n ulica w Nowym Jorku, przy której mieszczą się znane teatry i miejsca rozrywki
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
As well as making music, Mon??e is involved in numerous aspects of the arts; she produces, plays and writes her own music and is currently working on a Broadway musical of the album. The former American Music & Drama student is also creating video concepts for each album track and is co-creating a graphic novel of The ArchAndroid with illustrator Chad Weatherford and her artistic partner Chuck Lightning, of the Wondaland Arts Society, which she founded on moving to Atlanta in 2004. "I'm busy on focusing on what I need to be doing," she says of her current schedule.A total of 14 Northern Irish police officers were injured in the nationalist New Lodge area while 13 officers were hurt at Broadway near the M1 motorway.Sinn F?©in MLA and former IRA prisoner Gerry Kelly this morning blamed the Continuity IRA for the violent disturbances in the Broadway area of Belfast.He claimed that the dissident republican group was orchestrating the trouble both in Broadway and in north Belfast."He is planning to kill you off and cash in on your fame," I tell Miss Kathie as she is rehearsing a Lillian Hellman Broadway show that will revive her career. I cannot allow this to happen. She is my creation. I discovered her. Etc. Baa baa black sheep. I keep her alive only to find the manuscript rewritten with a different ending. This time she is to be mauled by bears after intense anal sex with Webster. What Walter Winchell would call a grizzly ending. What is it with wannabe literary iconoclasts and anal sex? John Crace would say.Neal was sparky opposite John Garfield in The Breaking Point (1950), which was truer to Ernest Hemingway's novel To Have and Have Not than Howard Hawks's earlier adaptation had been. A few less interesting pictures followed, excepting The Day the Earth Stood Still at Fox, before her three-year affair with Cooper ended. Neal had become pregnant by Cooper and had an abortion, after which she suffered a nervous breakdown. She returned to Broadway in 1952 in a revival of Hellman's The Children's Hour, making an impression as a schoolteacher accused of lesbianism. During rehearsals, Neal met Roald Dahl at a party given by Hellman. They married in 1953 and settled in England, where they would bring up five children.In 1955, Neal was back on Broadway as the mother of a difficult teenage girl in A Roomful of Roses. In March 1956, she took over from Barbara Bel Geddes as Maggie in Tennessee Williams's Cat On a Hot Tin Roof. The play was directed by Elia Kazan, who cast Neal in his next film, A Face in the Crowd (1957). Revealing vulnerability beneath a hard surface, she was brilliant as the executive of a small southern TV station who discovers a folksy country singer, Lonesome Rhodes (Andy Griffith), and turns him into a national institution. Although in love with the singer, she realises she has created a monster and destroys him.In 1958, Neal appeared with great success in Williams's one-act play Suddenly, Last Summer at the Arts theatre in London. She was heartbroken to lose out to Elizabeth Taylor when a film of the play was made. In 1959 Neal returned to Broadway to play Helen Keller's mother in The Miracle Worker. The following year her son, Theo, was injured in a road accident and had to undergo several brain operations. In London in 1961, with her hair dyed red, she appeared in Breakfast at Tiffany's as a rich society matron known only as "2-E", a rival of the younger Audrey Hepburn for the affections of George Peppard. In 1962 she suffered another personal tragedy when her seven-year-old daughter Olivia died of measles.The videos feature diverse figures from politicians and pop stars to celebrities, comedians, and an array of people that only the internet could bring together. There is even a schmaltzy musical number titled It Gets Better, belted out by the cast members of several Broadway shows. If that fails appeal, how about a cartoon in which Lizzy the Lezzy asserts: "I'm here to tell you not to be so silly. There's absolutely no reason to kill yourself."The irony in all of this is that it came at a time when I was on Broadway with a big success â?? my latest play, Master Harold and the Boys â?? which was about to embark on a national tour. It still amazes me that my drinking hadn't, by this point, affected my work (Master Harold is, if I'm honest, a well-crafted play). I don't doubt that it would have eventually damaged my writing, and most probably that was just around the corner.
I used to think Broadway was my one and only love.
Kiedyś myślałam, że Broadway jest moją jedną i jedyną miłością.
Did you really just give up a Broadway show for us?
Naprawdę porzuciłaś Broadway dla nas? Właśnie tak.
Go home to Broadway, and then everything would be fine.
Wrócić na Broadway i wtedy wszystko byłoby dobrze.
Went down Broadway last night and saw a lot of old friends.
Zeszłej nocy pojechałem w dół Broadway i widziałem sporo starych znajomych.
We got Broadway 91 2 getting there in about two minutes.
Jestem na Broadway 912. Będą tam w ciągu dwóch minut.
I seen her in this show on 48th and Broadway.
Widziałem ją w akcji na rogu 48-mej i Broadway.
I'm walking down broadway and then they brought me here.
Idę sobie przez Broadway a następnie ląduję tutaj.
I hope you enjoyed your career on Broadway, because now is the end.
Mam nadzieję, że podobała ci się twoja kariera aktorska, mały. Bo jesteś skończony.
And women buy the majority of the tickets on Broadway.
I kobiety kupują większość biletów na Brodway.
You're actually suggesting that this is too good for Broadway.
