Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) psychologia freudysta/freudystka;

(Adjective) psychologia freudowski;

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ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

We've come away from the Freudian gloom, and people are now actively studying this.
Pozostawiliśmy za sobą freudowskie przygnębienie, i właśnie to ludzie aktywnie teraz studiują.


You know, I was wondering about Freudian determinants.
Zastanawialiśmy się nad powodami freudowskimi.


The Freudian model is really one continuum that, as you get less miserable, you get happier.
Model freudowski stanowi kontinuum - w miarę, jak człowiek staje się mniej nieszczęśliwy, staje się bardziej szczęśliwy.


Madam President, this is what I wanted to say: 'It is a Freudian matter, not a wine-growing matter'.
Pani przewodnicząca! Oto, co chciałem powiedzieć: jest to kwestia o charakterze freudowskim, a nie z dziedziny hodowli winorośli.


I call them Freudian cities.
Nazywam je "Freudowskimi miastami".


For Rickels, the link between technology and mourning isn't merely Freudian and speculative, but also solidly historically grounded. In his excellent book Aberrations of Mourning: Writing on German Crypts, he points to the advent in the west of recording devices such as phonographs and gramophones before infant mortality rates had been reduced by mass inoculation, even among the better off. Many middle-class parents, following the fad for recording their children's voices, found themselves bereaved, and the plate or roll on which little Augustus's or Matilda's voice outlived him or her thus became a kind of tomb. "Dead children," Rickels writes, "inhabit vaults of the technical media which create them." Bereavement becomes the core of technologics; what communication technology inaugurates is, in effect, a cult of mourning â?? indeed, Rickels even suggests replacing the word "mourning" with the phrase "the audio and video broadcasts of improper burial". And the literature that emerges in the age of communications technologies â?? modernist literature â?? is this cult's expression, its record, its holy script.
The language and the understanding demanded of students is also reassuringly sophisticated. Answer this, for example: "A Streetcar Named Desire is about the ravishment of the tender, the sensitive and the delicate by the savage and brutal forces of modern society. Discuss." Blimey. (I came to lots of earnest conclusions about the new violating the old. Let's not get Freudian about that.)

And then I tried Freudian analysis, but with them, you know, it's just sex.
A potem próbowałam freudowej analizy... Ale oni to tylko seks, seks i seks...

You're frigid in a Freudian sense, which completely confused her, the poor woman.
Jesteś zimny, w dobrym tego słowa znaczeniu, co ją zaniepokoiło. Biedna kobieta.

You're a Freudian hallucination of my mother.
Jesteś freudowską halucynacją mojej matki

Amazing Freudian nuances of memory and consciousness.
Freudowskie niuanse pamięci i świadomości.

Don't give me that Freudian crap.
Nie wciskaj mi tych freudowskich bzdur.

How very freudian of me.
Bardzo po freudowsku z mojej strony.

Some good, some bad, some fun and Freudian.
Dobre i złe. Niektóre zabawne i freudowskie...

She's always been a Freudian nightmare.
Ona zawsze była Freudowskim koszmarem.

You, my dear, are a Freudian slip.
Ty, moja droga, jesteś panią halką.

Someone from the Freudian philosophy?
Do kogoś z filozofią Freuda?

Perhaps it's some Freudian syndrome.
Może to tylko jakiś Freudowski syndrom.

Perfect synthesis of Jungian and Freudian thought.
Doskonała synteza myśli Junga i Freuda.

Yeah, it's a Freudian slip, right?
Freudowskie przejęzyczenie, prawda?

Was it too Freudian or Jungian?
Było zbyt freudowsko czy jungiańsko?

In Jekyil and Hyde the montage was very elaborate and very Freudian.
Montaż w Jekyll and Hyde był bardzo wyrafinowany i bardzo freudowski.

Madam President, this is what I wanted to say: 'It is a Freudian matter, not a wine-growing matter'.
Pani przewodnicząca! Oto, co chciałem powiedzieć: jest to kwestia o charakterze freudowskim, a nie z dziedziny hodowli winorośli.

Dr Leoppold Lowenthal - Freudian Psychoanalyst at a rally in Vienna in 2000:
Dr Leoppold Lowenthal - Psychoanalityk na zjeździe w Wiedniu w 2000r.: