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Słownik internautów


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

And if you're not talking about the individual relationship between a teacher and a student, you're not talking about that reality. ~~~ But that reality is expunged from our policy-making process.
A jeśli nie mówi się o indywidualnej relacji między nauczycielem a uczniem, to nie mówi się o tej rzeczywistości, a ta rzeczywistość jest pominięta w procesie kształtowania polityki.


The only images that would persist, I suspect, are the more horrifying ones, of the children's corpses hanging in the witch's cold store, ready to be loaded into her scarily hi-tech ovens, and neither the inevitable happily-ever-after ending, nor anything that comes earlier, is likely to expunge memories of the horrors.


In its severity and gloom it reminded me of something Gilbert Adair wrote about John Sayles's austere movie Limbo, that it was a sort of North American movie-making which had managed to expunge every smidgen of Hollywood glitz.


This has now, in Simon Boccanegra, softened and deepened into regret, remorse, a longing - as he first regains the daughter who was taken from him, then loses her to a lover who is his political enemy - to reverse history, expunge our guilt, and begin all over again.


55am: David Mayo writes: "You can't expunge it.


If this is proven - ie you have hard information - then expunge it.
