Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia Kolorado;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

So in Aurora, Colorado it's a bench.
W Aurora, w Colorado jest ławka.


I come from Colorado.
Pochodzę z Colorado.


Roger Pielke Jr of the University of Colorado agreed that "the climate science community, or at least its most visible and activist wing, appeared to want to go back to waging an all-out war on its perceived political opponents".
Separate satellite data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre in Colorado shows that the extent of sea ice in the Arctic was at its lowest for any June since satellite records started in 1979. The icy skin over the Arctic Ocean grows each winter and shrinks in summer, reaching its annual low point in September. The monthly average for June 2010 was 10.87 km sq. The ice was declining an average of 88,000 sq km per day in June.
Province, McCluskey and Welch have been linked to the killings of Greg and Linda Haas of Tecumseh, Oklahoma, a couple whose burned bodies were found in a travel trailer on 4 August on a remote ranch near Santa Rosa, New Mexico. They had been travelling to Colorado on a camping trip.
The lurid accusations against Long have sent shockwaves through the devout southern community of Christians and have drawn comparisons with Ted Haggard, the charismatic leader of a prominent evangelical church in Colorado who was obliged to quit in 2006 when a male prostitute came forward, claiming to have had amphetamine-fuelled sex sessions with him.
Colorado is my favourite state in the Union, with constantly changing weather and glorious vistas. It was once the Wild West and on the western slopes of the Rockies it still feels like the frontier.
No wonder the Republican establishment is running scared. The Tea Party has given the Republicans a range of exotic candidates for the midterms, from Sharron Angle in Nevada, who wants to phase out social security (pensions), to Joe Miller running for the Senate in Alaska, who wants the federal government out of education, to Ken Buck in Colorado (who is anti-abortion even in rape cases), to Christine O'Donnell, running for Joe Biden's old seat in Delaware, who is passionate in her fundamentalist views but whose strong stand against masturbation is not necessarily a vote-winner.
One sister dies and the other survives with head wound after the pair rented handguns at Colorado shooting range
An Australian woman who survived a double shooting that killed her twin sister at a Colorado gun range has told police that the pair had made a suicide pact.
Relatives of the twins are expected to arrive in Colorado later this week.

You can move to colorado now,to live with your mother.
Możesz pojechać do Kolorado, wprowadzić się do matki.

She ran away about two weeks ago from her small colorado town.
Uciekła 2 tygodnie temu z małego miasteczka w Kolorado.

I just love flying all the way to Colorado to hear about your problems!
Kocham lecieć tu aż z Kolorado, żeby słuchać o waszych problemach!

We can't leave a trail of dead bodies all the way to Colorado.
Nie możemy zostawiać za sobą trupów w drodze do Colorado.

Turns out she moved to Colorado with her boyfriend and just didn't tell anyone.
Wyszła i przeniosła się z jej chłopakiem do Colorado nikomu nic nie mówiąc

If Colorado finds out, you'll be in worse trouble than you are now.
Jeśli Colorado się dowie, będziesz miała jeszcze większe kłopoty niż teraz.

The admins tell us they are four players from a small town in Colorado.
Admin poinformował nas, że jest 4 graczy... ...z małego miasteczka w Colorado.

And then you can go back to Colorado and visit your son.
A potem będziesz mógł wrócić do syna w Kolorado.

We've gotta move these animals from here to our ranch in Colorado.
Musimy przeprowadzić bydło stąd, na nasze rancho w Colorado.

If you had a car, you could stop by Colorado and pick me up.
Gdybyś miał samochód, mógłbyś zatrzymać się w Colorado i zabrać mnie.

Help four boys and a Chinese woman get back to Colorado?
Pomóżcie czterem chłopcom i chińskiej kobiecie wrócić do Colorado.

But I gotta go to Colorado for a couple of days.
Ale pojadę do Colorado na kilka dni.

Now I'm leaving for Colorado to try to finish the new book.
Wyjeżdżam do Kolorado, skończyć nową książkę.

Put that shovel down and come and talk to Colorado.
Odłóż łopatę, przyjdź tu i pogadaj z Colorado.

He was arrested in Colorado for breaking into a nuclear physics laboratory.
Aresztowano go w Colorado za włamanie do laboratorium nuklearnego.

The Colorado can launch its remaining 17 nukes in under five minutes.
Colorado może odpalić pozostałe 17 pocisków w niecałe pięć minut.

