Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) stan Connecticut;
connecticut compromise - historia kompromis z Connecticut;

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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

A decade ago, Octel decided to remain the world's only manufacturer of TEL for cars, after it was banned in the US and Europe. They used high profits from non-western countries to diversify into other products and to pay back investors, mainly US hedge funds run by Connecticut billionaire Jeffrey Gendell. According to prosecutors, the strategy included the corrupt blocking of health campaigns.
Steele made his comments at a political appearance in Connecticut last week in a speech attacking Barack Obama's presidency. Although the war in Afghanistan was begun by former president George Bush in response to the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks, Steele sought to shift responsibility to Obama.
The subject has now begun attracting academic attention. Next month at the American Psychological Association's annual convention in San Diego, a session entitled Sexual Fluidity and Late-Blooming Lesbians is due to showcase a range of research, including a study by Christan Moran, who decided to look at the lives of women who had experienced a same-sex attraction when they were over 30 and married to a man. Moran is a researcher at Southern Connecticut University, and her study was prompted in part by an anguished comment she found on an online message board for married lesbians, written by someone who styled herself "Crazy".
â?? Members of an evangelical church in Texas travelled to Connecticut to verbally attack worshippers leaving a mosque in Bridgeport, carrying signs reading: "Jesus hates Muslims"
Those living on other parts of the heavily populated coast, including popular holiday areas around Cape Cod and Nantucket Island, were told to prepare similar plans, while those in New York's Long Island, Connecticut and Maine were told Earl may only be a tropical storm by the time it reached them.
Born and raised in Connecticut on the east coast, Rouse, 63, has spent most of his working life, bar a brief stint in Alaska, as a Washington animal.

My father brought these things from our home in Connecticut.
Mój ojciec przywiózł te rzeczy z naszego domu w Connecticut.

Well, we always talk about getting a place in Connecticut.
Zawsze mówimy o przeprowadzce do Connecticut.

She's going to spend some time with her mother in Connecticut.
Zamierza spędzić trochę czasu ze swoją matką w Connecticut.

She wants me to go out to Connecticut to visit her mom.
Ona chce, bym pojechał z nią do Connecticut odwiedzić jej mamę.

I was with the secretary since he's been governor of connecticut.
Pracowałam z sekretarzem od czasu gdy był gubernatorem Connecticut.

She never said anything to you guys about a Connecticut boy toy?
Nie mówiła ci nigdy o facecie z Connecticut?

Certainly no one from a random apartment building in Connecticut.
Na pewno nikt z przypadkowego bloku w Connecticut.

We're not even through Connecticut yet, and already you're annoying me.
Czy możesz przestać? Nie przejechaliśmy jeszcze nawet przez Connecticut, a już zaczynasz mnie wkurzać.

I thought they used that to cover Connecticut when it rains.
Myślałem, że używali tego do przykrycia Connecticut kiedy padało.

You got to go up to Connecticut, all right?
Musisz jechać do Connecticut, dobra?

Yeah, you were going back to school in Connecticut.
Taa, wracałeś do szkoły w Connecticut.

Williams' family, welcome to Connecticut and its complicated tax structure.
Williamsowie, witajcie w Connecticut i jego skomplikowanym systemie podatkowym.

Well, it happened about three years ago in Connecticut.
Cóż, to się wydarzyło trzy lata temu w Connecticut.

You gotta stop pretending that you're living with your parents in Connecticut.
Musisz przestać udawać, że mieszkasz z rodzicami.

Maybe where you grew up in Connecticut, $3 billion is considered cut-rate.
Może tam gdzie dorastałeś, w Connecticut, 3 miliardy $ to niewielkie pieniądze.

Best thing you can do tomorrow is go to Connecticut
Najlepsze, co możesz jutro zrobić, to udać się do Connecticut

Actually, I was thinking of seeing my mom in Connecticut.
Właściwie, pomyślałam by odwiedzić mamę w Connecticut.

