Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) atlantycki;
the atlantic - (Noun) Ocean Atlantycki, Atlantyk;
atlantic pact - Pakt Północnoatlantycki;
atlantic waters - wody Atlantyku;
atlantic island - wyspa na Atlantyku;
atlantic island - wyspa na Atlantyku;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.



Wojskowy słownik angielsko-polski Copyright by Wydawnictwo HaraldG (aut. Tadeusz J. Grzebieniowski)

adj at-lantycki
s Atlantyk

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Atlantyk
adj. atlantycki

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

adj. atlantycki; geogr. Ocean Atlantycki; Atlantyk

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

We, as a Union, need to send a strong signal to the other side of the Atlantic.
My jako Unia koniecznie musimy przesłać silny sygnał na drugą stronę Atlantyku.


We have the undisputed potential due to weather and location in the Atlantic.
Bezsprzecznie dysponujemy potencjałem dzięki pogodzie i położeniu na Atlantyku.


Someone stuffs some explosives into their underwear and flies over the Atlantic.
Ktoś wkłada trochę materiałów wybuchowych pod bieliznę i leci przez Atlantyk.


Spain becomes the sixteenth member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).
Hiszpania zostaje szesnastym członkiem Organizacji Paktu Pólnocnoatlantyckiego (NATO).


The problem of digitalisation is too important to be decided only across the Atlantic.
Problem digitalizacji jest zbyt doniosły, żeby go rozstrzygać tylko za oceanem.


Once upon a time, sounds were attached to places. Rock'n'roll travelled the Atlantic and docked at Liverpool, giving birth to Merseybeat. Manchester married raving and rock music, and spawned Madchester. Grunge formed under Seattle's gloomy skies and then took over the world. The local scene â?? the notion of several bands and musicians from the same area appropriating a similar style of records â?? would begin with friends listening to the same music and forming bands that would play in the same clubs, before record labels, DJs and writers would take note, at which point a city's bands would find themselves the centre of worldwide attention.
Within every comparable category or type of book on Iraq and Afghanistan the Americans do it better than their British counterparts. On either side of the Atlantic the books by journalists are, naturally, better than those by the people they are writing about. It is clear from Generation Kill that Lieutenant Nathaniel Fick is a remarkable officer and human being. In his partial autobiography, One Bullet Away, however, Fick is not able to impose his authorial personality on his version of the story from which he emerges with so much credit in Wright's account. Similarly, Desperate Glory â?? British journalist Sam Kiley's Jungeresque account of his time in Helmand with Britain's 16 Air Assault Brigade â?? is a better piece of writing than The Junior Officer's Reading Club, former soldier Patrick Hennessy's memoir of his tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is inevitable; we don't expect Wright and Kiley to be able to shoot more accurately or march further in full equipment than Fick or Hennessy. But once we start comparing like with like â?? soldier with soldier, journo with journo â?? the Americans come out unambiguously ahead.
But to suggest there is international consensus is way wide of the mark. Across the Atlantic there is, in some quarters, dismay that EU governments are now taking action in direct contradiction to the approach that the G20 settled upon at the height of the global economic crisis.
Out of crisis comes damage, but also opportunity. This is the opportunity to make a decisive turn in the road towards a post-oil economy: for the US, and for the world. But it needs politicians on both sides of the Atlantic to say it with gusto, rather than spend their time attacking BP. We cannot stop our reliance on oil and gas tomorrow. They are an essential bridge to our energy future. But the question is whether they are a bridge or a stopping point. Sadly for the US, before President Obama, it seemed like a stopping point.
Stowe's journeys by sea have never been straightforward. He once sailed in the Atlantic for 197 days, tracing a course in the shape of a turtle. His current journey included the rough outline of a whale off South America.
It has not been an easy trip. After just 15 days at sea, Anne was hit by a freighter in the Atlantic and damaged so badly she drifted for a month. His sails were torn rounding Cape Horn and he even capsized once. His computer died several months ago, leaving him with just a satellite phone for contact with the outside world.
Neither Jonathan Dee's The Privileges nor Adam Haslett's Union Atlantic can really be described as works of "credit crunch lit", since both were begun well before the crisis and neither deals with it directly. But they feel very much like novels of the moment. Both earned lavish praise when they appeared in the US: Jonathan Franzen called The Privileges "cunning, seductive" and he pops up on the cover of Union Atlantic, describing it as "the rare novel that is both urgently of its time and fully true to itself". These encomiums are not excessive: The Privileges and Union Atlantic are both beautifully written and artfully plotted.
Of the two, Union Atlantic is the more conventional, in that it is the sort of big picture, multi-character novel that we are accustomed to American authors producing â?? the kind of work Franzen himself might have written. At its centre is Doug Fanning, a former naval officer who, after quitting the service in the late 1980s (he was heavily decorated despite having been responsible for blowing up an Iranian passenger jet), pursues a stratospherically successful career at Union Atlantic, a Boston bank. When he joined, Union Atlantic made most of its money from "checking accounts to the public". But as head of its Department of Special Plans, Doug has spearheaded a rapid drive into casino banking, turning Union Atlantic into one of the four largest financial companies in the country. Exploiting the new climate of deregulation, Doug employs various not-quite-legal methods, including creating a holding company whose sole purpose is to facilitate "lending across the house", from the company's commercial to its investment arm. "This wasn't illegal, strictly speaking, but the lawyers and auditors knew enough to keep the details in the footnotes," Haslett writes. Doug isn't a Bernie Madoff, then, but he isn't far from being a Jeff Skilling.
While avoiding the worst kind of "evil banker" cliches, Union Atlantic leaves its readers in no doubt Doug is a warped character whose career is largely a compensation for his emotional inadequacies. Jonathan Dee puts a similar Alpha-male type at the centre of his novel, but treats him very differently. The Privileges tracks the lives over two decades of Adam and Cynthia Morey, an enviably good-looking couple who marry in their early 20s, settle in Manhattan, have two children and build, thanks to Adam's skills both at conventional banking and insider trading, a staggering fortune. By the end of the novel the family has its own charitable foundation and flies about in a private jet. When Cynthia arrives at a hospice in Florida to visit her dying father, her first instinct is to "just buy the place".
Both these novels venture interestingly into unfamiliar (for fiction anyway) territory and their writers are to be admired for their chutzpah. Of the two, The Privileges is in many ways the more sophisticated, and certainly more literary, work. Dee, who is in his late 40s, is an accomplished writer with four well-received novels behind him; Haslett is 39 and has only previously published a short story collection. Union Atlantic sometimes feels rough around the edges, while Dee is undoubtedly a master of his craft. But precisely because Haslett is unafraid, if not to condemn, then at least to arrive at some kind of judgment on his characters, Union Atlantic is, for my money, the more satisfying book.