Um, just traveling through, uh, on our way to Colorado.
Um, tylko podróżuje przez, uh, na naszej drodze do Colorado.

The Colorado needs to be the symbol of resistance.
Colorado musi być symbolem sprzeciwu.

Our suspect is a girl, 5'3, with a Colorado driver's license.
Nasz podejrzany jest dziewczyną, 5'3, z pozwoleniem Kolorado kierowcy.

Edith's already in Colorado setting up the new house.
Edith jest już w Colorado, buduje nowy dom.

Is a Colorado town. have a stone quarry and quartz.
To miasto Kolorado. Mają tam kamieniołom z kwarcem

Lucy loved the Colorado Kid, and it cost him everything.
Lucy kochała colorado kida, i kosztowało ją to wszystko.

But show us where you keep your Colorado River toads.
Niech nam pani pokaże, gdzie trzyma ropuchy z rzeki Colorado.

One day, they just moved to Colorado... to run this hot air balloon company.
Pewnego dnia postanowili przeprowadzić się do Colorado by zabierać ludzi w podróż balonem.

I was actually thinking about moving to Colorado!
W zasadzie to się zastanawiam nad przeprowadzką do Colorado.

I called every weigh station and Bureau office west of Colorado.
Dzwoniłem do wszystkich stacji wagowych i naszych oddziałów na zachód od Colorado.

Chaplin said it was actually the illinois that tried to sink the Colorado.
Chaplin mówił, że Illinois próbował zatopić Colorado.

The Colorado has to be that way because that way is west.
Colorado musi być w tą stronę, bo tu jest zachód.

The market in colorado is very active now.
Rynek w Colorado jest teraz bardzo ożywiony.

If we can cross this, we have a clear path to the Colorado territory.
Jeśli nam się uda, mamy prostą drogę do Kolorado.

Turn left on Lake Street and head up to Colorado.
Skręć w lewo na Lake Street i kieruj się na Colorado.

She run off with another bear from Colorado.
Uciekła z innym niedźwiedziem z Kolorado.

Why do we have two dead Colorado troopers within our great state of Oklahoma?
Dlaczego w stanie Oklahoma mamy 2 martwych strażników z Kolorado?

They tested it out last year in Colorado.
Testowali to rok temu w Kolorado.

Al told me about a training school in Flat Rock, Colorado.
Al opowiedział mi o szkole gaszenia we Flat Rock, w Colorado.

Our first stop is the facility in Colorado.
Naszym pierwszym przystankiem jest placówka w Colorado.

Even before we left Colorado and moved to Los Angeles.
Nawet zanim opuściliśmy Colorado i przeprowadziliśmy się do L.A. Pamiętam wszystko.

We're going to Colorado... where we can climb some real rocks.
Jedziemy do Colorado, gdzie powspinamy się na prawdziwe skały.

We know every trail, creek, pond, river between Colorado and Canada.
Znamy każdy szlak, strumień, jezioro i rzekę od Kolorado do Kanady.

Admiral Bates is here in Colorado attending an air show.
Admirał jest w Colorado, na pokazach lotniczych.

He grilled 'em about the Colorado Kid and the barn.
Maglował ich o Colorado Kida i stodołę.

We're going to Colorado to give Provasik a piece of our minds.
Jedziemy do Colorado przemówić do rozumu firmie Provasik.

In 1924, there was a news report that while at Colorado Springs
W 1924 roku, w wiadomościach donoszono, że podczas pobytu w Colorado Springs

We know he's looking for information on Audrey and the Colorado Kid.
Wiemy, że szuka informacji na temat Audrey i Colorado Kida.

And move to their community in Colorado.
I przenieść się do ich wspólnoty w Kolorado.

They got one of these in Colorado?
Mają je też w Colorado?

My watch is linked to the atomic clock in Boulder, Colorado.
Mój zegarek jest połączony z zegarem atomowym w Boulder, w stanie Kolorado.

And alexander mahone is in a colorado jail cell.
A Alex Mahone siedzi w areszcie w Kolorado.

We'll ride together as far as the Colorado, then we'll split up.
Będziemy jechać razem do Kolorado i wtedy się rozdzielimy.

Not that I'm ever going back to Colorado.
Nigdy nie wrócę do Kolorado, nigdy.