What if we went to that address in Connecticut?
Co ty na to, żebysmy tam pojechali?

But you're in Connecticut,and I end up with all the dirty work.
Ale ty jesteś w Connecticut a ja kończę z całą brudną robotą.

Well, old man Perry will be in Connecticut just now.
Cóż, stary Perry będzie w Connecticut już teraz.

How else do you explain that apartment in Connecticut?
Jak inaczej wytłumaczysz to mieszkanie w Connecticut?

Okay, well, this has got to go to Connecticut.
To musi jechać do Connecticut.

Girl from Connecticut's helping her mother put up curtains.
Dziewczyna z Connecticut pomaga matce założyć zasłony.

Take the car and go back to Connecticut.
Co? Weź samochód i wracaj do Connecticut.

So you drugged me and then snuck back to Connecticut?
Drink... więc dałaś mi narkotyki, a potem uciekłaś do Connecticut?

And I love Connecticut too. How did he win here?
Connecticut również. Jak tu wygrał?

Come on. What would Connecticut have to offer us?
Marty, co też Connecticut miałoby nam do zaoferowania?

I didn't know you were in Connecticut now.
Nie wiedziałam, że teraz mieszkasz w Connecticut.

And he kept going on about children and Connecticut.
I zaczął opowiadać o dzieciach i o Connecticut.

I don´t know about you, but I want to go to Connecticut!
Nie wiem jak ty, ale ja chcę zobaczyć Connecticut.

It's Serena, what else is there to do in Connecticut?
Co innego jest do roboty w Connecticut?

Doesn't anybody in Connecticut have to work today?
Czy nikt w Connecticut nie musi dzisiaj pracować?

Let's get a rental house in Connecticut... near the hospital.
Wynajmijmy dom w Connecticut, blisko szpitala. Ale co ty zrobisz?

Like he said, that big rough-and-tumble Connecticut boy done stoled her from me.
Jak ktoś powiedział, to chamstwo chłopców z Północy wykradło mi ją.

We've got a lost zebra probably on the way to Connecticut, and we need...
Zaginęła nam zebra. Jest pewnie w drodze do Connecticut.

I work for a small publisher in Connecticut.
Pracuję dla małego wydawcy z Connecticut.

There was another bombing last week in Connecticut.
W zeszłym tygodniu w Connecticut był kolejny zamach.

I'd like to be able to spell Connecticut.
Ja bym się chciał nauczyć, jak się pisze Connecticut.

I saw you on a stage in Hartford, Connecticut.
Widziałem cię na scenie w Hartford, Connecticut.

The cash, the note, the apartment in Connecticut?
O pieniądzach, liściku, mieszkaniu w Connecticut?

I'm originally from Connecticut but I've been living in Houston.
Z Connecticut, ale mieszkam w Houston.

Danny, what if she knows about your dad and Regina, or that apartment in Connecticut?
Danny, co jeśli ona wie o twoim tacie i Reginie, albo o mieszkaniu w Connecticut?

A house, kids, certain school, a home in Connecticut...
Dom, dzieci, wybrane szkoły, dacza w Connecticut...

And my cigar isn't lit, these fine Connecticut Cigars always go out.
I moje cygaro się nie pali, te świetne Connecticut Cigars zawsze gasną.

I'm thinking his parents are from Connecticut.
Ja myślę, że. jego rodzice są z Connecticut.

I have to go back to Connecticut.
Muszę wracać do Connecticut.

She tries to make the hotel lobby look like Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Stara się, by hotelowy hol wyglądał jak z Bridgeport w Connecticut.

Back in Connecticut we have an old saying:
W Connecticut, skąd pochodzę, mawia się: ,,Pozwólcie im jeść chleb.

We always talk about moving to Connecticut.
Zawsze mówimy o przeprowadzce do Connecticut.

We agreed that she was gonna quit the show and go back to Connecticut.
Postanowiliśmy, że Courtney odejdzie z programu i wróci do Connecticut.