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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Spain has witnessed racist attacks against immigrants in Barcelona and Madrid.
W Hiszpanii doszło do rasistowskich ataków na imigrantów w Barcelonie i Madrycie.


The secretariat, which will be located in Barcelona, will promote the projects.
Sekretariat, który będzie zlokalizowany w Barcelonie, będzie promotorem tych projektów.


However, we must recognise that the Barcelona Process has not in itself been a success.
Musimy jednak przyznać, że proces barceloński nie okazał się sam w sobie sukcesem.


We also have the working group meetings and the Barcelona Summit in ten days' time.
Poza tym za dziesięć dni odbędą się spotkania w grupach roboczych i szczyt w Barcelonie.


In this respect, achieving the Barcelona goals is especially important.
Pod tym względem szczególnie ważne jest osiągnięcie celów barcelońskich.


A majority of the quarter of a million people who walk past the flower stalls and street painters on the bustling boulevard every day are no longer from Barcelona itself. With a 15% surge in visitors expected this year, the problem of overcrowding can only grow.
The Barcelona protesters appear to be emulating a group of New York performance artists, Improv Everywhere, who recently pretended to be city officials and painted lanes on Fifth Avenue, filming the reaction of locals. New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, called the initiative "cute", but warned that many people in the city lived off tourism. "Maybe someone liked that and thought they should transmit the same message in Barcelona," said Escarp.
Astiazar??n also claimed that Spain have found a successful blend of youth and experience. "In the national team we have this with, say, Pedro, [who is 22], Jes??s Navas [the 24-year-old midfielder] and [Carles] Puyol." The 32-year-old Barcelona defender's goal against Germany, of course, took Spain to their first World Cup final.
Bason said Primark's move into Spain was going well. The low-price fashion market â?? which began in earnest in the UK a decade ago â?? was now gaining momentum on the continent, he said. "The value clothing market in Spain is far smaller than it is here." Primark recently opened a shop in Barcelona and plans another two branches, in Castell??n and Elche, before the summer's end.
As Spain basks in the glory of its first World Cup win, novelist Don Boyd picks his best buildings, festivals and watering holes in sexy, seductive Barcelona - where seven of the team play
Barcelona is a sexy, seductive city. Like all good courtesans, it will yield up its most treasured secrets to those who can explore beyond the superficial hedonistic image it has acquired since its transformation to celebrate the 1992 Olympic games. Yes, there are phalanxes of drunken hen and stag parties who conga up and down Las Ramblas and in and out of Antoni Gaud?­'s glorious buildings, but look beyond and you will understand a little of the Catalans' fierce desire to preserve their first city's cultural status. I can't possibly do my favourite European city justice, but here are a few recommendations.
On St George's Day, the entire city, from the New Town boulevards of the Eixemple, down the centre of Las Ramblas (and across La Ribera to the fisherman's houses on the Barconeleta) metamorphoses into a magnificent floral literary festival, when the men of Barcelona give their loved ones roses, and the women return the compliment with a book. Appropriately enough it was on St George's Day a few years ago that I was lucky enough to meet Carlos Ruiz Zaf??n, the Catalan author of The Shadow of the Wind. As a literary introduction to his home town, the novel is unparalleled, and a perfect fictional companion to Robert Hughes's cultural bible.
Barcelona is famous for contemporary dance and vibrant fringe theatre, but it also has a magnificent opera house, the Gran Teatro del Liceu, which runs programmes of opera and classical music performed by leading international singers, musicians and conductors. Lorca and Genet staged their work in this grand auditorium on Las Ramblas. (Lorca called this broad artery "the one street in the world I didn't want to end".) Its stage door is next to the Mercat de La Boqueria, the city's ancient food market, where you can eat tapas and drink solo (espresso) before entering the grandeur of the Liceu.
Nobody could come to Barcelona and fail to enjoy the experience of sitting at one of the cafes or outside restaurants which surround Pla?§a Reial. It is surrounded by tall palm trees, and peppered with wrought iron lamps designed by a youthful Gaud?­. A fountain in the middle has a statue of the Three Graces, and all of Barcelona at one stage or another passes through this sublime 19th-century square. There are the inevitable street entertainers, refugees from Las Ramblas, which is a minute's walk away, and it is crammed with tourists but as in Venice, its faded elegance survives all this. Within a short walk you can be strolling along the beach of the Barceloneta, stalking El Raval's bars or visiting the eccentricities of the Pipa Club in the corner of the square, where everyone smokes a pipe and drinks late into the night. Life at its most amusing.
When I came to Barcelona first in 1975, I found that Catalans would wince at the very word bullfighting and seemed genuinely upset that such a cruel sport took place in their city. For them, the corrida belonged to a world foisted on Catalonia by Franco at the end of a civil war. This was a world which also included a police force and an army which no Catalan would join, and forms of dancing, singing and religiosity which were utterly alien to Catalans, who pride themselves on working hard, remaining anti-clerical and enjoying classical music.

