im. Edward
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
As I write this, I have the same physical sensation, but I haven't been in a car crash, I've been in a cinema, watching The Killer Inside Me. The film is beautifully made and wonderfully acted, with shots like Edward Hopper paintings and nostalgic Hank Williams music, and yet there are two scenes of such slow-motion, frame-by-frame violence that the rest of the film has receded in my memory and what I carry with me now is the fist coming down on a woman's face. And again. And again. Hard fist and soft flesh. A gorgeous, generous subject turned into a pulped object ("stewed meat, hamburger," says one character). Or a gobbet of spit landing on another woman's face before she is hit, hard, in the stomach. And the pause. Then the boot. The urine trickling out from her and the dress pulled up to show her body and conceal her dead face. These two scenes in which the psychopathic central character of Michael Winterbottom's extraordinary film murders the two women he thinks that he loves flood the rest of the movie and almost drown it. That's all you can think about â?? it's like listening to a symphony and having the volume suddenly turned up a thousand times, so the music is lost and all that remains is the pounding pain in your eardrums.
Edward Kennedy died last year of brain cancer at 77, after a long political career at least partially redeemed the disgrace of fleeing his Chappaquiddick car accident, but the Massachussetts senator was subject of scores of death threats before and after the assassination of his brothers, documents released by the FBI revealed last night.
Bishop Edward Daly, the priest who waved a bloodstained handkerchief at soldiers on Bloody Sunday in an attempt to evacuate the injured, was also present.
As a long-time Athelstan watcher (I'm writing a book on him), I confess I almost felt my eyes prickle when I saw the startling image of the open lead coffin: an ivory silk shroud covering (or at least so I imagined with narrowed eyes) an almost discernible human shape. Under the crumpled folds was a small slim frame slightly bent at the knees, like a child asleep. Buried first in July 946, she had been reburied in this tomb in 1510. As blue bloods go, she was second to none: her grandfather, her father Edward and her brother were three of the greatest rulers in British history (well, why not the greatest?). I must say I was glad not to see the forensic close-ups of her bones and skull: the respect afforded by the antique silk shroud had the strange effect of giving her back something of her life.
The parallels between what happened in Ballymurphy and in Derry are uncanny, Teggart said. The death of the local parish priest, Fr Hugh Mullan, recalls the way another priest, the future Catholic Bishop of Derry, Fr Edward Daly, tried to help the wounded on Bloody Sunday.
Byrd was an influential politician under a dozen presidents and his death, which follows that of Edward Kennedy in August, means the Senate has lost two of its most illustrious figures.
Sometimes the urban issues are the same as the rural ones. Fundraising, for example. Remember in Dibley, when the stained-glass window got broken by a storm, and cost Â?11,000 to repair? In Rev, the window is broken by the urban equivalent of a storm (a flying bottle), and is going to cost Â?30,000. There's inflation for you, and it is a very special stained-glass window, inspired by Edward Burne-Jones. Turns out the bottle was thrown by Colin, Smallwood's well-intentioned but clumsy and not over-bright helper â?? a bit like Alice in Dibley. Alice with a hint of Jim "no no no no no" Trott.
While the Potter films are the cinematic equivalent of a cold shower, damping down the urges of its adolescent acolytes, the Twilight films, on the other hand, know all the about the vampire-movie obsession for blood, sex, addiction and death, even if it dilutes it for its own ends. At the point Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) presents Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) with the traditional bauble as he proposes marriage, he could almost be a Jonas brother suggesting she join his Silver Ring Thing; significantly, this comes moments after he's knocked back her invitation to go all the way, claiming it's "too dangerous".
This convoluted preparation for carnal union is arguably the high point of this third Twilight movie, which premiered in London last night: it's triggered by the rampaging hormones of a cross-species love triangle, in which human Bella is fought over by vampireEdward and werewolf Jake Black (Taylor Lautner). These two deadly enemies are, however, forced to join together to battle yet another lethal foe â?? an army of 'newborn' vampires, created and harnessed by maverick vamp Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) to kill off Bella in a convoluted revenge plot against Edward. (Confused? One thing about the modern vampire film is that however elaborate the mythology it invents, no one involved in the story has any trouble understanding or believing it. So neither should you.)
It is the clear-eyed seriousness of its principal actors that gives Twilight its strength: they communicate the urgency and pain of the raw teen emotions unlocked by these supernatural shenanigans. This third instalment, with a new director in the chair, appears to avoided the impulse to do too much explaining and exposition, and has decided to simply focus on the yearning. This, surely, is what its principal audience comes for: a chance to wallow in the midst of a choice selection of sensitive hunks and sassy gal-pals, all emoting like mad, and each with a nicely melodramatic backstory. And just when it looks like things are getting a tad overwrought, some actual laughs are to be had: Edward and Seth Clearwater get catty in their squabble over the girl they both love.
Edward asked me if I wanted to see him again.
Pytał, czy spotkam się z nim jeszcze.
Edward, I don't even know how to begin to thank you.
Edward.. Nie wiem nawet, jak mam zacząć ci dziękować.
Actually, you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight.
Ty i Edward będziecie mieli dla siebie cały dom.
Edward, be careful and believe nothing that you see or hear.
Edward, bądź ostrożny i nie dawaj wiary w nic, co zobaczysz lub usłyszysz.
You see, a lot of Edward's army didn't have any homes to go to.
Duża część armii Edwarda nie miała domów, do których mieliby wracać.
For security, Edward, we must establish our own presence there.
Dla naszego bezpieczeństwa musimy sami się tam znaleźć.
Edward was just telling us how indispensable you've become to him.
Edward właśnie nam mówił jak niezbedna stałaś się dla niego.
