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Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

geogr. Kreta

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

geogr. Kreta

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE)Vassilika VoutonGR-700 13 ΗeraklionΕλλάδα/Greece
Science and Technology Park of Crete (ITE)Vassilika VoutonGR-700 13 ΗeraklionΕλλάδα/Greece


It has become, in a discrete yet essential way, an integral instrument for modern life.
W mało dostrzegalny, ale zasadniczy sposób, stała się nieodzownym elementem nowoczesnego życia.


I am helping a constituent whose son was a victim of a violent attack whilst on holiday in Crete.
Pomagam jednemu z wyborców, którego syn padł ofiarą brutalnego ataku w czasie wakacji na Krecie.


We have discrete data elements; we don't have a time function on them.
Mamy tylko pojedyncze wartości, nie mamy ich funkcji w czasie.


The starkness and magnitude of Finkel's material demand an unerring control of tone. Even at its most matter of fact, his prose finds a hypnotic calm in the repetition of exposure to extreme danger: "Eyes sweeping, jammers jamming, the convoy moved along route Pluto . . ." At times there is an eerie, damaged lyricism: "Hours later, as the sun set, the sky took on its nightly ominous feel. The moon, not quite full, rose dented and misshapen, and the aerostat, a grey shadow now rather than the bright white balloon it had been in daylight, loomed over a landscape of empty streets and buildings surrounded by sandbags and tall concrete blast walls." One of these details acquires hideous poignancy later when a soldier is shot in the head; he survives but his head assumes the "dented and misshapen" aspect of the moon.
Hungry fans crowded into Minty's Tuck Shop, a corrugated tin structure with a plain concrete floor and bare light bulb. Giant cooking pots sat on an ageing stove connected by a pipe to a gas cylinder.
Anxious to avoid suspicion, he doesn't risk staying there too often. So he has also been sleeping intermittently on a flattened cardboard box at the top of a concrete stairway to a block of flats nearby. This place is sheltered from the rain, and it has the added advantage of a light bulb that can be left on or unscrewed when he wants darkness, but the neighbours are not tremendously welcoming, and he tries not to get there until he calculates they will all be asleep. When they see him, they are generally abusive and threaten to call the police. Someone has scratched "Your Dead" into the side of his cardboard container, which he has left leaning against the wall.
Reports that president will choose Crete for a break, although the US embassy says such a trip would be 'surprising'
As Greeks grapple with an economy wracked by crisis and debt, Obama, by dint of rumour and feverish speculation, has ignited a ray of hope. "The US president Barack Obama will spend his holidays in Crete this year," the popular daily, Eleftherotypia, proclaimed with robust certainty. "He has been invited to come at the end of June or early July."
The visit, it reported, has been arranged by his close friend and basketball-playing chum Alexi Giannoulias, the Illinois state treasurer, whose mother hails from the island. That the "ruler of the planet" would prefer Crete over his beloved Hawaii at a time when tourism â?? the single biggest hope for Greece's economic recovery â?? is down by at least 10% has naturally enthused locals.
Anxious to avoid suspicion, he doesn't risk staying there too often. So he has also been sleeping intermittently on a flattened cardboard box at the top of a concrete stairway to a block of flats nearby. This place is sheltered from the rain, and it has the added advantage of a light bulb that can be left on or unscrewed when he wants darkness, but the neighbours are not tremendously welcoming, and he tries not to get there until he calculates they will all be asleep. When they see him, they are generally abusive and threaten to call the police. Someone has scratched "Your Dead" into the side of his cardboard container, which he has left leaning against the wall.
Aid agencies have cautioned that concrete implementation of any relaxation of the siege could be hampered by Israeli foot-dragging. "The siege must be ended, not just eased," said UN spokesman Chris Gunness. "Otherwise Israel continues to be in breach of international law."
The BYO club has developed a guide to avoiding embarrassment and provides members with a discrete case to carry bottles in. Check in advance, do not bring anything that is on the wine list, and let the wine waiter taste it. One diner who brought a bottle of Ch??teau d'Yquem, a sweet white wine worth more than Â?200, to a Michelin-starred restaurant, suspected the waiting staff had drunk a third of it while it was being chilled out of sight, because the diner had not offered a taste.
His views were reiterated in the G8 communique, which said: "The Kabul conference in July will be an important opportunity for the government of Afghanistan to present its detailed plan and show tangible progress in implementing the commitments made in January 2010 including measures toâ?? make concrete progress to reinforce the formal justice system and expand the capacity of the Afghan national security forces to assume increasing responsibility for security within five years."

I bet they all took a house together on Crete for the summer.
Założę się, że na lato wynajmowali wspólny dom na Krecie.

During the fighting in Crete, he was a double agent.
Przez cały czas walk na Krecie był podwójnym agentem.

And you, what are you go to do in Crete?
A Pan, co ma Pan zamiar robić na Krecie?

People on the nearby island of Crete might have seen the warning signs.
Ludzie na pobliskiej wyspie Krecie, mogli dostrzec znaki ostrzegawcze.

I also know I have work to do on Crete.
Wiem też, że mam robotę na Krecie.

The rendezvous with the Russians was to have been in Crete.
Jego spotkanie z Rosjanami miało się odbyć na Krecie.

Cunningham and his fleet busy down here in Crete.
Cunningham i juego flota sa zajeci na Krecie.

I am helping a constituent whose son was a victim of a violent attack whilst on holiday in Crete.
Pomagam jednemu z wyborców, którego syn padł ofiarą brutalnego ataku w czasie wakacji na Krecie.

Tomorrow, it will be in Malta and Crete.
Jutro może to być Malta albo Kreta.

Take her to her father in Crete.
Zabierz ją do ojca na Krecie.

You know how I came to Crete?
Wie Pan jak przybyłam na Kretę?

Situation in Crete is deteriorating.
Sytuacja na Krecie pogarsza sie.

It's from lerapetra in - Crete
Pochodzi z Ierapetra... - Na Krecie.

The islands it commonly stopped at were Crete, Lemnos, and Patmos, in that order.
Zatrzymywał się po kolei na Krecie, Lamnos i Patmos.

And in this time, in Crete... ...it was big trouble.
Wiecie, bardzo gorące... a w tym czasie na Krecie... były wielkie kłopoty.

Somewhere in Crete...
Gdzieœ na Krecie...

In Crete... ...you don't find the real good satin.
Na Krecie, ee... nie znajdzie się, ee... naprawdę dobrej satyny.

In Crete, Minos ascended Mount Dicta, where Zeus gave him the sacred laws.
Na Krecie - zstąpił z Góry Dicta, gdzie dał mu święte prawa.

This is illustrated by a visit to graveyards in Crete, the island my father hails from: seeing the age people live to there really brings this home to you.
Ilustracją tego mogą być odwiedziny cmentarzy na Krecie - wyspie, z której pochodzi mój ojciec. Uświadamiamy sobie, jak jest w istocie, widząc, jakiego wieku dożywają tam ludzie.

For example, in 2003 Greece was fined EUR 20 000 a day for tolerating an illegal landfill on the island of Crete.
Dla przykładu w 2003 roku Grecja została ukarana 20 000 euro dziennie za tolerowanie nielegalnych wysypisk na Krecie.