The model followed in Barcelona has not had the expected results.
Model przyjęty w Barcelonie nie przyniósł oczekiwanych rezultatów.

I know a place, a pension in Barcelona where the people from the stay.
Znam jedno miejsce, pensjonat w Barcelonie, w którym zatrzymują się ludzie z

I support the need for a dialogue within the Barcelona process.
Popieram potrzebę dialogu w ramach procesu barcelońskiego.

The husband saved some money and came to Barcelona to open a bar.
Mąż zaoszczędził trochę pieniędzy i po powrocie do Barcelony otworzył bar.

The ideas of Barcelona are now even more pertinent than ever.
Ideały przedstawione w Barcelonie są dzisiaj jeszcze bardziej adekwatne niż kiedyś.

Why not stay with us while you're in Barcelona?
Dlaczego nie zostaniesz z nami podczas twojego pobytu w Barcelonie?

When was the last time you were in Barcelona?
Kiedy byłeś ostatni raz w Barcelonie?

You were working in Barcelona when we met, right?
Pracowałaś w Barcelonie, kiedy się spotkaliśmy?

In this respect, achieving the Barcelona goals is especially important.
Pod tym względem szczególnie ważne jest osiągnięcie celów barcelońskich.

If Barcelona had been enough, we would know that.
Gdyby Barcelona wystarczyła, wiedzielibyśmy o tym.

But it's not a reason to say that Barcelona and its inhabitants are dirty.
To nie powód żeby mówić, że Barcelona i jej mieszkańcy są brudni.

It's a pity that Barcelona is such a dirty city.
Szkoda, że Barcelona jest takim brudnym miastem.

I'm the one who convinced him to hang that painting in Barcelona.
To ja go przekonałam, by powiesił obraz w Barcelonie.

Yeah, it's from that winery near Barcelona where our car broke down.
Z winiarni niedaleko Barcelony, gdzie zepsuł się nasz samochód.

However, ladies and gentlemen, the Barcelona objectives are a policy of the last century.
Jednak, panie i panowie, cele barcelońskie to polityka ubiegłego wieku.

We must also keep to the Barcelona targets on childcare.
Musimy również trzymać się celów barcelońskich dotyczących opieki na dziećmi.

It's here that you'll learn what's important in Barcelona.
To tu się nauczysz co jest ważne w Barcelonie.

And got me to come to Barcelona so you could frame me for it?
I kazałeś mi lecieć do Barcelony, żeby mnie oprawić w ramki?

However, we must recognise that the Barcelona Process has not in itself been a success.
Musimy jednak przyznać, że proces barceloński nie okazał się sam w sobie sukcesem.

I tried to contact you in Barcelona, but you gave us the slip.
Próbowałem się z tobą skontaktować w Barcelonie, ale się nam wymknąłeś.

And therefore I believe it is also good to provide choice through the Barcelona criteria.
I dlatego uważam, że należy dać im wybór, posługując się kategoriami barcelońskimi.

The meeting in Barcelona will mark our commitment to the Mediterranean.
Posiedzenie w Barcelonie pozwoli ocenić nasze zaangażowanie w problemy regionu śródziemnomorskiego.

Do you want her in Barcelona or not?
Chcesz ją mieć w Barcelonie czy nie?

He left the same day you left to Barcelona.
Tego samego dnia, gdy ty wyjeżdżałeś do Barcelony.

