Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) oprawiony, w ramce;
framed by sth - otoczony czymś;
silver-framed - w srebrnych ramach, w srebrnej oprawie;
wood-framed - w drewnianych ramach, w drewnianej oprawie;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy







Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

The Large Hadron Collider is not the first particle accelerator to be framed as a doomsday machine. Particle physicists have been accused of gambling with the future of humanity since at least the 1950s, when forerunners of the LHC were being built. Mention world-ending scenarios to staff on the LHC, or its main competitor, the Tevatron at Fermilab near Chicago, and you can expect a roll of the eyes at best. Physicists have gone to great pains to explain why such fears are unfounded. The time could have been better spent by getting on with research.
Little did they know that 20 years later I would be setting off on a 9,000-mile journey to India. On my own. Carrying everything I needed on my steel-framed bicycle, affectionately known as "Shirley".
When we first met, I was the expensively groomed television professional, working on mostly science and technology shows, and he was the newly appointed physics academic with a student's wardrobe and a single bed. All that remained of his music days with D:Ream were a few William Hunt suits in his wardrobe and framed backstage passes on his bathroom wall. It may have been my love of the Apollo moon missions or him telling me he worked at Cern, but we instantly struck up a geeky friendship. Together we started writing ambitious documentary ideas with the sole aim of "making science part of popular culture". Fast-forward 10 years and we're a lot closer to our goal, but it's not quite how I imagined it would be.
The movie kicks off with three bloody murders, of which we're only shown the results. Framed as the key suspect, Lisbeth Salander goes on the run using her technological gifts, her skill at martial arts and her sheer determination to pursue her quarry. Along the way the lives of two of her closest friends are put on the line, and she has brutal encounters with Hells Angels, transgressive cops and, most memorably, a giant killer called Niederman. As extraordinary as any Fleming villain, the latter is an unstoppable psychopath who suffers from a condition called congenital analgesia that makes him impervious to pain.
Carty's co-defendants testified against her and were spared the death penalty. She says she was framed by them because she was an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration. Carty is facing execution after the US supreme court refused to hear an appeal.
We meet at the office of another of Enfield's old friends, the writer and film-maker Richard Curtis. The office, in London's Notting Hill, is flush with the trappings of Curtis's success. The walls are lined with framed photographs of the gorgeous and the famous, from Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow, to Bono and Hugh Grant. Look close enough and you'll even spot a picture of Enfield surfing in the sun, back in the day.
Following lift-off in Sussex, Cavor and Bedford settle back under a framed painting of Edward VII for the journey, the former reading Shakespeare, the latter Tit-Bits. Once in space, they draw back the porthole's blue velvet curtains to view what no one has seen before: Earth disappearing into the cosmos. But how, you'll be asking, was space travel possible in Edwardian England? Because of a substance called "cavorite", which deflects the force of gravity. Cavor coats his copper spaceship with it and equips the craft with rollerblinds. "We'll be able to tack like a yacht using the sun's rays," he tells Bedford. Moments later, they are planting the union flag on the moon.
On 16 November Karen visited Steven Levenkron for the last time and presented him with a farewell gift, a framed personal message in needlepoint. The large green-threaded words "you win â?? I gain" served as tangible proof of the long hours Karen had spent alone in the hospital. Learning of her plan to leave, Levenkron reminded Karen she was abandoning the program much too soon, and that treatment takes at least three years. He suggested a therapist in Los Angeles so that she might continue a routine of some sort upon her return home, but she declined. She promised to call him and swore she would not take any more laxatives or diuretics. Agnes and Harold (Karen's father) met up with her at Levenkron's office that day. The couple had flown to New York City to bring their daughter and her 22 pieces of luggage home. It was obvious to most that Karen's treatment was inadequate and ending too soon.
In place of the intricate tissue of courtyards, lumpen gimcrack multi-storey blocks appear, without the slightest pretence of assimilation, and fronted by arid, gated aprons of tarmac. Buildings other than the wooden houses don't fare much better. The art nouveau works are also crumbling and subject to fires, their carvings disintegrating and disappearing. On constructivist buildings clunky plastic-framed windows have replaced the elegant originals. A very few historic buildings have been subject to something called "restoration", whereby a glutinous simulacrum of the original facade is created, behind which you find standard suspended ceilings and fluorescent lights.
In an early attempt at conservation, some damaged papyri were pieced together like jigsaws. Neither the meaning of the words nor the images was fully understood at the time, so pigments and brushstrokes were painstakingly matched by eye. These fragmentary papyri and a greater number that were in good condition were then mounted on brown paper and framed under glass. Now, in preparation for the exhibition, the backing paper has been peeled away slowly, with the help of tweezers and a little water.

I have a framed photo of him in my room.
Mam w pokoju jego zdjęcie w ramce.

So just the ones you gave back to us and we had framed?
Więc, na tych które nam oddałaś i my je oprawiliśmy w ramki!

If he did it, means that someone has framed the story.
Jeśli nie, to ktoś odwalił kawał porządnej roboty, żeby go wrobić.

I think they framed him somehow, just like my father.
Myślę, że jakoś go w to wrobili, tak jak mojego ojca.

Seven years ago, you had me framed for murder and brought into Section.
Siedem lat temu, kazałeś mnie wrobić w morderstwo i sprowadzić do Sekcji.

Have that framed, put it in the front room, yeah?
Oprawimy je i postawimy w salonie. Co ty na to?

Well, there are a lot of framed photos at the house.
W domu jest wiele zdjęć w ramkach.

If you can't find it, I have a framed copy at home.
Jeśli go nie znajdziecie, mam w domu kopię oprawioną w ramkę.

You framed him for a murder he actually did commit.
Wrobiłeś go w morderstwo którego on właściwie nie popełnił.

