Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) kornwalijski;

(Noun) lingwistyka język kornwalijski;
the cornish - Kornwalijczycy;

Słownik angielsko-polski EXETER Copyright © http://www.kastor.strefa.pl.


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Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Fish and chips in newspaper, the Cornish Pasty, the pie, the sandwich.
Ryba i frytki w gazecie, pierożki kornwalijskie, placek, kanapka.


You've been like a kid on a school outing, buying buns, waving stockings about, cosying up to your little Cornish pasty.
Zachowałeś się jak dziecko na wycieczce szkolnej, kupując bułeczki, wymachując rajstopami, uprzyjemniając sobie czas kornwalijskimi pasztecikami.


But a little further up this wind-whipped Cornish beach, a hardy group of Brits are heaving hefty surf boards one-and-a-half times their own height to the water's edge and giving a reminder of how competition surfing used to look.
The caravan parks of St Osyth won't be to everyone's taste, and certainly not if your idea of a proper family holiday at home is a Cornish beach and Swallows and Amazons-style pottering about in boats. St Osyth is earthier than this, even though you'll find Rollers parked next to the fanciest caravans. Even the beach is something of a challenge, with its particular stretches for nudists, gays, couples-at-it and peeping Toms.
Wild camping, as many camping purist will no doubt argue, can be a truly memorable and exhilarating experience which allows one to "commune with nature". Some of my own fondest childhood memories are of nights spent under canvas many miles from a campsite on Dartmoor, or by a stream in a Cornish wood.
English Food (it contains recipes from Wales, too) is undoubtedly a work of scholarship: carefully researched, wide-ranging and extremely particular. But it is also contains hundreds of excellent recipes, the vast majority of them short, precise and foolproof. Who could resist poached turbot with shrimp sauce, or a properly made Cornish pasty? As for the puddings, Grigson delivers recipes for some of our favourite ever: Yorkshire curd tart, brown bread ice cream, queen of puddings, and Sussex pond pudding. There is also an excellent â?? and blissfully long â?? section on teatime: every possible cake and bun is here in all their sugary, buttery glory. Rachel Cooke
Then the questions began. What would the baby be called? Cameron got the naming game going by revealing they would consider a Cornish middle name. And how much paternity leave would the prime minster be able to take at a time when the coalition government will be spelling out deep spending cuts?
There was joy in Cornwall that the Cameron's child â?? only the third to be born to a prime minster since 1849 â?? had been born there and that the couple planned to give her a Cornish middle name.
"It was very exciting having a baby in Cornwall, we'll have to have something Cornish in there somewhere," said Cameron. "I've got the book out, Samantha's having a look through and she'll decide, I'm sure, before long."
David and Samantha Cameron today marked the Cornish roots of their new daughter by naming her Florence Rose Endellion.
Hoskin's case is extreme, but the phenomenon of learning disabled people being groomed by those who pretend to be their friends before being exploited by them financially, physically or sexually â?? "mate crime", as it is sometimes known â?? is far from rare, experts say, and appears to be on the increase. As more individuals are given the chance to live independently, the unwelcome side effect is that they are more likely to fall prey to criminals. Hoskin was a case in point: he had left the tiny Cornish village of Maudlin, near Bodmin, where he had grown up, and was thrilled to have his own bedsit in the market town of St Austell, where he made his new "friends".
The exhibition, and a companion book, published last week, are the culmination of three years of research by the Cornish artist Andrew Lanyon. It claims that Ribbentrop, who previously served as the Nazis' ambassador to Britain, had set his heart on a home on St Michael's Mount, one of the most picturesque locations in Britain.

My old boss, Harold Cornish, is a partner here at this major financial institution.
Mój były szef, Harold Cornish, jest wspólnikiem w jednej z wiekszych instytucji finansowych.

Cornish wants you in his office.
Cornish chce cię widzieć w swoim biurze.

One of my colleagues spoke to your former employer, Mr. Harold Cornish.
Jeden z moich kolegów rozmawiał z twoim byłym pracodawcą panem Haroldem Cornishem.

A Cornish warrior may be ashore.
Kornwalijski wojownik może być na brzegu.

I'm here with my boss, Harold Cornish.
Jesteśmy tu razem z moim szefem Haroldem Cornishem.

The medical office of Dr. James Cornish does not accept solicitors of any kind.
Medyczne biuro Dr James Cornish nie akceptuje żadnego rodzaju akwizytorów

Just because Harry Cornish gets a bonus doesn't necessarily mean that Peterson...
Tylko dlatego, że Harry Cornish dostaje premię niekoniecznie znaczy, że Peterson...

Mr. Cornish, we go wherever we want.
Panie Cornish, możemy pojechać gdziekolwiek chcemy.

and Cornish unwilling to work at night.
i Kornwalijczyków, którzy nie chcą pracować w nocy.

I think I did, Mr. Cornish, sir.
To chyba byłem ja, panie Cornish.