I was gonna take you to so many places, Barcelona.
Miałem cię zabrać do tak wielu miejsc, Barcelony.

I only came to Barcelona to tell you.
Przyjechałam do Barcelony aby ci to powiedzieć.

I'm at the beach in Barcelona right now.
Teraz jestem na plaży, ale w Barcelonie.

I don't know, like Barcelona, Rio, they got nothing on this town.
To świetne miasto, jak Barcelona i Rio.

That is a way of making the Barcelona Process and our neighbourhood policy more ambitious.
To jest sposób na uczynienie procesu barcelońskiego i naszej polityki sąsiedztwa bardziej ambitnymi.

I repeat that this will be an updating of the existing Barcelona process.
Powtarzam, że będzie to aktualizacja obecnego procesu barcelońskiego.

But I'm at a conference in Barcelona this week.
Ale jestem na konferencji w Barcelonie w tym tygodniu.

We're not gonna search all Barcelona until we find her.
Nie będziemy dla niej przeczesywać całej Barcelony.

We also have the working group meetings and the Barcelona Summit in ten days' time.
Poza tym za dziesięć dni odbędą się spotkania w grupach roboczych i szczyt w Barcelonie.

I am glad that we have such a dedicated ally in keeping the Barcelona objectives.
Cieszę się, że mamy takiego oddanego sojusznika w dążeniu do realizacji celów barcelońskich.

We know how difficult it is to pursue the ambitious goals of the Barcelona Process.
Wiemy, jak trudno jest realizować ambitne cele procesu barcelońskiego.

However, the Barcelona Process remains; that is the idea.
Proces barceloński jest jednak kontynuowany; taki jest zamysł.

In order to strengthen cooperation, we need to support the Barcelona Process, which has been less active recently.
W celu wzmocnienia współpracy należy wesprzeć proces barceloński, który w ostatnim czasie zmniejszył swoją aktywność.

I'm here to do post-graduate diploma at Barcelona university.
Jestem tu na podyplomowych studiach na Barcelona University.

It was antique and charming, and overlooked all of Barcelona.
Było antyczne i czarujące, wznosiło się nad całą Barceloną.

He's just bought an air ticket to Barcelona.
Właśnie kupił bilet lotniczy do Barcelony.

Vicky and Cristina decided to spend the summer in Barcelona.
Vicky i Cristina zdecydowały się spędzić lato w Barcelonie.

When there was discussion of the political problems, as we know, it was about the Barcelona Process.
Wszyscy wiemy, że kiedy omawiane były problemy polityczne, rozmowa dotyczyła procesu barcelońskiego.

However, we do not want the Union to suffer the same problem as the Barcelona Process.
Nie chcemy jednak, by przedmiotowa Unia cierpiała na ten sam problem, który dotknął proces barceloński.

Let us agree that the Barcelona objectives should form part of the national policy of the state on citizens' welfare.
Musimy zgodzić się co do tego, że cele barcelońskie powinny znajdować odzwierciedlenie w krajowej polityce mającej na celu zapewnienie dobra obywateli.

I lost it during a heist in Barcelona.
Straciłem je podczas napadu w Barcelonie.

The Barcelona process - a union for the Mediterranean - could be an additional factor in the effort to foster peace.
Proces barceloński - jednoczący państwa regionu Morza Śródziemnego - może być dodatkowym czynnikiem w walce na rzecz pokoju.

The secretariat, which will be located in Barcelona, will promote the projects.
Sekretariat, który będzie zlokalizowany w Barcelonie, będzie promotorem tych projektów.

These will help to stimulate the economy and create employment, and also achieve the Barcelona objectives.
Pomogą one w stymulowaniu gospodarki i tworzeniu nowych miejsc pracy, a także osiągnięciu celów barcelońskich.

How much resistance do you expect she'il give... to the Barcelona profile?
Jak sądzisz ile oporu napotkasz z jej strony... w zadaniu w Barcelonie?

Instead, we want to include the rich political, economic and socio-cultural heritage contained in the Barcelona Process.
Pragniemy uwzględnić tam bogatą spuściznę polityczną, gospodarczą i społeczno-kulturalną objętą procesem barcelońskim.