Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) pieczony;
baked vegetables - jarzyny zapiekane;
home-baked - domowego wypieku;
baked fish - ryba zapiekana;
baked fish - ryba zapiekana;

Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski




ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

adj. spieczony

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

As he walks through the 14 aisles of the vast supermarket, he waves towards the shelves full of food and says: "I pass everything by because of my budget." He buys some discounted sliced bread, four tins of tuna chunks, four small tins of baked beans, and a litre of milk. He doesn't own a tin opener, but a nearby cafe owner usually agrees to lend him one, and he eats whatever he buys cold.
As he walks through the 14 aisles of the vast supermarket, he waves towards the shelves full of food and says: "I pass everything by because of my budget." He buys some discounted sliced bread, four tins of tuna chunks, four small tins of baked beans, and a litre of milk. He doesn't own a tin opener, but a nearby cafe owner usually agrees to lend him one, and he eats whatever he buys cold.
"Coffee should be as black as hell, as strong as death and as sweet as love," runs the famous Turkish proverb, painted on one wall. My flat white certainly has a complexity of flavour that puts the high street chains to shame. Popular with yummy mummies and young professionals, this long, quirkily decorated "coffee house and canteen" is, perhaps, a touch smarter than that title suggests, but the food - which, from lunch onwards, centres on ciabattas, salads and a selection of interesting stone-baked flat bread 'pizzas' - is good value. A breakfast dish of eggs Florentine (Â?6.50) is well rendered, the perfectly poached eggs perched on sweetish muffins and slathered in a creditable lemony Hollandaise.
Fresh and traditionally baked still-warm bagels filled with good things. What's not to like? Well, OK, a New York connoisseur might perhaps pooh-pooh the salt beef on the Guardian's sample bagel, but said meat, like the other components (tomato, red onion, horseradish mayo, on a lightly onion-flavoured bagel), has decent flavour, and it all combines well. For Â?3.25, it is money well spent. The "pizza" bagels, incidentally, halved and thickly topped with cheese and pepperoni (Â?1.85), look like the kind of guilty, filthy food that a man could get addicted to.
The table in his farm shop was laden with platters of sliced saucisson and jambon, blood sausage and chorizo. There were terrines of pig's ear, tongue, and pots of pork p??t?© with baskets of freshly baked bread. The little bowl of cherries in vinegar and the plate of tomatoes with tiny gherkins seemed hopelessly outflanked.
Other dishes Blumenthal might consider for Waitrose: the thrice-baked chips. How convenient they'd be frozen. The snail porridge: it's old but nobody else makes this stuff. The homemade sherbet dibdab: genius. Something featuring dry ice. Tuesday evenings would fly by.
In late July Stockholm was a postcard of relaxed health and vigorous prosperity. Along the spotless avenues and in the city's many green spaces, the kind of people who look as if they have escaped from a yoghurt advert took the opportunity to laze in the sunshine. The southern archipelago lightly baked under cloudless skies. Surrounded by inlets of deep blue water, the Swedish capital seemed to sparkle with a crystalline sense of benevolent purpose.
"There are several reasons why Greggs has done so well," says Malcolm Pinkerton, senior analyst with retail research company Verdict. "They have shifted to fresh food and their prices are low. They focus heavily on lunchtime 'meal deals' [a sandwich, drink and packet of crisps for Â?2.99, 2m of which have been sold in the first half of the year], and getting morning trade. Promoting freshly baked bread and handmade sandwiches means their quality perception is on the rise." It attracts a wide range of people, "from professionals on a budget who might be switching down from Pret a Manger or EAT", says Pinkerton, to manual workers getting a morning "mansnack" â?? as steak bakes and its like are known â?? to older people and young families. Pinkerton says that among its core customer base, "people feel affection for the brand. Their sausage rolls are famous, for example."
It's certainly braver to risk alienating your audience with a bleak ending, but it's a risk that pays off time and time again. Hilary Swank probably wouldn't have won that Oscar if her character in Million Dollar Baby fully recovered in the final scene. David Fincher would currently be out of work if, during the final scene of Seven, Brad Pitt opened the box to discover a fresh batch of delicious fairy cakes that Kevin Spacey had baked for him by way of an apology. Don't Look Now would have been a gigantic flop if Donald Sutherland, having run himself ragged across Venice looking for his daughter, had caught up with the stabby dwarf, shouted "Kiss me, you fool", and taken her on a lovely all-expenses trip around the Mediterranean.
Some read Olney for his uncompromising style alone. His sentences are longer than a prize pike; his salads are "composed", not tossed. Others like the way he pairs every dish with a wine. But it's his menus that really slay you. Olney lived alone, but he was a generous host, and his friends must have considered themselves truly lucky. Imagine a friend who cooked you sorrel soup, followed by frito misto, pheasant salmis with ceps, and an orange jelly. Or crayfish mousse, ravioli of chicken breast, roast leg of venison and moulded coffee custard. Or, perhaps best of all, cucumber salad, baked lobster, braised and roasted partridge, and fresh figs with raspberry cream. With this raspberry cream, we quietly rest our case. Rachel Cooke

No, because seven men baked to death and nobody knows why.
Nie, bo siedmiu mężczyzn upiekło się na śmierć i nikt nie wie dlaczego.

He didn't even ask you to bring the baked beans.
Nawet nie kazał Ci wziąć ze sobą pieczony groch.

Mom gave me a piece of bread she baked herself.
Kiedy byłem mały, mama dawała mi kawałek chleba upieczonego przez nią własnoręcznie.