To break out into the Atlantic will not be easy, sir.
Przebicie się na Atlantyk nie będzie łatwe, sir.

High expectations were created on both sides of the Atlantic.
Po obu stronach Atlantyku powstały wysokie oczekiwania.

They come from all over the Atlantic to this, their only colony.
Przybywają z nad całego Atlantyku do jej, jedynej ich kolonii.

Greece's mirror image on the other side of the Atlantic.
lustrzane odbicie Grecji po drugiej stronie Atlantyku.

There will be three rooms reserved for us at the Atlantic.
W hotelu Atlantic czekają zarezerwowane dla nas trzy pokoje.

The Atlantic region is particularly important for fishing, transport and energy.
Region atlantycki jest szczególnie ważny dla rybołówstwa, transportu i energetyki.

A guy comes out of the Atlantic, chooses their boat to die on?
Facet wychodzi z Atlantyku, wybiera ich łódź, żeby na niej umrzeć?

We're here to promote economic ties with countries beyond our Atlantic region.
Przyjechaliśmy, by promować ekonomiczne więzi przed krajami spoza naszego regionu.

This cannot be done without good cooperation with our allies from across the Atlantic.
Nie da się tego zrobić bez dobrej współpracy z sojusznikami z drugiej strony Atlantyku.

This is one obvious area where we can cooperate with our friends across the Atlantic.
To oczywista dziedzina współpracy z naszymi przyjaciółmi zza Atlantyku.

The problem of digitalisation is too important to be decided only across the Atlantic.
Problem digitalizacji jest zbyt doniosły, żeby go rozstrzygać tylko za oceanem.

I just stood there, looking out at the Atlantic.
Po prostu stałem tam i gapiłem się na Atlantyk.

No one must have exclusive rights to exploit Atlantic fish resources.
Nikomu nie może przysługiwać wyłączne prawo do eksploatacji zasobów rybnych Atlantyku.

We're in Atlantic City and my time's not up yet.
Jesteśmy w Atlantic City a mój czas się jeszcze nie skończył.

Or Atlantic City, if you do not like to fly.
Albo do Atlantic City, jeśli nie lubisz latać.

Why don't we go to Atlantic City and open a house account?
Mam lepszy pomysł. Pojedziemy do Atlantic City i wybierzemy wszystko z konta.

No clipper could have crossed the Atlantic in a day.
Żadna poczta nie przekroczy Atlantyku w jeden dzień

But in the middle of the North Atlantic they get a bit more complex.
Lecz na środku Północnego Atlantyku to trochę bardziej skomplikowane.

National parliaments have done the same thing on both sides of the Atlantic.
Parlamenty narodowe postąpiły podobnie po obu stronach Atlantyku.

