Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Cyrus

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

But then, encouraged by a "peace plan" drawn up by Lord David Owen and the American Cyrus Vance in 1993 that awarded the Bosnian Croats huge tranches of Muslim land, the Bosnian Croat army, the HVO, began a pale but vicious imitation of what the Serbs had done, taking their own Muslim allies and comrades off the frontlines, putting them in concentration camps and herding their women and children from their incinerated homes into tiny East Mostar. There, the Croats shelled them without relent. Over three years covering the war in Bosnia, I remember East Mostar during this time as the most terrifying experience of the entire bloodbath, people cowering in cellars or refugee centres crammed with women and children, while the Croats shelled hospitals and buildings, and their snipers shot at anyone daring to cross the little streets, or collect water from the river. Finally, under an agreement in Washington in February 1994, the Croats agreed to a ceasefire.
It was not an easy decision for the British Museum to lend one of its most treasured artefacts to a country which has a notoriously prickly relationship with the UK. So curators in London are paying close attention to an Iranian threat not to return the famous Cyrus Cylinder â?? now embroiled in political intrigue in the Islamic Republic.
In a ceremony on Sunday President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad draped a Palestinian-style keffiyeh scarf worn by Basij militiamen over the shoulders of a bowing actor dressed as Cyrus. He also described Cyrus reverentially as "King of the World" â?? a striking phrase in a country where pride in Iran's pre-Islamic past, encouraged by the shah, has been downplayed since the 1979 revolution. For Ahmadinejad's domestic enemies, this was another glaring example both of his self-promotion and a religious-nationalist agenda that arouses their deepest suspicions.
"Isn't it correct that the Cyrus Cylinder belongs to Iran?" asked the Keyhan newspaper, mouthpiece of hardline conservatives. "Isn't it true that the British government stole this valuable and ancient object of ours? If the answer to these questions is positive, which it is, why should we return [it] â?? to the party which stole it."
Critics on the left point to the irony of the president's celebration of the cylinder as "a charter against injustice and oppression" as he oversees unprecedented human rights abuses. The opposition Jaras website called the object "a stranger in its own home". Cyrus would have been shocked to hear Ahmadinejad invoke his name, it said.
Written in Babylonian cuneiform, it describes how Cyrus (Koroush in Persian) restored shrines dedicated to different gods and repatriated deported peoples who had been brought to Babylon. It was this decree that allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem after their expulsion by Nebuchadnezzar II and rebuild their temple.

Cyrus was pointing to the sky saying, They're coming to take me home.
Gapił się w niebo powtarzając Przybyli zabrać mnie do domu

Get your house in order, Cyrus, and hire a lawyer.
Zrób w domu porządki, Cyrus, i wynajmij prawnika.

Cyrus, can you get us in with one of the bidders?
Cyrus, możesz nas skontaktować z jednym z licytantów?

Cyrus, do your job and get your guy in line!
Cyrus, rób swoją pracę i ustaw swojego faceta do pionu!

I imagine your coat cost more than Cyrus' wages for a month.
Twoja kurtka kosztuje więcej, niż Cyrus zarabia w miesiąc.

Everybody says that Cyrus is the one and only.
Wszyscy mówią, że Cyrus to jedyny przywódca.

Cyrus Beene knows more about my operation than he should.
Cyrus wie więcej o mnie, niż powinien.

The doctors say that Cyrus had a complete mental breakdown.
Lekarze powiedzieli, że Cyrus miał kompletne załamanie psychiczne.

But Cyrus was my friend, and he accepted me.
Ale Cyrus był moim przyjacielem, i zaakceptował mnie.

Cyrus got this in the mail a week ago.
Cyrus dostał to pocztą tydzień temu.

God looked down on me and said, Cyrus, you're a bad, stupid, selfish man.
Bóg spojrzał na mnie i powiedział, Cyrus, jesteś złym, głupim, egoistycznym człowiekiem.

Well, Cyrus is finishing up at the police station.
Cóż, Cyrus kończy sprawę na policji.

I want to be heard. Like Cyrus said, we've all made sacrifices.
Chcę usłyszeć, jak Cyrus mówi, że poświęciliśmy się wystarczająco.

Let that be a lesson to you, Cyrus, a warning to mend.
I niech to będzie dla ciebie lekcją, Cyrus, ostrzeżeniem abyś się poprawił.

I got three kids in public school, cyrus.
Mam trójkę dzieci w publicznej szkole, Cyrus.

