Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) Kanada;
canada balsam - balsam kanadyjski;
canada goose - przyroda bernikla kanadyjska;

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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The European Union and Canada have had good, solid trade relations for many years.
Od wielu lat Unię Europejską i Kanadę łączą dobre i trwałe stosunki handlowe.


It is mandatory in the US and Canada and not voluntary, as the Commission proposes.
W USA i Kanadzie jest to obowiązek, a nie akt dobrowolny, jak proponuje Komisja.


An International convention on anti-personnel landmines is signed in Ottawa, Canada.
Podpisanie konwencji dotyczącej min przeciwpiechotnych w Ottawie w Kanadzie.


I was born in a Scots Presbyterian ghetto in Canada, and dropped out of high school.
Urodziłem się w szkocko-prezbiteriańskim getcie w Kanadzie, rzuciłem szkołę.


I grew up in a very small village in Canada, and I'm an undiagnosed dyslexic.
Dorastałem w bardzo małej wiosce w Kanadzie, i jestem niezdiagnozowanym dyslektykiem.


A bigger campaign is building behind the involvement of the oil majors in Canada's tar sands. The sands are naturally occurring mixtures of sand or clay, water and a dense form of petroleum called bitumen. They are found in large quantities in Canada and Venezuela. Making liquid fuels from oil sands requires energy for steam injection and refining. This process generates two to four times the amount of greenhouse gases per barrel of final product as conventional oil.
To this work, [a Goldman Sachs study found] that "the three governments that have executed the most high-profile expenditure-based deficit reductions â?? Ireland in 1987, Sweden in 1994 and Canada in 1994 â?? were all of them re-elected".
A retirement fund set up for state-school teachers in Canada sounds like a sensible, provincial operation â?? not the obvious choice to own a railway. But this week, the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan was touted as a likely bidder for Britain's first high-speed railway, which the government put up for auction on Monday.
Canada wants the G20 to endorse the idea that national deficits should be halved by 2013.
Asked in Canada at the Toronto G8 summit if he wanted UK forces home before the 2015 general election, he said: "I want that to happen, make no mistake about it. We can't be there for another five years, having been there for nine years already."
They are sceptical about the role of "nation building", as Fox demonstrated in an interview in which he compared Afghanistan to a 13-century state. Fox also rejected the idea that UK troops should next year be deployed in Kandahar, the Taliban's heartland, when Canada withdraws its troops.
I can be described as many things but no description of me is complete without saying "Englishman". My parents were from Liverpool and emigrated to Canada before I was born. We also have Scottish heritage. My relatives were railway workers and miners. So my mother's total acceptance of the bounty that came to me is hilarious. The first time I took her to the Emmys, she was greeting people as if she was Her Majesty the Queen: "Nice to meet you. What do you do?"
Supporters of Sutyagin, an arms control expert who worked for Moscow's prestigious USA and Canada Institute, have campaigned for years for his release saying the material he sold to the British consultancy firm came from open sources and he had no reason to suspect it was a CIA front.
A friend of Stieg Larsson's has revealed new details about the fourth book in the late Swedish author's bestselling Millennium series, which he said is set in a remote area of northern Canada in September.
Gy??rgy Faludy's autobiography My Happy Days in Hell, translated by Kathleen Szasz (Penguin Classics), is an account of a life passed pleasantly in the dangerous human world. First published in 1962, this is the Hungarian-Jewish poet's story of his flight to France and Africa, his years fighting as a volunteer in the US air force, and his return after the war to Hungary, where, after refusing to write a celebratory poem for Stalin's birthday, he was interned, emerging years later as one of a very small number who survived. Often at risk of death, even flirting with it in his encounters with Nazis and communists, Faludy revelled in the sheer sensation of being alive. Born in 1910, Faludy spent most of his highly productive later life in Canada and died in 2006. An exultant sensuous verve jumps from the pages of this sometimes bleak, never deceived and yet always life-affirming book.

I could be on my way to Canada right now.
Mógłbym być teraz w drodze do Kanady.

You and your husband will be in Canada by morning.
Ty i twój mąż będziecie w Kanadzie już jutro rano. - Dziękuję bardzo.

I thought my only choice was to go to Canada.
Myślałem że moim jedynym wyjściem jest wyjazd do Kanady.

I'm only over here from Canada for a few months.
Przyjechałem tu z Kanady tylko na kilka miesięcy.

I had to reach Canada and kill them before the 1 0th.
l musiał osiągnąć Kanadę i zabić ich przed 10..

The total budget in Canada for all drugs is $500 million.
Ogólny budżet Kanady na wszystkie narkotyki to 500 milionów dolarów.

So, tell me about that organization thing up in Canada.
Opowiedz mi o tej organizacji w Kanadzie.

In Canada, people drink what they bring to the party.
W Kanadzie na imprezie ludzie piją to, co ze sobą przyniosą.

We know that he now lives in Canada under a new identity.
Wiemy, że żyje teraz w Kanadzie z nową tożsamością.

Why else does a cat like you move to Canada?
Z jakiego innego powodu kociak jak ty przeprowadzałby się do Kanady?

Why is there a map of Canada on my wall?
Dlaczego na mojej sciane jest mapa Kanady?

