Nowy słownik angielsko-polski aut. Zygmunt Saloni, Tadeusz Piotrowski

zobacz: general

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

To wszystko dzieje się z powodu innego niż sprawność czyichś genów, oczywiście.
This is all on behalf of a cause other than one's own genetic fitness, of course.


The environmental movement has been quiet since Copenhagen. Now is the moment to mobilise â?? to pass a US energy and climate bill, get Europe to commit to steeper emissions cuts and sign an international treaty in Cancun in December. Out of the darkness of Deepwater, let's create a positive legacy.
HLA, the human leukocyte antigen, is one of the main factors in the immune system. It is rare among genes in that it is polymorphic, which means there are many possible sequences, more than 1,000. HLAs operate like a lock-and-key system. Each HLA molecule is the lock and the key is a pathogen. The more HLAs you have, the more different pathogens it can bind and instructs the immune system accordingly. So choosing a partner with different HLAs produces a child with a much broader immunity.
Bogdanovich says an estimated 250,000 people cycle in London every day, and that one in three people are "interested" in cycling. "But that's still way behind cities such as Amsterdam and Copenhagen. The system should take advantage of the fact that London is a cluster of villages. Hackney, for example, has very high cycling rates â?? 10% of all journeys. Also, the average bike journey in London now is 3.5km, yet this system is largely aimed at replacing short tube journeys in central London. Over time, the system will need to serve both demands."
The first time I saw Price she was outside a Mayfair nightclub three years ago, posing in sequins and killer stilettos for a rabid paparazzi scrum. When we meet this time, at the Dorchester, Price arrives unrecognised, and indeed is almost unrecognisable â?? bare-faced, hair scraped back, in baggy white linen trousers and Ugg boots. In her natural state she is truly beautiful, her face fresh and mobile, and surprisingly undistorted by the nose job and Botox and collagen. Later on she will appear on the red carpet of a Leicester Square film premiere, reworked into a full-throttle sex-kitten vision of thigh-high boots and babydoll dress. "But this is how I dress normally," she shrugs, sprawled on the hotel bed, gesturing to her T-shirt. "This is what I look like. I don't think I'm beautiful. I just think I can scrub up OK."
But we are in a new media and political environment. In fact it's not even new any more. It's been around for 15 years, but still Democrats think the old rules apply. One old rule is, don't respond to nutty allegations because you only give them oxygen. Well, Democrats have spent two years not responding as "birthers" spin their conspiracies about Obama, and the result is that between 20% and 25% of American adults doubt that the president is a genuine American.
Despite concerns that targets are inadequately funded and not sufficiently ambitiousto reverse the decline of habitats and species, most organisers, delegates and NGOs expressed there was relief that negotiations had avoided the friction and fracture of last year's climate talks in Copenhagen. "This is a day to celebrate in terms of a new and innovative response to the alarming loss of biodiversity and ecosystems," said Achim Steiner, executive director of the UN Environment Programme.
While discussing the composition of water, Mrs B points out that oxygen has "greater affinity" for other elements than hydrogen. Caroline instantly grasps the romantic possibilities of this: "Hydrogen, I see, is like nitrogen, a poor dependent friend of oxygen, which is continually forsaken for greater favourites." Mrs B starts to reply â?? "The connection or friendship as you choose to call it is much more intimate between oxygen and hydrogen in the state of water" â?? then sees where this is going and hastily breaks off: "But this is foreign to our purpose."
Sea Urchins and Frozen Milk, Cucumber and Dill Remove sea urchins from hyperbaric chamber and get junior member of staff to cut off spines so you don't spike yourself. Poach the spines for seven hours in a water bath at 37C then throw away. Rinse the orange urchin tongues before adding seven grains of Norwegian sand. Incinerate the cucumber until carbonised then crush into a powder. Separate the cream from the milk for 11 minutes before mixing them back together and freezing with liquid nitrogen. Mix everything together and blow-torch.
Mining experts were planning to expel oxygen that could fuel a further explosion. One option was to pump in inert gas to displace the oxygen. Another was to seal the mine to stifle any burning then enter when it was safe, Whittall said.
The talks, which began today, have been accompanied by little of the razzamatazz that followed the host of celebrities and world leaders that attended last year's event in Copenhagen. The US, UK and EU have all played down the chances of a deal and the Mexican authorities expect about 22,000 people, including 9,000 official delegates and journalists â?? fewer than half the number that attended the at-times chaotic conference in the Danish capital.

I think you better go live in gen pop for a while.
Myślę, że lepiej idź posiedzieć do gen pop na jakiś czas.

Gen. Turgidson is here, but he can't come to the phone.
Halo...? Gen. Turgidson jest tutaj, ale nie może podejść do telefonu.

That'd be our only chance to get your information to Gen. Stone.
To nasza jedyna szansa, by dostarczyć twoją informację do gen. Stone'a.