I think Cyrus and Verna have already heard this one.
Myślę, że Cyrus i Verna już to słyszeli.

You're telling me that cyrus menlo was caught in a bear trap?
Pomóż mi to zrozumieć. Twierdzisz, że Cyrus Menlo został złapany w pułapkę na niedźwiedzia?

His father is adamant that cyrus wouldn't have done something like this
Jego ojciec jest pewny, że Cyrus nie mógł zrobić czegoś takiego.

It's like Cyrus is in his own world.
Tak jakby Cyrus miał własny świat.

Cyrus, you didn't tell me James was working at the White House again.
Cyrus, nie powiedziałeś mi, że James pracuje znowu w Białym Domu.

They've recently done business with a man named Cyrus Kavali.
Ostatnio robili interesy z człowiekiem o imieniu Cyrus Kavali.

Cyrus is exploring a more permanent solution to our Hollis troubles.
Cyrus bada bardziej trwałe rozwiązanie naszych kłopotów z Hollisem.

Cyrus wouldn't be the first in Smallville with abilities.
Cyrus nie byłby pierwszą osobą w Smallville z takimi niezwykłymi zdolnościami.

How can you justify what you're doing, Cyrus?
Jak usprawiedliwisz to, co robisz, Cyrus?

Cyrus never even had to lift a finger.
Cyrus nawet nie kiwnął palcem.

I, cyrus, Take, you, eleanor, To be no other than yourself.
Ja, Cyrus, biorę ciebie, Eleanor, za nikogo innego niż ciebie.

Lucille and Cyrus cheered up the settlers with a big first feast.
Lucille i Cyrus rozluźnili atmosferę wśród osadników właśnie dzięki pierwszemu posiłkowi.

I think there's a very strong possibility that Cyrus is from Krypton.
Myślę, że istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo, że Cyrus pochodzi z Kryptonu.

We're saying Cyrus is not an alien. He's an orphan.
Próbujemy ci powiedzieć, że Cyrus nie jest żadnym obcym.

Cyrus is the White House chief of staff.
Cyrus jest szefem sztabu Białego Domu.

Cyrus, you gotta remind me about these things.
Cyrus, musisz mi przypominać o takich rzeczach.

You just sang the Cyrus on that recording.
Właśnie zaśpiewałeś Cyrus na tym nagraniu.

Okay,so now you're saying that cyrus menlo was unconscious and dragged from the alley?
Cyrus Menlo był nieprzytomny i wywleczono go z alei?

Cyrus told me your brother was gonna go to the police with this disc.
Cyrus powiedział, że pański brat zamierzał udać się z dyskiem na policję.

Cyrus picked them all, including your wife.
Cyrus ich wybierał,łącznie z twoją żoną.

Cyrus knows I gave him the disc.
Cyrus wie, że to ja dałam mu dysk.

I'm saying the county willingly transfers White students from cyrus garza to centennial academy.
Mówię, że hrabstwo celowo przenosiło białych uczniów z Cyrusa Garzy do Centennial Academy.

They represent the ghosts that Cyrus needed to catch:
Reprezentują duchy, które Cyrus musiał schwytać

Centennial a academy on the top Cyrus garza's on the bottom.
Centennial Academy na górze, Cyrus Garza na dole.

Glad to be a team player, Cyrus.
Cieszę się, że jestem w zespole, Cyrus.

Each is a ghost Cyrus needed to catch,
Reprezentują duchy, które Cyrus musiał schwytać.

Cyrus, I want to believe you.
Chcę ci uwierzyć.

Cyrus was right about one thing.
Cyrus miał co do jednego rację.

Cyrus recorded this message six weeks ago.
Cyrus wykonał to nagranie 6 tygodni temu.

I can't believe I'm sitting here with you, Miley Cyrus.
Nie mogę uwierzyć, że siedzę tu z tobą, Miley Cyrus.

Cyrus Beene is taking care of it.
Cyrus Beene zadba o niego.

Cyrus, you said Russia's portly, and China's tall, is that right?
Cyrus, powiedziałeś, że Rosjanin jest tęgi, a Chińczyk wysoki?

Arthur, I used to hunt ghosts with your Uncle Cyrus.
Arthur, polowałem z twoim wujkiem Cyrusem na duchy.

Cyrus beene is not in this circle, our circle.
Cyrus Beene nie jest w tym kręgu, naszym kręgu.

His name is Cyrus Krupp. He transferred in a couple of weeks ago.
Ma na imię Cyrus Krup, przeniósł się do nas kilka tygodni temu.