Canada told the press that they were only meeting to discuss trade.
Przywódcy Kanady i Meksyku, powiedzieli mediom, że spotkali się tylko by omawiać wymianę handlową.

Yeah, this will get pushed by wind out of Canada.
No tak, chmury pchane siłą wiatru, wiejącego od strony Kanady.

This is Canada baby, so you can call me daddy again.
Jesteśmy w Kanadzie więc możesz mi mówić ponownie tato.

My father was going to take me on a fishing trip to Canada once.
Mój ojciec chciał mnie raz zabrać do Kanady na ryby.

However, there is one issue that concerns us, which has to do with the federal structure of Canada.
Jest jednak jedna sprawa, która nas niepokoi, a która wiąże się z federalną strukturą Kanady.

Sam brought a doll exactly like that back from Canada.
Sam przyniósł lalkę dokładnie taką samą z Kanady.

Struggles to pay for us and his family studying in Canada.
Struggles płaci nam za to Jego rodzina studiuje w Kanadzie.

A car ride to Canada is starting not to sound so bad, huh?
Podróż do Kanady nie brzmi już tak źle, co?

It's important they sleep and dream they're on a wonderful flight to Canada.
Chodzi o to, żeby zasnęli i śnili, że lecą na cudowną wycieczkę do Kanady.

At the same time, Canada's asylum system needs to be reviewed.
Jednocześnie należy doprowadzić do weryfikacji kanadyjskiego systemu azylowego.

Your friends from Canada, ma'am, all this time, they never go out.
Państwa przyjaciele z Kanady ani razu nie wyszli z domu.

After his death, I had no other support in Canada.
Po jego śmierci, nie miałam w Kanadzie innego wsparcia.

Wife and I are going to Canada first thing in the morning.
Rano jadę z żoną do Kanady.

His mother takes him to her parents' in Canada.
Jego matka zabiera go do swoich rodziców do Kanady.

Maybe we could benefit from looking at a country like Canada, and especially its policies on legal migration.
Może moglibyśmy skorzystać z doświadczeń takiego kraju, jak Kanada, a szczególnie jej polityki w zakresie legalnej migracji.

We trust that Canada will take a different stand in the agreement being debated today.
Ufamy, że Kanada zajmie odmienne stanowisko w umowie, której dotyczy dzisiejsza debata.

I put our address in Canada inside, just in case.
Umieściłam nasz adres w Kanadzie w środku, na wszelki wypadek.

I got a letter here for you from Canada.
Mam dla ciebie list z Kanady.

Canada has promised to amend them, but is doing nothing.
Kanada obiecała, że wprowadzi do nich poprawki, ale jeszcze nic w tym kierunku nie robi.

Schmitz was here trying to trade them for a trip to Canada.
Wczoraj był tu Schmitz i chciał je przechandlować za podróż do Kanady.

The only way we can afford to shoot the pilot is in Canada.
Jedyny sposób, by było nas na to stać, to nakręcić pilota w Kanadzie.

Canada is among the most important the European Union has.
Kanada należy do najważniejszych partnerów, jakich posiada UE.

Let me now turn to the agreement with Canada.
Proszę pozwolić, że przejdę teraz do umowy z Kanadą.

Well, my moving to Canada is a protest against the recently re-elected administration.
Cóż, moja przeprowadzka do Kanady jest protestem przeciw ostatnio wybranej ponownie administracji.

What kind of bank robber goes to Canada to catch a plane?
Co za złodziej jedzie do Kanady na samolot?

What is the purpose of your visit to Canada?
Jaki jest cel waszej wizyty w Kanadzie?

People we thought were dead flying in from Canada.
Ludzie, których mieliśmy za zmarłych, przylecieli z Kanady.

I worked with my uncle in Canada in his company.
Pracowałem z wujem w jego firmie w Kanadzie.

I do not understand why Canada takes different approaches.
Nie rozumiem, dlaczego Kanada przyjmuje różne podejścia.

No, it was a bunch of people who helped slaves escape to Canada.
Nie, Podziemna Kolej to grupa ludzi, którzy pomagali niewolnikom uciekać do Kanady.

There has been extensive lobbying by Canada to try to prevent us doing this.
Kanada prowadzi intensywne działania lobbingowe usiłując nas od tego powstrzymać.

Canada's currently led by a party that most Canadiansdidn't actually want.
Partia, która obecnie rządzi w Kanadzie, jest tą, którejwiększość Kanadyjczyków nie chciała.

I'il say goodbye to him before he goes back to Canada.
Pożegnam się z nim, zanim wróci do Kanady.

Yeah, but the thing about Canada, if you go high enough north...
Taak, ale co jest ważne w Kanadzie, jeśli wybierzesz się na północ wystarczająco daleko...

So, moving from Canada, that transition must have been pretty ruff.
Więc, przeprowadzając się z Kanady, przystosowanie się musiało być całkiem trudne.

If you ever go back to Canada be sure you sail with us.
Jak będziesz wracał do Kanady upewnij się, że płyniesz z nami.

It will strike land in western canada three hours after biederman.
Uderzy ona w ziemię w Kanadzie Zach.... w trzy godziny po Beiderman.

On a good day... you can see Canada just across the lake.
W piękny dzień... zobaczysz nawet jezioro, a za nim Kanadę.