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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

One teacher who has attempted to rebel against the national model is Girolamo Ramunni, a lecturer at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts in Paris, a higher education establishment specialising in science and industry.
The pier is best appreciated from the town â?? a brisk 10-minute walk away â?? when the mist is thick enough to disguise the rust, and the red-roofed lifeboat station linked to one end of the structure by a rickety walkway looks like a tiny Arts and Crafts house.
"I'd rather shop at my local market, than a big supermarket," says Lombardi. "My soul is at peace when I ride a bike made by a small, family business. It's a return to an arts and crafts approach."
The architect-designed building on the edge of the capital's starting-to-be-hip district, Rainbow Street, is also a visitor centre, with a sun terrace affording views of the seven hills to which the city clings, a health food cafe and a boutique selling crafts made by people living near the reserves.
But Jordan wants to modernise. Queen Rania is pushing for female social development through various charity projects, and Wild Jordan is doing its bit, employing women to make crafts and as lodge staff. But this has to be sensitively managed.
May's house, which he has owned for 30 years, is a covetable Arts and Crafts pile complete with panelled rooms and a minstrel's gallery, and as a symbol of the way a certain kind of rock star can, if successful, achieve a certain kind of lifestyle, it is pretty good â?? though not quite as good as the first person I meet inside it, an employee of May's who tells me that his job description is "roadie-slash-estate management". (I love this. In my mind's eye I picture him humping speakers on a Monday and hornbeam saplings on a Tuesday. Wednesday he polishes a couple of guitars and then heads out to reseed a croquet lawn.) And where is Brian? In a perfect world he'd be up in a tower somewhere, listening to A Night at the Opera while flicking through a Bonhams catalogue. He'd be wearing a velvet dressing gown in deepest plum, one of those long-toothed combs for curly hair just peeking out of the top of its pocket. But this is not a perfect world, and the roadie/estate manager takes me round the back of the house to a big shed â?? or perhaps it's a small garage â?? which doubles as Brian's office and nerve centre, where I find the man himself in boring old black jeans and a pair of trainers so big and white they could pass for a couple of Thames motor cruisers were I not wearing my contact lenses.
The architect-designed building on the edge of the capital's starting-to-be-hip district, Rainbow Street, is also a visitor centre, with a sun terrace affording views of the seven hills to which the city clings, a health food cafe and a boutique selling crafts made by people living near the reserves.
But Jordan wants to modernise. Queen Rania is pushing for female social development through various charity projects, and Wild Jordan is doing its bit, employing women to make crafts and as lodge staff. But this has to be sensitively managed.
I know that in these empiricist times it's become fashionable to pooh-pooh superstition, but I believe that by ignoring homeopathy the planet is in danger of failing to connect with the kundalini that may represent a real source of hope in finding a cure for lactose intolerance in children. It has certainly improved my piles. Yet all is not lost. We can teach our children to learn the ancient Inca crafts of Morris dancing and human sacrifice that illuminate our oneness with Gaia. We can teach our staff to farm organically.
A new Crafts Council touring exhibition presents the imagined as real objects

You got a problem with arts and crafts, little man?
Masz jakiś problem z zajęciami praktycznymi, mały?

I thought you said the arts & crafts club.
Myślałam, że mówiłaś o klubie Sztuka i Rzemiosło.

In sectors such as crafts, trade, tourism and hotels, the restrictions are only exceptions.
W takich branżach jak rzemiosło, handel, turystyka, hotelarstwo ograniczenia są tylko wyjątkowe.

Dylan, this is breakfast, not arts and crafts.
Dylan, to jest śniadanie, a nie lekcja plastyki.

And this is our quiet corner for crafts and reading and reflection.
Nie jesteś świąteczna! a to jest nasz cichy zakątek na rzemiosło, czytanie i refleksje.

Straddle chair from the Arts and Crafts period.
Krzesło z okresu Arts and Crafts.

It has successfully allowed many women to set up companies in rural communities in areas such as tourism, crafts and the provision of regional products.
Umożliwił on wielu kobietom pomyślne założenie działalności gospodarczej na obszarach wiejskich w takich dziedzinach jak turystyka, rzeźbiarstwo i zaopatrzenie w produkty regionalne.

Service open Crafts from 10:00 on Tuesday...
Usługi Rzemiosła otwarte od 10:00 we Wtorek...

(PL) Mr President, literature, theatre, architecture, the visual arts, crafts, the cinema and television demonstrate Europe's cultural diversity.
Panie Przewodniczący! Literatura, teatr, architektura, sztuki wizualne, rzemiosło, kino, radio i telewizja ukazują różnorodność kulturową Europy.

We know that they do not include the role and significance of crafts, handicrafts and artistic work, and they also fail to include numerous areas that are influenced by culture.
Przecież wiadomo jest, że nie objęto tutaj roli, znaczenia rzemiosła, rękodzieła ludowego, artystycznego, nie objęto także wielu dziedzin, na które kultura ma wpływ.

Easier access to FP7 is provided by the Enterprise Europe network, a partnership between the Commission and nearly 600 business organisations such as chambers of commerce of industry, chambers of crafts, innovation agencies and regional development agencies.
Łatwiejszy dostęp do FP7 zapewnia sieć Enterprise Europe, partnerstwo między Komisją i niemal 600 organizacjami biznesowymi, na przykład izbami przemysłowo-handlowymi, izbami rzemieślniczymi, agencjami innowacji oraz agencjami rozwoju regionalnego.

I am also at one with the rapporteur in emphasising the need to preserve the specific nature of certain trades and the transfer of know-how, especially in the cultural, creative and crafts sector, and to guarantee mechanisms for knowledge transfer.
Jestem także w pełni zgodny ze sprawozdawczynią, jeśli chodzi o podkreślanie potrzeby zachowywania specyficznego charakteru pewnych zawodów i transferu know-how, zwłaszcza w branży kulturalnej i twórczej oraz w rzemiośle, jak również zagwarantowania transferu wiedzy.