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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Although the final communique from the weekend talks in Toronto papered over the cracks that have been emerged over the best way to nurture a fragile global recovery, Osborne denied that there were now deep splits in the body set up to steer the global economy through the most serious downturn since the 1930s.
There is a point on a hill looking out over Jerusalem, right on the 1948 armistice line, known as the Promenade, where both Jewish and Arab families can be found picnicking in the warmth of the late afternoon sun. It's a good spot. Straight ahead is the Old City, the honey stones of its walls absorbing and reflecting the sun's rays. The golden Dome of the Rock, the revered and iconic Muslim site from where the Prophet Mohammed began his ascent to heaven, gleams high above the Wailing (or Western) Wall, the equally revered and iconic Jewish site where the devout bury prayers in the cracks between stones and mourn the destruction of their ancient temple.
In 2007, Fender made 250 clones of my guitar. They took the original to pieces, and photographed it, and made this map of where all the scratches and cracks are. It's like my guitar had babies. I've got six of them. They cost $15,000 each [laughs].
"It wouldn't have mattered if banks hadn't been gross risk-takers, this way of doing business would still have come to a shuddering halt. And no one has really addressed it. The world has fundamentally changed because we can't go on by saying: 'OK, China, lend us another trillion dollars so we can go on buying your stuff.' I am deeply pessimistic about our society. We have papered over the cracks but things will get worse."
At dawn I often walk by the shores of Lake Managua, staring at the wild flowers that grow in the cracks of dead buildings: malinche, the flowers are called. The local people say they were named by Cortez, the assassin of thousands, for a beautiful slave girl he loved. On a mountainside beyond the city, the giant letters FSLN are carved in white stone, a bleakly ironic nod towards the Hollywood sign perhaps. The silhouette of Sandino appears on every wall, an image of spray-can defiance.
3rd over: Pakistan 21-1 (Farhat 16 Butt 3) need 148 to win Anderson's line drifts too far over to leg, and Farhat whips the ball away to fine leg where Steve Finn dives and slides to cut it off before it crosses the rope. They run two, but that gets rolled back to a single when the umpire decides they were one short. Farhat is bossing these early overs; Again Anderson lands the ball on his pads, and again the batsman cracks it viciously through the leg side. This time it is Stuart Broad's job to dive and try to cut the ball off. He lays a hand on the it but can't stop it trickling over the rope for four.
"We just had this normal midwestern upbringing," says David, who, since the Naked Gun movies, has also directed BASEketball, about some goofballs who invent a new sport, and (after his post-9/11 realignment from Democrat to Republican) An American Carol, about an anti-American film-maker who is visited by three ghosts. "We knew we weren't hot stuff. We weren't sophisticated, we weren't New York, we weren't LA â?? we weren't even Chicago! We were Milwaukee, which is a bend in the road: nothing originated there. In our high school, we were never, like, worried for our physical safety, but verbally you could be cut down in a second by insults, wisecracks or whatever. It was all done to be funny, but it could get mean. So a quick wit was required."
By the first year of high school, he was already absurdly fast. His dad told him to give up the cricket and concentrate on track and field. "He said I should do running because it's an individual sport, and if you do good, you do good for yourself." He cracks his fingers â?? they're the longest I've ever seen.
His analytical eye watches for fault lines and fissures, like the sliver a thousand feet deep that cracks apart Eagle Rock. In his studies of the jagged Californian coast he traces the tectonic rift that will eventually unzip the state and send it drifting out into the ocean. The man perched on the edge of a boulder above a dizzy drop in Contemplation Rock, Glacier Point doesn't look at all contemplative. He is less a mystic than a Nietzschean superman, anxious to discover whether he can vault over the crevasse; he seems to be about to swing himself out into the void, to test whether the empty air will serve as a trampoline. Muybridge was a daredevil who had himself lowered over precipices by ropes, and ventured on to escarpments where his team of pack-carriers refused to follow.
At the end of a recent whistle-stop tour of Cambodia, Burma, Laos and Thailand, Kershaw found himself in Bangkok during the riots and filed a newspaper dispatch from the midst of the fighting, dodging a sniper by diving into an empty market stall. "There were chips of asphalt jumping off the road surface each time one of these measured cracks of gunfire rang out," he recalls.

A guy who cracks up when the pressure is off.
Facet, który peka, gdy nie jest pod presja.

We have a few cracks up there now, but nothing serious.
Jest tam kilka pęknięć, ale nic poważnego.

Well, I'm not doing anything until he cracks a fat.
Nic nie zrobię, dopóki mu nie będzie stał.

You, look where we're going and I'll watch out for the cracks.
Ty będziesz patrzył na drogę, a ja będę szła po lini.

However much we paper over the cracks, the problem will persist.
Jak długo będziemy jednak zamiatać brudy pod dywan, problem będzie trwać.

Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks.
Twój chodnik jest podobny do mojego, ale pewnie jest mniej popękany.

If you still want to save the ship hide the cracks.
Jeśli nadal chce pan uratować statek, proszę się schować w szczelinie ściany.

He cracks up like this so regular, you can set a calendar by it.
Takie załamania ma regularnie. Można by ułożyć według nich kalendarz.

