, for sure). "Zid in Sarajevo has started a media project that is primarily a mission of spiritual and cultural renewal... The political attitude will be the attitude of common sense, of social sagacity based on the European idea of rationalism and urban mentality. Last but not least, that spirit is trying to preserve a sense of humour." It was my honour to be given, once, an hour on air with Radio Zid; I played Jimi Hendrix's "Star Spangled Banner", twisting into "Purple Haze", then a dirge, performed at Woodstock.
The spill is the worst in US history, causing economic and environmental disaster in five states along the gulf coast and threatening to sour Anglo-American relations.
RMc: Who knows how the Booker jury operated this time? It's interesting to speculate. Each year one hears some judge or other protest his/her devout belief in "literary merit", but the smell of many shortlists is too often of compromise, cowardice and crowd-pleasing. And to introduce an old note of dissent, the real problem with Booker in an age of global fiction based on the Anglo-American tradition is its absurd omission of American writing. This looked odd when the prize was set up in 1969. Now it seems bonkers.
Since 2000, the Anglo-American book business has been rocked by seismic convulsions. Google has digitised some 10 million titles. Barnes and Noble is for sale. Borders, bankrupt in the UK, clings on in the US. Here, Waterstone's parent company, HMV, wants to sell. Amazon's market share continues to soar. Asda, Tesco and the supermarket chains are said to be draining the life out of independent bookselling. In the US, it's claimed that ebooks are now outselling many hardbacks. By the end of 2010, 10.3 million Americans are expected to own e-readers, buying an estimated 100m ebooks (up from 3.7m e-readers and 30m ebook sales in 2009).
In all this, it scarcely needs saying, it has been the writing which has been the star. This autumn Bafta is offering a series of lectures in London by screenwriters which also seems poignantly timed. They come at a moment when the English-language publication of Fran?§ois Truffaut's last interview finds him regretting the dismal consequences of trying to turn regular film directors into auteurs. The intention of the nouvelle vague, he said, had been "more personal films", but the results were films which were, in fact, "more than personal: they became narcissistic". Gradually, Truffaut said, he had himself returned "to a narrative tradition based more on observation and synthesis than subjectivity and self-exploration". The lessons painfully learned by Truffaut in 20 years still haven't been absorbed by the Anglo-American cinema in 60. Mad Men has auteurs, all right. They're the boys and girls who write it.

This test is, however, a prerequisite for study at most Anglo-American universities.
A test ten jest wymagany, aby studiować na większości angloamerykańskich uniwersytetów.

Mr President, in the Anglo-American world, the primary purpose of the law is to protect people from random arrest and arbitrary imprisonment.
Panie Przewodniczący! W świecie angloamerykańskim prawo ma przede wszystkim za zadanie chronić obywateli przed przypadkowym aresztowaniem i arbitralnym pozbawieniem wolności.

It's the Anglo-American New World Order.
Jest to anglo-amerykański Nowy Porządek Świata.

There are clear indications that the new platforms for Anglo-American, French or Spanish music are open platforms.
Istnieją jasne wskazania, że nowe platformy muzyki anglo-amerykańskiej, francuskiej czy hiszpańskiej to platformy otwarte.

After the Anglo-American military invasion in Iraq, the Iranians who live there in exile got a guarantee of protection from Iran.
Po brytyjsko-amerykańskiej inwazji zbrojnej na Irak, Irańczycy, którzy przebywali na wygnaniu w tych krajach uzyskali gwarancję ochrony przed Iranem.