Słownik audio-video Montevideo

operowanie dźwigiem

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Essentially built around the imposing Lovell radio telescope, a gigantic ear craning itself towards the ineffable secrets of the cosmos, it also offers an arboretum, a 3D theatre showing inspirational movies about the deaths of stars and the surface of Mars, and, perhaps most importantly, a cafe where delightful carbon-based life forms serve you cake (01477 571339, jb.


Overcome with enthusiasm but utterly broke I spent Â?20 on a housemate's late 70s steel-frame road bike but soon found a snag: I hated craning my neck to look up while gripping the bottom of the drop handlebars, the only way to reach the brakes.


He was young, with a creased, tired face and was craning his head to catch up with me.


All that craning, they get sore necks.
I to wszystko powoduje u nich ból karku.