Właściwie zasugerowałeś, że to jest zbyt dobre na Broadway.
I traveled through a hurricane to see you on Broadway.
Podróżowałem w trakcie huraganu żeby zobaczyć cię na Broadwayu.
I give you a chance for a Broadway lead and you walk out!
Daje Ci szansę do zaistnienia na Broadwayu a Ty wychodzisz?
Go to the opera, or some kinda big Broadway show?
Może pójdziemy do opery? Albo na przedstawienie na Broadwayu?
Can you just drop me off over on Broadway?
Możesz mnie podrzucić na Broadway?
Yes, he opened a museum on 29th Street, near Broadway.
Tak, otworzył muzeum na 29-tej niedaleko Broadway-u.
We could have tanks and troops on Broadway if this thing breaks open.
Jeśli do tego dojdzie, będziemy mieli na Broadwayu czołgi i wojsko.
Basically, I walked across the street at 17th and Broadway.
Zasadniczo, przchodziłem przez ulicę na rogu 1 7th i Broadway.
I thought Broadway Bob's was an art gallery or something.
Myślałem, że Broadway Bob to galeria sztuki czy coś takiego.
Broadway 91 2, can you slow to three quarters?
Broadway 912, zwolnić do trzech czwartych?
I want every road to and from the Broadway Bridge shut down.
Macie zamknąć wszystkie drogi wyjazdowe z mostu Broadway.
Our information is that it was an East Broadway gang.
Według naszych informacji, to był gang ze wschodniego Broadway'u.
Maybe you'il be the first guy to write a Broadway musical about football.
Być może będzie to pierwszy facet, który pisze broadwayowskiego musicalu o piłce nożnej.
Doesn't matter if it's Broadway or a black box at the Fringe.
Nie ważne czy jest to Broadway czy czarna skrzynka na Fringe.
You want to get to Broadway, you have to pay your dues.
Jeśli chcesz dostać się na Broadway, musisz płacić swoje rachunki.
Up and down Broadway was my best game.
Oczywiście najlepsza byłam w Tam i z powrotem.
Working here part-time, graduating from and, uh, starting my first Broadway show.
Pracował bym tutaj na pół etatu, kończył i... zaczynał swoje pierwsze przedstawienie na Brodway'u.
If that story was on Broadway, I'd see it in a heartbeat.
Jeśli ta historia byłaby na Broadway'u, oglądnąłbym ją z biciem serca.
I bid you welcome to the magical boulevard of dreams known as broadway.
Miło mi przywitać w magicznym bulwarze marzeń Znanym jako Broadway.
Find somebody else to star you on Broadway.
Niech ktoś inny ułatwi ci wejście na Broadway.
And you expect to make it on Broadway?
A ty oczekujesz wybić się na Broadway'u?
Because that's what happens when you're thirsty on Broadway.
Ponieważ to się stanie kiedy będziecie spragnieni na Broadwayu.
I see Broadway theaters restored to their former glory.
Zamiast peep-shows i salonów masażu widzę teatry broadwayowskie przywrócone do ich dawnej świetności.
Fred goes to the video store on Broadway.
Fred poszedł do sklepu video na Broadway.
Maybe you could come to my Broadway debut.
Może przyjdziesz obejrzeć mój debiut na Broadwayu?.
Rent had a narrator after its workshop, - and they got to Broadway.
Rent po warsztatach dodał narratora i dostał się na Broadway.
She will be at the Waters Bank, 59th and Broadway.
Będzie w banku Waters na rogu 59. Ulicy i Broadway.
Uh, some big fire at 73rd and Broadway.
Co tam się dzieje? Jakiś wielki pożar na 73-ciej i Broadway.
We got an explosion at 6th and Broadway.
Mamy wybuch na rogu 6-tej i Broadway.
Gentleman occupying phone booth, 53rd, between Broadway and 8th.
Dżentelmen okupujący budkę telefoniczną, na ul. 53, między Broadway i 8-mą.
Okay, so, her last tweet was at Prince and Broadway.
Ostatni wpis przy Prince i Broadway.
Well, I don't want to be on Broadway, though.
Cóż, ja nie chcę trafić na Broadway.
I might have left Broadway, but I did not do it for 80 seats.
Może zostawiłem Broadway, ale nie zrobiłem tego dla 80 miejsc.
What's right there at 73rd and Broadway?
Co jest dokładnie na rogu 73. i Broadwayu?
I'il never live to play on Broadway again.
Nigdy więcej nie zagram na Broadway'u.
I know everything about everybody on Broadway!
Wiem wszystko o wszystkich na Brodwayu!
We´d go to Broadway musicals, to the movies.
Chodziłyśmy na musicale na Broadway, do kina.
They all want to be on Broadway.
Oni wszyscy chcą być na Broadwayu.
What is this Broadway you speak of?
Co to za Broadway, o którym mówisz?
Now I meet somebody and they say: Wow, you dance on Broadway?
Teraz spotykam ludzi, którzy mówią: ,,Tańczysz na Broadway'u!
Crossing Broadway, you know, 9:00 p.m. in the evening.
przechodząc przez Broadway, ty wiesz, 9:00 wieczór.