You've been very kind, and you've gen me a chance.
Była pani bardzo dobra i dała mi szansę.

Gen technology and the intensive unilateral agriculture are a problem in this connection.
Problemów przysparza tutaj technologia genetyczna i intensywna gospodarka rolna oparta na monokulturze.

We met a while ago in Gen pop.
Poznaliśmy się jakiś czas temu w ogólnym.

It happened when I was in gen pop.
To zdarzyło się, kiedy byłem poza celą.

I don't like to be seen talking to Gen. Custer's boys.
Nie lubię być na widoku, kiedy rozmawiam z chłopakami Gen. Custer'a.

It's our great honor to serve you, Gen.
To dla nas wielki zaszczyt, służyć tobie, generale

I wanted Gen. Steele to see your f aces when you heard.
Chciałem, by generał Steel widział wasze miny, gdy się dowiecie.

Gen. Semenov ordered me to kill you once you crossed the border.
Geneał Semenov rozkazał mi żeby cię zabić zaraz po przekroczeniu granicy.

As Gen. Ripper's executive officer,the President must speak to me.
Ponieważ jestem jego zastępcą, prezydent musi rozmawiać ze mną.

But I thought Gen. Carnaby's plane crashed only yesterday morning.
Myślałam, że samolot generała Carnaby'ego rozbił się wczoraj nad ranem.

Gen. Grant takes me to a brothel.
Gen. Grant zabiera mnie do burdelu.

Gen. Cunningham needed help carting wounded Gl's off the ship.
Generał Cunningham potrzebował pomocy przy wożeniu rannych ze statków.

Come, sailor, Gen. Chang will speak with you.
Chodź, żeglarzu, Generał Tchang chce rozmawiać z tobą.

Is there an Allen Schweitzer in gen pop?
Czy jest jakiś Allen Schweitzer w GenPop?

Gen. Carnaby is one of the overall coordinators... of planning for the second front.
Generał Carnaby jest jednym z ogólnych koordynatorów... planujących drugi front.

Gen skates and I fix stuff.
Gen jeździła a ja naprawiałem sprzęt.

It wasn't Gen. Sherman who said, War is hell.
To nie Gen. Sherman powiedział, wojna to piekło.

Well, I've gen plenty of stitches.
Cóż.. założyłem w życiu wiele szwów.

Cons got that rook guard in Gen Pop.
Więźniowie mają tego nowego strażnika.

Me and Gen. McAuliffe decided to move I Company up on the line.
Gen. McAuliffe i ja zdecydowaliśmy przenieść Kompanię I na linię frontu.

The last remark was by Gen. Freisler.
Na czym stanęliśmy? Uwaga Gen. Freislera była ostatnia.

Junior level is where Gen and Nikki and Tiff are at.
Na poziomie Juniora są Gen, Nikki i Tiff.

So you're Gen's cover tonight, huh?
Więc jesteś przykrywką Gen na dzisiejszy wiezcór, huh?

The captured man, Gen. Carnaby, is an American.
Schwytany człowiek, generał Carnaby, jest Amerykaninem.

Her Majesty shows too much affection to Gen. Biharang...
Jej Wysokość wykazuje zbyt dużą sympatię do Gen. Biharang..

I'm a police inspector from Shaan Xi, Gen Su district.
Jestem inspektorem policji z Shaan Xi, w okręgu Gen Su.

Though we're divided into two Koreas now... we're still Koreans thanks to Gen.
Mimo, że jesteśmy teraz podzieleni na dwie Koree... ciągle jesteśmy Koreańczykami. Wszystko dzięki generałowi

He claims to be Tsuan Gen Fang, age:
Twierdzi, że nazywa się Tsuan Gen Fang.

I don'tcare what Gen. Patton says.
Mam gdzieś, co mówi generał Patton.

His job was to shoot you, Col. Kramer, and you, Gen. Rosemeyer.
Jego zadaniem było zastrzelenie pana, pułkowniku Kramer i pana, generale Rosemeyer.

I need to know what was between Gen. Kyaw Min and Nerio Winch.
Chcę wiedzieć, co było między Kyaw Min i Nerio Winchem.

R gen '85, Balaton '86, Golden Sands '87.
R gen '85, Balaton '86, Złote piaski '87.

Gen. Tucker, this isSpecial Agent Alex Scott.
Generale Tucker, to jest agent specjalny Alex Scot.

Gen. Hofmann, Race and Settlement, Main Office.
Hofmann, Główne Biuro ds. rasy i osadnictwa.

Gen. Ripper, as an officer in Her Majesty's Air Force, -
Generale Ripper, - - jako oficer Sił Powietrznych Jej Królewskiej Mości -

Gen. George Carnaby,United States Army.
Generał George Carnaby, Armia Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Harry Block, this is Gen. Russell Woodman, head of U.S. Army Research.
Harry Block. Gen. Russell Woodman, szef Programu Badań Wojskowych.