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David Bailey, Britain's most celebrated photographer, has taken up sculpture â?? using flags, animal skeletons and exploding beans. Stuart Jeffries finds out more at his Dartmoor home
Many great poets, from Milton to Keats, Byron and Blake, are remembered in Westminster Abbey, or with grand monuments erected by admirers. Plath's own husband, the late poet laureate, Ted Hughes, is already commemorated by a granite monolith, placed secretly, by special permission of Prince Charles, on a remote site on the Duchy of Cornwall Dartmoor estates following his death from cancer in 1998. Early next year his name will join those honoured inside the abbey at Poets' Corner.
Plath, who had made an early suicide bid as a student in America, met Hughes in 1956 at a party after she came to England to study at Cambridge. The couple married four months later and moved into a home near Dartmoor to bring up their two children, Frieda and her younger brother, Nicholas. When the marriage fell apart, Plath moved back to London, but became ill and depressed. Hughes later gave his own partial explanation of his wife's declining mental health, citing the morning gaps between "one pill and the next".
In digging through his past, Tricky has discovered that one of the reasons his father was absent from his life was self-protection. "My Uncle Martin was doing seven years in Dartmoor when my mum died. I came across a letter he sent: 'I'm looking forward to coming out and seeing Roy [Tricky's dad]. He's got a lot to answer for.' My uncle was a notorious man, so my dad stayed away from me from fear of him and my other uncles, partly. If my Uncle Martin says, 'Stay away', you stay away. He was in prison at that time for cutting off someone's ear and cutting their throat."
Anyway, the whole point of this story is that it concerns Dartmoor Prison.
Chodzi o to, że jest w pobliżu więzienia w Dartmoor.
Right now, they're tracking us all over Dartmoor.
Właśnie teraz, wszyscy śledzą nas ponad Dartmoorem.
Tell me, Sir Henry, when were you planning to go down to Dartmoor?
Powiedz mi, Sir Henry, kiedy planujesz iść do Dartmoor?
She's the reason I came back to Dartmoor.
Z jej powodu wróciłem do Dartmoor.
Here we are, Sir Henry, on famous Dartmoor and what a history it has.
Oto jesteśmy, Sir Henry, przy słynnym Dartmoor i tym co ma jej historia.
You know the hotel in Dartmoor?
Znacie ten hotel w Dartmoor?
But it is in the high-landscape areas, the mountainous areas, the hilly areas in my own area that I represent - Exmoor and Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor - that the green landscape is kept by sheep farming.
Ale to w obszarach wyżynnych, wysokogórskich, regionach pagórkowatych w moim własnym regionie, który reprezentuję - Exmoor, Dartmoor i Bodmin Moor - zielony krajobraz jest podtrzymywany przez hodowlę owiec.