It can be done, if you like cold baked beans.
To można zrobić, jeśli lubi pan zimną fasolę.

All that actually happened is I baked one small cake.
Właściwie, wszystko, co tu się stało, to tyle, że piekłam jedno małe ciasto.

But me, I think you're one very large baked potato.
Ale ja uważam, że jesteś jednym wielkim pieczonym kartoflem.

I'm way too baked to drive to the devil's house.
Jestem za bardzo zjarany, żeby jechać do domu diabła.

You are a piece of mud baked in that fire!
A ty jesteś kawałkiem szlamu upieczonym w tym ogniu!

My mom baked them and I thought it would be a nice gesture.
Moja mama je upiekła i pomyślałem, że to byłby miły gest.

Good thing our bags are full of baked beans, then.
Dobrze więc, że nasze bagaże są pełne pieczonej fasoli.

I baked them today with my one good arm.
Upiekłam je dzisiaj. Z jednym zdrowym ramieniem.

Of course, it will be much stiffer after it's baked.
Oczywiście, będzie bardziej sztywny po upieczeniu.

Usually, he cooks it in the oven with baked potatoes.
Zwykle piecze go w piekarniku z pieczonymi ziemniakami.

We just don't want cookies you baked for Grant.
Po prostu nie chce ciasteczek Ci pieczone Grant.

Turk, could you please pass me the salt for my baked potato.
Turk, mógłbyś mi podać sól do ziemnia...

All right, a couple steaks then - With baked patoes.
Dobra. W takim razie dwa steki. Z pieczonymi ziemniakami.

And what would you think of roast goose stuffed with baked apples?
A co myślisz o gęsi z rusztu nadziewanej pieczonymi jabłkami?

The good, Christian people of Majestic like to get baked.
Dobrzy chrześcijanie z Majestic lubią się zjarać.

Oh, and you want to know who really baked that lemon meringue pie?
I czy chcecie wiedzieć, kto naprawdę upiekł to cytrynowe ciasto bezowe?

Now, she baked them specially, so watch your teeth.
Upiekła je specjalnie dla was. Uważajcie na zęby.

Hey, look there's a baked Alaska from last night.
Patrzcie. Baked Alaska z wczorajszego wieczoru.

Before you say anything, these are baked potato chips.
Zanim cokolwiek powiecie, to chipsy ziemniaczane.

I baked this humble pie in the fervent hope that we could be friends.
Upiekłam to skromnie ciasto z zagorzałą nadzieją że, możemy zostać przyjaciółkami.

My wife Barb baked these cookies for your family.
Moja żona Barb upiekła te ciasteczka dla pańskiej rodziny.

I don't know, but it smells like baked ass.
Nie wiem, ale to śmierdzi jak smażony tyłek.

No one ever baked any bread in them.
Nikt nawet nie piekł im tam chleba.

They had tons of drugs and a baked potato bar...
Mieli mnóstwo tabletek i bar z pieczonymi ziemniakami ...

I baked you this new neighbor cake, but events have rendered it obsolete.
Upiekłam Ci ciasto: nowy sąsiad, ale pewne wydarzenia spowodowały że jest już przestarzałe.

So this year, I baked myself a cake.
Więc tego roku, sama sobie upiekłam tort.

Really good buns, by the way. - I baked them.
Bardzo ładnie buns, a propo - Sam je piekłem.

I want to see this bladder you baked.
Chcę zobaczyć ten pęcherz. Tak.

Monica baked it, I was the kitchen boy.
Monika piekła, ja byłem pomocnikiem.

We would have cookies, if I'd baked them.
Jadłyśmy ciastka, jeśli je upiekłam.

My missus baked it up special for you.
Moja pani upiekła je specjalnie dla ciebie.

Moon baked a fresh batch just for you.
Moon zrobił świeże specjalnie dla ciebie.

I think Carmen baked a cake for you.
Myślę że Carmen piecze ciasto dla Ciebie.

Oh, I don't know. It's baked with nutmeg or something.
No, nie wiem... jest duże... z gałką muszkatołową, czy czymś podobnym.

Lurch, was she in there before you baked?
Była tam, nim zacząłeś piec?

When Daisy's baked the cake and I'm pleased with it.
Kiedy Daisy upiecze ciasto, a ja będę zadowolona.

I baked a dozen for you and a dozen for me.
Zrobiłam tuzin dla ciebie i tuzin dla mnie.

Loves the smell of freshly baked rhubarb pie and isn't afraid to love.
Jest zachwycony. Uwielbia zapach świeżo upieczonego placka z rabarbarem i nie boi się kochać.

So, you had the baked beans, a glass of coke...
Więc, Miałeś pieczoną fasolę, szklankę coli...

I never did it with baked goods.
Ale nigdy nie robiłem tego z ciastem...

And go easy on the baked beans.
I nie jedz za dużo pieczonej fasoli.

I have a jones for your baked ziti.
Mam chętkę na twoje zapiekane ziti.

You can put your baked goods up your anus.
Możesz wsadzić sobie te wypieki w odbyt.

It goes nicely with cake and pie and all your basic baked goods.
To idzie ładnie z tort i ciasto, a wszystkie podstawowe pieczywo.

I never baked any kind of cake.
Nigdy nie piekłem żadnego ciasta.

My heart's as full as a baked potato.
Me serce wezbrało jak pieczony ziemniak

For my birthday, my Mum baked a cake and Dad gave me a camera.
Na urodziny mama upiekła mi ciasto, a tato dał aparat.