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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Only this week, we have had further flooding in Cornwall, which is in my region.
Nawet w bieżącym tygodniu w Kornwalii, która leży w moim regionie, wystąpiły kolejne podtopienia.


They have based it on the Cornwall Air Ambulance.
Ich bazą jest Kornwalijskie Pogotowie Lotnicze.


Most people would have given up at Cornwall!
Większość ludzi poddałaby się jeszcze w Kornwalii!


Yet the proposal here to reduce the overall fishing intensity in the area from Cornwall to the Severn estuary is drastic and dramatic.
Jednak propozycja ograniczenia ogólnej intensywności połowu na obszarze od Kornwalii do ujścia rzeki Severn jest radykalna i drastyczna.


Cornwall then France.
Kornwalii a potem Francji.


At 16 I hitched down to Cornwall with a friend and walked the path. I'm surprised that no one asked if we were runaways since neither of us looked more than 12. One night we slept rough in Plymouth, but apart from that it was straightforward camping and walking. The weather was superb, the sea aquamarine. We had almost no money and lived on sandwiches and tea. In fact, one of the first things I learned was that a fire and a mug of tea can make the world seem right. Second thing: the amount of money spent does not alter the amount of fun to be had.
Since last Wednesday morning I've been battling to prove who I am. The first sign of trouble ahead came from my brother, who emailed to ask about my spying activities, and sent me a link to the story (I was on holiday in Cornwall at the time). Alongside his message I was surprised to see dozens of Facebook friend requests from people I had never heard of, often with Russian surnames.
My parents did not camp. Apart from a few dispiriting outings with the scouts, I have no history of it. The first time I tried â?? an Argos tent on a headland in Cornwall during the 1999 eclipse â?? resulted in a holiday of so many isolated magical moments that within a few years I had completely forgotten that the weather was actually terrible, and that our youngest child was six weeks old at the time. A few more camping trips convinced me I needed a better tent. Some time later I gave up on sleeping bags â?? I now take the duvet off the bed and stuff it into a bin liner. Over the years I have more or less figured out how I like to camp. I'm just not sure why I like to camp.
Of course, not everybody is going to be in Edinburgh for the start of the fringe this weekend, so before I launch into some fringe tips â?? and ask for yours â?? here's some of the things you can see around the rest of the country. The main draw is undoubtedly The Persians, by the National Theatre Wales, directed by Mike Pearson of Brithgof fame. Sold out for the entire run, I'm afraid, but returns may be available. Kneehigh's Asylum season in Cornwall continues with The Red Shoes being joined by Blast! I'd book yourselves in for King of Prussia, later in August, too. You can catch Teenage Riot at the Drum in Plymouth before it heads to the Traverse in Edinburgh. It's from the same stable as the Once and For All We're Gonna Tell You Who We Are so Shut Up and Listen.
We lived in Cornwall in a beautiful barn conversion with stunning valley views and only a short drive to the glorious Atlantic coast: my wife Nicki, with a beauticians business in Wadebridge, 15-year-old Michael, addicted to Xbox games, Emmaline, 13 going on 19, and me, John, full-time artist.
He has to think quite hard to remember the last time he danced â?? "Oh yes, at Sue Nye's party after the election, to something from Glee" â?? and on holiday in Cornwall this month he listened to Robbie Williams, and read The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. He seldom cooks, buys his suits off-the-peg from TM Lewin, and when I ask if it's true he once played in a punk band called Squashed Psyche, he laughs â?? "Oh I wish it was!" â?? but admits that the first he heard of this fiction was when it appeared on Wikipedia. In truth, reports of Ann Widdecombe joining Girls Aloud would be less surprising â?? and apart from driving too fast ("according to Justine"), his only discernible vice is an addiction to Desperate Housewives.
All ended happily. Cameron described the early birth of his fourth child, a girl, at the Royal Cornwall hospital in Truro as "absolutely thrilling, really exciting".
There was joy in Cornwall that the Cameron's child â?? only the third to be born to a prime minster since 1849 â?? had been born there and that the couple planned to give her a Cornish middle name.
It is not a bad political move â?? Cornwall is a key battleground between the Tories and the Liberal Democrats and giving the child a local name will win favour.
The prime minister spent the night with his wife at the Royal Cornwall hospital, where their daughter was delivered by caesarean section.

