(Noun) piątek;
man friday - (Noun) wierny sługa; pomagier; literatura Piętaszek;
thank god it’s friday. - Dzięki Bogu już piątek!; Piąteczek!;
girl friday - (Noun) pomoc biurowa, asystentka osobista;
dress-down friday - (Noun) piątek dniem bez krawata;
good friday - (Noun) religia Wielki Piątek;
n C piątek
Good ~ Wielki Piątek
s piątek
n piątek
rel. Good Friday - Wielki Piątek
piątek m
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
This round table will then report its conclusions to the summit on Friday.
Wnioski z tego okrągłego stołu zostaną następnie przedstawione na piątkowym szczycie.
The relay with its "library" and computer is open for the public Monday - Friday, office hours.
The relay with its "library" and computer is open for the public Monday - Friday, office hours.
What should be discussed at the summit on Friday is Portugal.
Tematem, który należy poruszyć na piątkowym szczycie, jest Portugalia.
I am sure that the leaders will discuss this issue too in Friday's European Council meeting.
Jestem pewien, że na piątkowym posiedzeniu Rady Europejskiej przywódcy omówią również i tę kwestię.
And now there are 10,000 parodies of "Friday" on YouTube.
Obecnie, na YouTube jest 10 000 parodii nagrania "Friday".
Lord Trimble, the former leader of the Ulster Unionists and one of the architects of the Good Friday agreement, revealed to the Guardian that when Tony Blair agreed to the inquiry in 1998, he warned the then prime minister that any conclusion that departed "one millimetre" from the earlier 1972 Widgery report into the killings would lead to "soldiers in the dock".At the time Blair and Mowlam, who has since died, were locked in the intensive negotiations between unionists and nationalist that ultimately led to the Good Friday agreement of 1998.There are moments in The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch (Penguin, 1998) when Tim Radford felt perilously out of his depth. But the adventure was exhilaratingFrom Friday 16 July, the club will be discussing Naturalist by EO Wilson (Island Press, 2006)In this country, too, as Cameron and his chancellor, George Osborne, prepare to announce more details of cuts in next week's emergency budget, there is real concern among economists as to whether the Con-Lib coalition has chosen the right course. The eminent Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf has questioned the wisdom of the strategy in recent articles, asking whether the government has a plan to sustain demand, as well as impose painful cuts. On Friday he published an open letter to Osborne.But a crackdown on opposition was highlighted last Friday with an arrest warrant issued for the owner of the TV channel Globovisi??n, which takes a critical line against Ch??vez."It started on Friday lunchtime," said Rustam, an Uzbek lawyer. "It came in three distinct waves. The Kyrgyz entered Cheremushki district driving an armoured personnel carrier. This paved the way. Several of them were wearing army uniforms. At first we felt relieved. Someone had come to rescue us, we thought! Then the BKR opened fire and started shooting people randomly.Gardner, 49, will be taken at midnight into a specially designed execution chamber in Utah state prison in Draper, Utah. A target will be placed over his heart, and then in the first minutes of Friday five unidentified law enforcement officers will line up in front of him with .30-calibre rifles. After Gardner is allowed to say his last words, they will be ordered to fire at the target.Zenani Mandela, who had just turned 13, was killed in a car crash on her way home from the World Cup opening concert in the early hours of Friday morning."They're not people, but animals," said Gulamov Shakhobiden, 31, a former pupil. He described how Kyrgyz soldiers arrived at their street at 8pm on Friday 11 June, punching through a makeshift barricade in an armoured personnel carrier. The men carried automatic weapons. Behind them came women and boys hurling homemade petrol bombs.Rosa Otunbayeva, the head of Kyrgyzstan's interim government, visited Osh on Friday for the first time since ethnic riots erupted in southern Kyrgyzstan 10 days ago. The killing began in Osh late in the evening of Thursday 10 June, possibly ignited by a row in a casino between Uzbek and Kyrgyz youths. It then spread last weekend from Osh, Kyrgyzstan's second biggest city, to the Uzbek-dominated town of Jalal-Abad, 45 kilometres away.
Do you know why she was working so late on Friday night?
Czemu w piątkowy wieczór pracowała do tak późna?
Maybe you want to come to the show on Friday night.
Może byś przyszła na przedstawienie w piątek?
Do we really have to study on a Friday night?
Naprawdę musimy się uczyć w piątkowy wieczór?
I didn't know your class was having a party on Friday.
Nie wiedziałam, że twoja grupa organizuje w piątek przyjęcie.
Because of what really happened after I left here last friday night.
Z powodu tego, co stało się naprawdę, kiedy wyszedłem stąd w piątek.
I don't like you going out on a Friday night.
Nie lubię, kiedy wychodzisz w piątkowy wieczór.
Well, Friday the 13th must have been several days ago.
Piątek 13-go musiał być kilka dni temu.
I was just saying Paul wants us to go over on friday.
Właśnie mówiłam, że Paul prosił żebyśmy przyszły do niego w piątek.