You want to wager which one of us cracks him first?
To zakładamy się kto z nas złamie go pirwszy?

Capital is leaking into the cracks caused by bad management.
W tej chwili kapitał wycieka każdą szparą z powodu złego zarządzania.

And these surface cracks have nothing to do with shifting fault lines.
A te szczeliny nie mają nic wspólnego z ruchem płyt tektonicznych.

I give him till his lawyer arrives before he cracks.
Mam nadzieję, że jego prawnik nie dotrze, zanim pęknie.

Unless you cracks the code Your theory is not proven.
Chyba że ty trzaska kod Twoja teoria nie jest udowodniona.

I'm starting to see some cracks in that moral code of yours.
Zaczynam widzieć pewne załamania w tym twoim kodeksie moralności

And then one of them cracks, and there's another story.
A później jeden z nich pęka, kolejny artykuł.

It's just the last girl that played me left a couple cracks
To tylko ostatnia dziewczyna, która mnie odtwarzała, zostawiła kilka zadrapań

It's amazing how things like that just slip through the cracks, huh?
To jest zdumiewające jak rzeczy jak te tylko prześlizgaj się przez pęknięcia, huh?

So, what was all that about enlarged holes and tight cracks?
Więc, o co chodziło z tymi powiększonymi otworami i szczelinami?

They both had the same exact little mole above their butt cracks.
Oni oboje mieli ten sam dokładny mały kret powyżej ich tyłka trzaska.

The simulation caused some minor structural cracks in section three.
Symulacja spowodowała trochę nieistotnych uszkodzeń w sekcji trzy.

What if a snakesman comes over the roof and cracks it from the inside?
A gdyby pajęczarz przeszedł po dachu i otworzył ci od wewnątrz?

So the doctor cracks his whip and you dance!
Więc doktor trzasnął z bicza, a ty tańczysz!

But what if the cracks are closed up?
A jeśli będą zamknięte?

We've got a few cracks up there now.
Tam, na górze, jest teraz kilka pęknięć.

Then sideline him before he cracks because he will crack.
Więc wyklucz go zanim się załamie, bo załamie się.

Not even if you creep away like a cockroach into the smallest cracks.
Nawet jeśli schowasz się jak karaluch do małej szparki.

From now on, it's about who cracks down first
Od teraz, będzie ten kto pęknie pierwszy.

I swear I won't make any editorial cracks about it.
Po prostu powiedz. Przysięgam, że powstrzymam się od redakcyjnych komentarzy.

Natalie: Daniel, this woman cracks serial killers for a living.
Ta kobieta zarabia na życie rozszyfrowując seryjnych morderców.

It cracks me up when they ask me my diet and exercise secrets.
Chce mi się śmiać, kiedy pytają mnie... o sekrety mojej diety i gimnastyki.

Sometimes we see tar Coming out in the cracks in the patio.
Czasami widzimy... jak smoła wychodzi ze szczelin na patio.

Big enough to put cracks in the universe.
Dość duży, żeby cały wszechświat pękał.

I somehow slipped through the cracks and landed here, I don't know how.
Ja jakoś przez to przemknęłam i wylądowałam tutaj, nie wiem jak.

But really for making too many wise cracks.
Ale tak na prawdę, za robienie zbyt wielu mądrych uwag.

Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts.
Inne, takie jak mój, są popękane, leżą na nich skórki od bananów i niedopałki.

Nothing that serious... and, please, no cracks about my passion for spirits.
Nic aż tak poważnego. I proszę nie żartować na temat mojej słabości do trunków.

I think that they are trying to cover up the cracks in their own group rather than actually say anything positive in combating discrimination.
Myślę, że próbują raczej zatuszować spory w swojej grupie, niż rzeczywiście wyrazić jakiekolwiek zdecydowane stanowisko w kwestii przeciwdziałania dyskryminacji.

And if any one of us cracks, we are all gonna be screwed.
I jeśli ktokolwiek z nas sypnie, to wszyscy mamy przechlapane.

When you're exposed to hot seawater of 120'A. the pressure cracks up your skin
Kiedy jesteś w wodzie o temperaturze 120 stopni, ciśnienie rozsadza skórę.

It travels inside the pipe looking for cracks.
Porusza się wewnątrz rury w poszukiwaniu uszkodzeń.

We'ilget more out of him when he cracks.
Wyciągniemy z niego więcej, gdy się załamie.

Here the first cracks begin to come.
Zaczyna się łamać. To początek lęku.

They have found two cracks here.
Istnieją dwie takie szczeliny.

That guy who just said, butt cracks?
Mnie, facetowi który właśnie powiedział dupne żarty?

It arises around cracks in the Earth.
Powstaje wokół szczelin w Ziemi.

There's probably hairline cracks up towards the helos there.
Prawdopodobnie jest tam szczelina biegnąca w kierunku helikopterów.

There were these cracks on the ceiling.
Tam były te trzaski na suficie.

It cracks and plummets to the sidewalk below.
Więc pękają i spadają na uliczne chodniki.

The west coast with all those surface cracks,
Na całej długości Zachodniego Wybrzeża pęka ziemia.

You go seduce her until she cracks.
Masz ją uwodzić aż się złamie.