It is not just a piece of paper to be approved, framed and hung on the wall.
To nie jest wyłącznie kawałek papieru, który należy przyjąć, oprawić i powiesić na ścianie.

This photo will be framed and put up on the mantelpiece.
To zdjęcie będzie oprawione i umieszczone na kominku.

This guy basically framed the government to try to stop drone use.
Ten facet praktycznie zmusił rząd, by przestali używać dronów.

I therefore believe that we really have framed and defined very clearly the aspect of responsibility.
W związku z tym uważam, że naprawdę bardzo wyraźnie wyznaczyliśmy i określiliśmy aspekt odpowiedzialności.

Not just that, she shot the President, and she framed you for it.
Nie tylko, że strzeliła do prezydenta, ale i wrobiła cię w to.

I would have framed some of the points in the Hungarian constitution differently.
Sformułowałbym kilka punktów w węgierskiej konstytucji w inny sposób.

Because he was framed, and he doesn't trust our ability to work through it.
Ponieważ został wrobiony i nie wierzy w naszą zdolność do rozpracowania tego.

My brother is facing the electric chair, framed for a crime he didn't commit.
Mojego brata czeka krzesło elektryczne. Wrobiony za zbrodnię, której nie popełnił.

So someone could've framed Jim to sabotage his chances at this election?
Więc ktoś mógł wrobić Jima, by zniwelować jego szanse w wyborach?

European ideas about development are framed by the Lisbon strategy for growth and employment.
Europejskie idee w zakresie rozwoju są zawarte w strategii lizbońskiej na rzecz wzrostu i zatrudnienia.

The current global situation is nothing like the models that have framed geostrategic thinking in recent decades.
Obecna sytuacja na świecie w niczym nie przypomina modeli kształtujących myślenie geostrategiczne w ciągu minionych dziesięcioleci.

But, unfortunately, he was framed in that particular killing.
Ale niestety, w to konkretne morderstwo go wrobiono.

I mean, hung and framed in the National Gallery or something.
Obramować i powiesić w galerii narodowej, albo coś takiego...

Yeah, I'm being framed for a murder he committed.
Tak, jestem wrabiany w morderstwo, które on popełnił.

I've been with the two of you since you framed your first nickel.
Jestem z wami, odkąd obramowaliście waszą pierwszą zarobioną pięciocentówkę.

Or you can go home and get revenge on the man that framed you.
Możecie zgnić w Boliwii albo dorwać człowieka, co was wrobił.

Liber8 put an electronic mole in place that framed Betty when it was found!
Liber8 podłożyło elektroniczną wtykę na miejsce, by wrobić Betty, gdy zostanie znalezione.

Between that and the weird fingerprint, it sounds like Joan got framed.
Mając na uwadze to i dziwne odciski, zdaje się, jakby Joan wrobiono.

Perhaps I should have framed the money I spent on them instead.
Może powinienem oprawić w ramki pieniądze, które na nie wydałem.

I still have that framed in my office.
Nadal mam je w ramce w biurze.

I'll have this divorce decree framed and hung on the bathroom wall.
Oprawię ten wyrok w ramki i powieszę na ścianie w sypialni.

If paulson was framed,we need to find out how.
Jeśli Paulson został wrobiony, musimy się dowiedzieć, w jaki sposób.

Make it official, get it framed, so I can retire.
Opraw to w ramkę i powieś, żebym mógł iść na emeryturę.

Our questions were framed some weeks ago and the situation is now worse than, and different to, the situation then.
Nasze pytania zostały sformułowane kilka tygodni temu, a obecna sytuacja jest gorsza i inna niż wówczas.

The truth needs to be shaped and framed.
Prawda musi mieć kształt, formę i szkielet, Sol.

Senator Roswald has been arrested for murder, claiming that he got framed.
Senator Roswald został aresztowany za morderstwo, twierdząc, że został wrobiony

I know Hollis Doyle was the person who framed you.
Wiem, że Hollis Doyle jest tą osobą, która cię wrobiła.

Then you framed another client for his murder.
A potem wrobiłeś inną klientkę w jego morderstwo.

We'll get it framed and on the fireplace.
Oprawimy to w ramkę i powiesimy nad kominkiem.

We have even framed this in law.
Ujęliśmy to nawet w naszym prawie.

But who commemorates that with a framed number?
Ale kto to upamiętnia numerem oprawionym w ramkę?

Usually we just end up burying framed pictures.
Zazwyczaj po prostu skończyć grzebiąc wykadrowane zdjęcia.

And you're saying you were framed by General Marks and his assistant?
A pan mówi, że został wrobiony przez generała Marksa i jego asystenta?

I thought he'd know who framed me.
Myślałem, że wie, kto mnie wrobił.

You think Will framed us for this?
Myślisz, że Will nas w to wrobił?

The framed picture... on the wall in your office... is that her?
To zdjęcie w ramce. Na ścianie twojego biura. - Czy to ona?

Two framed photos hang on the wall.
Dwa oprawione zdjęcia wiszą na ścianie.

Yeah, like that time that you murdered that girl and framed an innocent man.
Na przykład to, jak zabiliście tamtą dziewczynę - i wrobiliście niewinnego faceta.

He said he never wrote that story, and that he was being framed.
Powiedział, że nigdy nie napisał takiej historii, i że jest wrabiany.

I planned on having it framed-- Uncle Barney had different plans.
Miałem oprawić artykuł w ramkę, ale wujek Barney miał inne plany.

The seven areas of interest to facilitate the required systematic approach outlined in the report are well framed in this regard.
Siedem obszarów zainteresowania, które mają ułatwić wymagane podejście systemowe zarysowane w sprawozdaniu, jest pod tym względem prawidłowo opracowanych.