But, Atlantic has done pretty good money-wise on my records, haven't they?
Ale Atlantic dobrze zarobił na moich płytach, tak?

The orbiter went down over the Atlantic, and her body was never recovered.
Statek wpadł do Atlantyku, a jej ciała nigdy nie odnaleziono.

You're the one who insisted we go to Atlantic City.
To ty nalegałeś na wyjazd do Atlantic City.

He got pushed out of a hotel window in Atlantic City.
Wypchnięto go z okna pokoju hotelowego w Atlantic City.

We're in atlantic city, i had to lock him in a room.
Kiedy byliśmy w Atlantic City, musiałem go zamknąć w pokoju.

The house in Atlantic City is not as lavish, of course.
Oczywiście dom w Atlantic City nie jest tak bogaty.

However, all is not a bed of roses on the other side of the Atlantic.
Jednakże po drugiej stronie Atlantyku życie nie jest usłane różami.

We, as a Union, need to send a strong signal to the other side of the Atlantic.
My jako Unia koniecznie musimy przesłać silny sygnał na drugą stronę Atlantyku.

We have the undisputed potential due to weather and location in the Atlantic.
Bezsprzecznie dysponujemy potencjałem dzięki pogodzie i położeniu na Atlantyku.

Any strategy for the Atlantic must comply with the provisions of the common fisheries policy.
Każda strategia dla Atlantyku musi być zgodna z postanowieniami wspólnej polityki rybołówstwa.

You have any proof that you were in atlantic city yesterday?
Masz jakiś dowód na to, że byłeś wczoraj w Atlantic City?

Your husband encourages you to fly across the Atlantic.
Twój mąż zachęca cię do latania przez Atlantyk.

Jim said a friend of yours got killed outside your hotel in Atlantic City.
Jim mówił, że twój przyjaciel został zabity w Atlantic City.

Both sides of the Atlantic are interested in strengthening our cooperation with regard to development.
Po obu stronach Atlantyku istnieje zainteresowanie zacieśnieniem naszej współpracy w dziedzinie rozwoju.

We know that the cause of this is some financial instability coming from the other side of the Atlantic.
Wiemy, że powodem tego jest pewna niestabilność finansowa po drugiej stronie Atlantyku.

The bus leaves from the hotel for Atlantic City tomorrow morning at 10:30.
Autobus do Atlantic City odjeżdża jutro o 10.30 rano spod hotelu.

Something happened to me last night in Atlantic City.
Coś przydarzyło mi się wczoraj w Atlantic City.

My wife give it to me in Atlantic City.
Moja żona dała mi ją w Atlantic City.

The turmoil started across the Atlantic, but has affected our cities, towns and villages.
Kryzys zaczął się za oceanem, ale wpływa na nasze miasta, miasteczka i wioski.

Protectionist elements on both sides of the Atlantic need to be resisted.
Należy stawić opór protekcjonistycznym elementom po obu stronach Atlantyku.

In general it is clear that we have completely different concepts of security here and on the other side of the Atlantic.
To jasne, że tutaj mamy zupełnie inne poglądy na temat bezpieczeństwa, niż po drugiej stronie Atlantyku.

Atlantic City was built to help people forget.
Atlantic City zostało zbudowane, by pomóc ludziom zapomnieć.

Whitney, remember when we did that gig in Atlantic City?
Whitney, pamiętasz jak mieliśmy występ w Atlantic City?

But I thought Atlantic City wasn't the best place for you right now.
Ale myślałam, że Atlantic City nie jest w tej chwili najlepszym miejscem dla ciebie.

Atlantic City and all that goes with it.
Atlantic City i całą resztę.

You know, my office got the strangest fax tonight from Atlantic sun cruises.
Moje biuro dostało dzisiaj przedziwny faks z rejsu Atlantic Sun.

This is a time when definite results are expected in our transatlantic relations, on both sides of the Atlantic.
Teraz nadszedł czas, gdy po obu stronach Atlantyku powinny pojawić się konkretne wyniki naszych dotychczasowych działań transatlantyckich.

Saucer heading in low over the Atlantic, coming in fast.
Spodek na małej wysokości nad Atlantykiem, zbliża się szybko.

Recent years, however, have also entailed a rift between civil societies on either side of the Atlantic.
W ostatnich latach doszło jednak również do rozdźwięku pomiędzy społeczeństwami obywatelskimi po obu stronach Atlantyku.

I'm a special Agent with the bureau of internal revenue in Atlantic county.
Jestem agentem specjalnym Biura Urzędu Podatkowego w hrabstwie Atlantic.

I have to take her shopping, to her friends, to Atlantic City.
Muszę zabierać ją na zakupy, do przyjaciół, do Atlantic City.