(Noun) geografia Baltimore;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The administration recently arrested an army official for leaking classified documents to the website WikiLeaks, charged a former National Security Agency official with leaking information about NSA mismanagement to the Baltimore Sun, and renewed an investigation into who leaked classified information to New York Times reporter James Risen for one of his books.It seems a natural progression for Riseborough to have been cast as Wallis Simpson, the Baltimore divorcee who prompted Britain's 1936 abdication crisis, in the forthcoming biopic W.E. The part was originally intended for Up In the Air actress Vera Farmiga, but she became pregnant and Riseborough stepped in. Bizarrely, the movie is being directed by Madonna. Did the iconic pop star turn up to the first day of filming brandishing a conical bra? "She's wonderful," Riseborough answers, diplomatically attempting to raise the tone. "I think we were just very complicit about how we felt about Wallis Simpson and what she was like behind closed doors. She [Madonna] had researched the hind legs off it."Job A career officer in the Baltimore Police Department.Leadership Rawls's seemingly unbending disposition and fantastically profane language means that most of those who work for him follow him through fear rather than love. Furthermore, although Rawls can see that there are systemic problems in the way Baltimore is policed he is unwilling to do anything about them, preferring instead to concentrate on statistical performance.
I was up in Baltimore about eight years ago, on a case.
Osiem lat temu brałem udział w sprawie w Baltimore.
Worked with a lot of guys like this in Baltimore.
Pracowałem z takimi jak on w Baltimore.
He must go to Baltimore to ask his parents for money tomorrow.
Dlatego musi jutro pojechać do rodziców do Baltimore.
She's trying to push me to move out to baltimore.
Próbuje mnie namówić na przeprowadzkę do Baltimore.
I grew up a block away from him in Baltimore.
Dorastałam przecznicę dalej od niego, w Baltimore.
You will not destroy an evening Baltimore looks forward to each year.
Nie zniszczy pan wieczoru, na który całe Baltimore czeka co roku.
And she already had one husband, a professional pool player in Baltimore.
W ogóle miała już jednego męża, zawodowego gracza bilardowego w Baltimore.
They've got us tied up at a civilian dock in Baltimore.
Związali nas w tym cywilnym porcie w Baltimore.
Well, what happened in Baltimore will not happen here.
No cóż, co stało się w Baltimore, nie stanie się tutaj.
Why can't this wait until we get to Baltimore?
Dlaczego to nie może poczekać aż dotrzemy do Baltimore?
The ship housing this program was exploded on a Baltimore dock.
Statek ten eksplodował w dokach w Baltimore.
Seems to be lots of things dropping in on Baltimore lately.
Wydaje się, że ostatnio dużo rzeczy spada w Baltimore.
I have a brother in Baltimore, says he can find me work there
Mam brata w Baltimore, mówił, że może mi tam znaleźć pracę.
He gives out loans at a massage shop in the west side of Baltimore.
Daje pożyczki w salonie masażu w zachodniej części Baltimore.
I'm not the one that just got out of that hospital in Baltimore.
Nie jestem tym, który właśnie dostał z tego szpitala w Baltimore.
He wants me to take his car and his client to Baltimore.
Daje mi samochód i chce, żebym wziął jego klienta do Baltimore.
Saved my life, along with the good people of Baltimore General.
Ocalił mi życie, wraz z dobrymi ludźmi z Baltimore General.
I was a police chief in both Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Byłem komendantem policji w Baltimore i Filadelfii.
Somebody from the Baltimore must've taken a picture with their phone and sold it
Ktoś z lokalnej policji musiał zrobić zdjęcie telefonem i sprzedać je
I'm not sure what the weather's like in Baltimore.
Nie jestem pewna jaka pogoda jest w Baltimore.
A 34-year-old black male shot dead in West Baltimore grocery.
Czarny, 34 letni mężczyzna zastrzelony w sklepie w Zachodnim Baltimore.
And you knew about his troubles at his first Baltimore firm?
I wiedziała pani o jego kłopotach w jego pierwszej firmie w Baltimore?
In Baltimore, dope and coke sell themselves, but the money that come back?
Hera i koka,sprzedaje się sama w Baltimore, tylko co zrobić z forsą ze sprzedaży?
But they came all the way from baltimore.
Ale oni przyjechali aż z Baltimore.
Well, when did your family move to baltimore?
Kiedy twoja rodzina przeniosła się do Baltimore?
Last known location is a hotel in downtown Baltimore.
Ostatnia lokalizacja to hotel w centrum Baltimore.
I worked transit detail in Baltimore for two years.
Pracowałem w wydziale tranzytu w Baltimore przez dwa lata.
You think I agreed to help you because of Baltimore?
Myślisz, że zgodziłem się pomóc ci, z powodu Baltimore?
The traced the breast implant to a Baltimore plastic surgeon.
namierzało implanty piersci u chirurga plastycznego w Baltimore.
I remember when I gave this to him, back in Baltimore.
Pamiętam, dałem mu to w Baltimore.
In this car I can get us to Baltimore in 40 minutes.
Tym samochodem dojedziemy do Baltimore za 40 minut.
I told him we'd be in Baltimore if we won New York.
Powiedziałam mu, że będziemy w Baltimore, jeśli wygramy w Nowym Jorku.
His name is Charlie, and he lives in Baltimore.
Charlie. I mieszka w Baltimore.
You were teIling me the truth back in Baltimore, sir.
W Baltimore mówił mi pan prawdę.
The angel suicides in baltimore, And the birmingham bridge collapse.
Samobójstwa Angelów w Baltimore i zapadnięcie się mostu w Birmingham?
Technically, most of the something happened after Baltimore.
Technicznie, większość czegoś, stało się po przyjeździe z Baltimore.
His father, who lives in Baltimore, notified police after receiving...
Jego ojciec, który mieszka w Baltimore, zawiadomił policję, gdyż mimo licznych...
A buddy at Baltimore just sent this over.
Kumpel z policji w Baltimore właśnie je przysłał.
I wasted enough time doing that in Baltimore!
Wiele czasu traciłam na to w Baltimore!
I mean, Baltimore has the highest rate of blacks killing blacks in the country.
Mam na myśli, Baltimore ma największy wskaźnik czarnych zabijających czarnych w kraju.
The mall attack in Baltimore is even worse.
W Baltimore jest jeszcze gorzej.
I usually go home to Baltimore for Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Jeżdżę do Baltimore na Boże Narodzenie i Święto Dziękczynienia.
I just got some news from Baltimore.
Dostałem wieści z Baltimore.
Until then, I want every street in Baltimore manned.
Do tego czasu każda ulica w Baltimore ma być obstawiona.
She can have Baltimore. I'm fine with my lovely little summer place...
Może sobie mieć dom w Baltimour, mi jest dobrze w moim małym letnim domku.
That was the advertisement in a Baltimore newspaper.
Tak brzmiało ogłoszenie w gazecie w Baltimore.
Born in 1974, served three years for robbing a convenience store in Baltimore.
Urodzony w 1974, odsiedział trzy lata za napad na sklep spożywczy w Baltimore.
He died in Baltimore three weeks ago.
Zmarł w Baltimore trzy tegodnie temu.
Baltimore simply taught me who I am.
Baltimore po prostu nauczyło mnie, kim jestem.