So you're going to stay home with me on a Friday night?
Chcesz zostać ze mną w domu w piątkowy wieczór?
I'm sure you have better things to do on a Friday night.
Jestem pewien, że masz lepsze plany na piątkowy wieczór.
I'm out of town for a few more days but will return on Friday.
Jestem poza miastem przez kilka kolejnych dni ale wracam w piątek.
I did stop home on Friday, come to think of it.
Byłem w domu, zdaje się, że w piątek.
In fact, they actually want you for another fight this Friday.
Chcą, żebyś w ten piątek stoczył kolejną walkę.
Maybe go watch one, Friday night, want to come with me?
Idę obejrzeć jakiś w piątek wieczorem, chcesz iść ze mną?
And you had to tell me this on a Friday night?
I musiałaś mi to powiedzieć w piątkowy wieczór?
Her husband had no idea that something bad happened on Friday.
Jej mąż nie wiedział, że coś złego stało się w piątek.
When we're the ones sitting at home on a Friday night.
Jeśli to my jesteśmy tymi, którzy siedzą w mieszkaniu w piątkową noc.
Can we do it on some other day than Friday?
Może zrobić to w trochę innym dniu niż piątek?
It has nothing better to get do a Friday night?
Nie masz lepszego zajęcia na piątkowy wieczór?
Just a little too much reality for a Friday night.
Zbyt wiele codzienności jak na piątkowy wieczór.
Would it be ok if a student came to you every Friday?
Było by w porządku gdyby student przychodził do pani w każdy piątek?
And, you should all be on page 50 by Friday.
I powinniście być na stronie 50 do Piątku.
My mother and brother are coming for a visit on Friday.
Moja matka i brat przyjeżdżają, mnie odwiedzieć w piątek
Tell him to meet me friday night at this place.
Niech spotka się tam ze mną w piątek wieczorem.
She's going to be here Friday to pick you up.
Przyjedzie tu w piątek, żeby cię zabrać.
Me and the girls get together every friday for book club.
Razem z dziewczynami spotykam się co piątek w klubie książki.
That will be on Friday night at the high school.
To będzie w piątek w nocy w liceum.
And by the way, we're still on for Friday night.
A tak przy okazji, piątek wieczór jest nadal aktualny.
Would it be okay for the girls to stay a bit later on Friday?
Czy nie miałbyś nic przeciwko aby w piątek dziewczynki zostały u ciebie trochę dłużej?
Why don't you just save time and take us to Friday's?
Oszczędź sobie czasu i zabierz nas do Friday's. - Ktoś jest zły.
What are you doing home on a Friday night anyway?
Tak poza tym, co ty wyprawiasz w domu w piątkowe popołudnie?
I'll set that fight up for here, Friday after work.
Ustawię walkę tu, w piątek po pracy
He wants me to go to your football game with him on Friday.
Chcę, żebym poszła z nim na twój mecz w piątek.
And if he won, he'd return the funds without interest every Friday.
I jeśli wygrał, zwracał pieniądze bez żadnych potrąceń w piątek .
I last saw your sister when she left this office on Friday.
Ostatni raz widziałemją w piątek, jak wychodziła z biura.
I need two of you to help me Friday afternoon.
Potrzebuję was dwóch do pomocy w piątek.
He's doing the interview with me in town on Friday.
W piątek robi ze mną wywiad w mieście.
Thanks to Friday the 13th, my 15 minutes keeps going.
Dzięki Piątkowi 13-go moja chwila sławy trwa nadal.
Actually, 'someone like me' has nothing to do on a Friday night.
Niestety, 'ktoś taki jak ja' nie ma innych planów na piątek wieczór.
Hey, you never told me how it went on Friday.
Nie powiedziałaś, jak poszło w piątek?
Okay, so we will see you at 10:45 on Friday morning.
Dobrze, więc zobaczymy się o 10:45 w piątek rano.
I want to see everybody at the talent show on Friday night.
Chcę zobaczyć wszystkie twarze na pokazie talentów w piątkowy wieczór.
Every Friday, your mother came to me to buy fresh flowers.
Co piątek twoja mama przychodziła do mnie, kupić świeże kwiaty.
Friday, as if someone was pushing her in the back.
W piątek jakby ktoś ją popchnął z tyłu.
They are from, since Friday whole through the holiday week.
Bo robiłem je od piątku, przez całe święta.
Where were you last friday from 3:45 to 5:00 pm?
Gdzie byłeś w zeszły Piątek, między 15:45 a 17:00?
If you're free, we'd love you to come Friday night.
Jeśli będziesz wolna, byłoby nam miło gdybyś przyszła w piątek.
Once they know us, we'll pop in early on a Friday night.
Jak raz nas poznają, wpadniemy w piątek wieczorem.
Hey, listen, maybe you want to come over on Friday?
Hej, słuchaj. Może wpadniesz w piątek?
There's an officer who's going to be hit there Friday.
Jeden z oficerów będzie ich ofiarą w piątek.