Wielki słownik medyczny angielsko-polski 2011 r., Anna Słomczewska

w złożeniach oznacza związek z żelazem

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

There have been other great characters, of course - Paul Calf, the Mancunian waster, Tommy Saxondale and Tony ferrino among them, but few have rivalled Partridge, the gaffe-prone Norfolk chatshow and radio host with catchphrases galore.


Aware of the gang's reputation for springing its own members from custody, they ferried him from the airport to Tokyo's Tsukiji police station in a bulletproof vehicle, accompanied by two helicopters.


The Thames has been spanned by bridges (both solid and wobbly), crossed by ferries, and even the occasional ice skater, but a proposal unveiled today would see cable cars gliding 50 metres above the river and transporting thousands of people an hour between the Greenwich peninsula and the Royal Docks.


Like the ma?®tre d' in ferris Bueller, I weep for the future.