My father keeps the room locked. Edward can get us in.
Pokój jest zamknięty na klucz, jedynie Edward może nas tam wpuścić.
They would send your son home to Edward for the slaughter.
Wtedy Bretończycy wyślą twojego syna do domu, do Edwarda, na rzeź.
Edward and I have been secretly engaged these five years.
Edward i ja zaręczyliśmy się potajemnie 5 lat temu.
Edward would welcome him back, and that's the real tragedy.
Edward przyjmie go z powrotem i to jest prawdziwa tragedia.
Catherine has just found out that Edward is not really a scientist.
Catherine właśnie się dowiedziała, że Edward nie jest naukowcem.
Edward, I haven't got time for your adolescent conspiracy theory.
Edwardzie, nie mam czasu na twoje szczeniackie teorie spiskowe.
Edward, you cannot let him do that to me!
Edward, nie możesz pozwolić mu, aby mi to robił!
Oh, Edward, it does seem that that's what you should do, but it's not.
Mimo że może się to wydawać rozsądne, to jednak nie wolno tak robić.
Now we think his mother killed my brother Edward.
Teraz, kiedy sądzimy, że jego matka zabiła mojego brata Edwarda.
Kim, this is Edward, who's going to live with us.
Kim, to jest Edward, i będzie z nami mieszkał.
That seem to me not the men King Edward to be.
Nie wygląda mi to na ludzi Edwarda.
In private, however, it seems that Edward enjoyed something a little more spicy.
W życiu prywatnym jednak, Edward wolał chyba coś bardziej pikantnego.
Your Edward French is not going to give you any more trouble.
Twój Edward French nie będzie ci sprawiał więcej kłopotów.
Well, Edward, I wonder what the poor people are doing tonight.
Cóż, Edwardzie, ciekaw jestem, co biedni ludzie robią dzisiejszego wieczora.
It will think at least that I said to him, Edward?
Pomyśl przynajmniej o tym, co ci powiedziałam.
We only had the weekend because Edward had to get back to work.
Mieliśmy tylko weekend, bo Edward musiał wrócić do pracy.
Edward, we were wondering what had become of you.
Edwardzie ciekawa byłam, co się z tobą działo.
No wonder poor Edward can'tlearn right from wrong, living in this family!
Mając taki przykład, nic dziwnego, że Edward nie wie, co dobre, a co złe.
Edward, I'd like to show something to you, if I may.
Edward, chciałbym ci coś pokazać jeśli mogę.
Edward's not stupid enough To put his life Only in your hands.
Edward nie jest na tyle głupi, żeby składać swoje życie tylko w twoich rękach.
He put Edward in the Tower to keep him from me.
Umieścił Edwarda w Tower, aby trzymać go z dala ode mnie.
And between us, we will crush Edward for good.
a między nami zniszczymy Edwarda na dobre.
George killed our father and brother and now he's taking Edward into danger.
Jerzy zabił naszego brata i ojca. A teraz naraża Edwarda na niebezpieczeństwo.
If you believed as Edward does, could you take away his soul?
Wyobraź sobie odwrotną sytuację, kiedy to ty wierzysz w to, co Edward.
Adhemar was called back to the free companies. Edward commanded it.
Adhemar był wezwany z powrotem do jego wolnych kompani.
Edward, you've been much too modest about this place.
Edwardzie, byłeś zbyt skromny w opisie tego miejsca.
Edward was never charged 'cause that morning he called your father who called me.
Nigdy nie oskarżono Edwarda, bo rano zadzwonił do ojca, a ten do mnie.
Edward Kagame, he is the leader of the cell. and the most dangerous.
Edward Kagame, jest liderem tej grupy. i jest najbardziej niebezpieczny.
My husband wonders if that's true. He wants to place Edward in the hospital.
Mój mąż zastanawia się czy to wszystko prawda... ...Chce umieścić Edwarda w szpitalu.
Don't worry, Edward, this machine simply measures your eye movements while you draw.
Nie bój się, Edwardzie, to urządzenie będzie śledzić ruch twoich gałek ocznych podczas rysowania.
No, Edward. He wanted his grandson to be a king.
Nie, chciał by jego wnuk był królem.
Richard's got Edward, what's stopping him from snatching my other son?
Ryszard ma Edwarda, co powstrzyma go od porwania moich kolejnych synów?
Edward, would you like some butter for your bread?
Edward, chcesz trochę masła na chleb?
And were you there the week after her secret wedding, to Edward of York.
A czy byłeś tam tydzien po sekretnym ślubie Edwarda z rodu York
She doesn't sound that interested in your proposition, Edward.
Chyba nie jest zainteresowana twoją propozycją. W końcu to zrozumie.
Edward, take care of her as tenderly as you can.
Edwardzie, opiekuj się nią. Najczulej jak potrafisz.
Why are you frustrated, Edward? Because we have a partnership.
Czuję się trochę sfrustrowany - dlaczego czujesz frustracje?
Are you saying that my son, Prince Edward, has been executed?
Czy chcesz powiedzieć, że mój syn, książę Edward, został stracony?
Edward was the name of the other boy.
Nie, Edward to imię mojego drugiego syna.
He marched the 60th to Fort Edward two days ago.
Poszedł z 60. kompanią do fortu Edward dwa dni temu.
But, not to worry, I'm certain that Edward is already searching for me.
Proszę się nie martwić, jestem pewna, że Edward mnie szuka.
You seem to be taking this very well, Edward, but...
Wygląda na to, że bardzo dobrze to znosisz, Edward, ale...
Edward has long been expected by our mother.
Edward jest od dawna oczekiwany przez naszą matkę w Londynie.