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Access to data: The charge here is that the scientists worked to prevent people they didn't like getting their raw temperature data. The UK's information commissioner's office has already said FOI requests were "not dealt with as they should have been under the legislation". This will be a critical judgment for Russell.
Future FOI requests for the CRU will be directed though the head of the school, Professor Jacquie Burgess, and the ultimate responsibility for such requests will lie with the vice-chancellor, as highlighted in the Russell report.
Clearly, the FoI legislation has been in most respects a good thing â?? without it, we would never have learned of the abuses of MPs' expenses. But Blair's argument is that when ministers and their aides, or civil servants, are discussing difficult policy choices, they need to be able to really probe the limits and come up with controversial ideas â?? often then to dismiss them â?? without fearing that every word they write or say will eventually be published, and not just in each others' memoirs.