Our attention must be on Cornwall, now more than ever.
Nasza uwaga musi skupić się na Kornwalii bardziej niż kiedykolwiek.

Only this week, we have had further flooding in Cornwall, which is in my region.
Nawet w bieżącym tygodniu w Kornwalii, która leży w moim regionie, wystąpiły kolejne podtopienia.

So do you go down to Cornwall in your Volvo?
So do you go down to Cornwall in your Volvo?

We went to Cornwall with some other schools.
Pojechaliśmy do Cornwall z innymi szkołami.

Most people would have given up at Cornwall!
Większość ludzi poddałaby się jeszcze w Kornwalii!

Pop down to Cornwall for the day sometimes.
Wpadam do Cornwall na dzień.

I've come to the Eden Project in Cornwall to try to understand it.
Przybyłem do Eden Project w Kornwalii, aby to zrozumieć.

I see how it is in Cornwall.
Rozumiem jak to już jest w Kornwalii.

Yes,we go down to Cornwall in our V70.
Yes, we go down to Cornwall in our V70.

They have based it on the Cornwall Air Ambulance.
Ich bazą jest Kornwalijskie Pogotowie Lotnicze.

You're first string for the Cornwall game.
Jesteś w pierwszej drużynie na mecz z Cornwall. Naprawdę?

I thought the king had more affected the Duke of Albany than Cornwall.
Myślałem, że król bardziej lubi księcia Albany niż Kornwalii.

Sayle has a manufacturing plant in Cornwall.
Sayle ma w Kornwalii zakłady wytwórcze.

On behalf of Cornwall... I offer your daughter a place on our throne.
W imieniu Kornwalii... oferuję twej córce miejsce na naszym tronie.

Maria and her dad,they're in Cornwall.
Maria i jej ojciec, są wciąż w Kornwalii.

My dad is white from Cornwall, and my mom is black fromZimbabwe.
Mój biały ojciec pochodził z Cornwall, a moja czarna matkaz Zimbabwe.

Yet the proposal here to reduce the overall fishing intensity in the area from Cornwall to the Severn estuary is drastic and dramatic.
Jednak propozycja ograniczenia ogólnej intensywności połowu na obszarze od Kornwalii do ujścia rzeki Severn jest radykalna i drastyczna.

For Cornwall's next tribute, I want slaves... young ones... their future.
Przy kolejnym hołdzie Kornwalii, chcę niewolników, młodych... ich przyszłość.

My nephew, Melot, governor of Cornwall.
Mój bratanek, Melot, gubernator Kornwalii.

Tristan, champion of Marke of Cornwall.
Tristan, Mistrz Marka z Kornwalii.

Tristan of Aragon... from the house of Cornwall, will fight Hunwalt.
Maczuga. - Tristan z Aragon... z rodu Kornwalii, będzie walczył z Hunwaltem.

You get Cornwall, you can have Wales... ...and Scotland is all yours.
Ty dostaniesz Kornwalię, ty możesz mieć Walię, a Szkocja jest twoja.

Mr. O'Connor, the Stork Club... ...the people up at Cornwall.
Pan O'Connor, klub Stork, ludzie w Cornwall.

Tristan of Aragon... has won you on behalf of Lord Marke... of Cornwall.
Tristan z Aragon... wygrał cię w imieniu Lorda Marka z Kornwalii.

Mr President, I should like to draw the attention of the House to the tragic fire at the Penhallow Hotel on the seafront of Newquay, Cornwall, in my constituency.
Panie przewodniczący, chciałbym zwrócić uwagę Parlamentu na tragiczny w skutkach pożar hotelu Penhallow w moim okręgu wyborczym na wybrzeżu Newquay w Kornwalii.

The very first mission of the Cornwall Air Ambulance involved a person who had drowned and donated four of their organs - organs that would have been lost without an air ambulance.
Pierwsza misja Kornwalijskiego Pogotowia Lotniczego dotyczyła osoby, która utonęła i oddała swoje cztery narządy, które zostałyby utracone bez pogotowia lotniczego.