Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) prymitywnie, prosto; prostacko, po prostacku; grubiańsko, ordynarnie; z grubsza, byle jak;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But for all their eye-popping details, the intelligence files, which are mostly collated by junior officers relying on informants and Afghan officials, fail to provide a convincing smoking gun for ISI complicity. Most of the reports are vague, filled with incongruent detail, or crudely fabricated.
Last year Karzai insisted on as many voting centres opening as possible in the insurgency-torn south, leading to so-called "ghost polling stations" in areas so dangerous that election monitors had no chance of being present to record or prevent massive electoral fraud, including ballot boxes being stuffed with crudely filled-in voting papers.
Yet despite the good it does, fair trade attracts its share of criticism. In the past, it has been accused of skewing free-market forces and, earlier this month, the Institute of Economic Affairs suggested the fair-trade premium was of negligible value for the world's poorest. But in Mali, it is hard not to feel such arguments are crudely abstract. After all, American subsidies already make a mockery of the idea of a "free market" and speaking to people such as Daouda or Bandia, you rapidly realise the gains that come from fair trade are not only the kind that can be drawn up on a balance sheet of profit and loss.

In truth, these standards are being ignored and crudely infringed.
W rzeczywistości standardy te są ignorowane i w prymitywny sposób łamane.

He repainted them crudely and signed a false name.
Zamiast tego zamalował je i podpisał fałszywym nazwiskiem.

Aside from this fundamental problem, it is unacceptable to crudely engineer the immediate application of the new procedures.
Oprócz tego podstawowego problemu, niedopuszczalne jest, aby w brutalny sposób narzucać niezwłoczne stosowanie nowych procedur.

Inch, you will work crudely again?
Cal, znowu będziesz pracował nago?

I would rather more crudely call it: 'I will scratch your back if you scratch mine'.
Ja bym to ujęła po prostu tak: "ręka rękę myje”.

It is precisely that failure, they conclude, that has allowed the Russian authorities to crudely violate human rights and international law.
Wnioskują oni, że właśnie z tego powodu władze rosyjskie w tak ordynarny sposób łamią prawa człowieka oraz prawo międzynarodowe.

And they'll kill him crudely, horribly. Like a dog, with a sharpened screwdriver...
I zabiją go... okrutnie, strasznie, w brudnej bramie - jak psa.

It is, however, precisely this legislation that crudely infringes all forms of personal data protection and introduces general personal records and the collection and exchange of the most sensitive personal data between the repressive mechanisms of the Member States and even the secret services of third countries.
Jednak właśnie to prawodawstwo brutalnie narusza wszystkie formy ochrony danych osobowych i wprowadza ogólne rejestry osobowe oraz pozwala na gromadzenie i wymianę najbardziej wrażliwych danych osobowych pomiędzy represyjnymi mechanizmami państw członkowskich, a nawet pomiędzy tajnymi służbami krajów trzecich.