(Noun) geografia Glasgow;
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Against the First Division side, however, they reverted to the blandness that had generally marked their endeavours under Mowbray. This apparent lethargy would be emphasised, of course, by the comparative brightness and industry of County, who began at â?? and maintained â?? the kind of quick and aggressive tempo that would have been more expected of the Glasgow giants.
"What this is doing is selectively punishing disadvantaged women for being disadvantaged, instead of recognising that their addiction problems have arisen because of issues around their social marginalisation," says Dr Mary Hepburn, consultant obstetrician at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, who has worked with vulnerable women for more than 20 years. "Women may be good or bad parents for lots of reasons, and most want to have children. There is no group in society that we try to prevent from having children."
"Raising the state pension age will hit the less well-off far more than the rich. Sixty-five-year-old men in Kensington and Chelsea can expect to live a further 23 years, while those in Glasgow only 14 years.
Among those involved working to stage the Sarajevo concerts and bring aid were a music professor from Glasgow named Nigel Osborne and a film director, Bill Leeson. We met last week at a pub called the Constitution on the canal at Camden in London, just a block away from the Serious Road Trip offices, which would also, later, become the HQ for the charity they would found in 1993, War Child. "I got hooked," says Leeson. "I don't know why. I used to come back and try to talk about concentration camps and mass rape and women and kids getting shelled an hour away by plane, and no one gave a monkey's. It drove me nuts. But while there in Sarajevo, among the first things I noticed was that whenever the electricity came on, you heard music, everywhere. Of course, it's obvious," says Leeson â?? a strange observation in a place where people were being ripped apart by shrapnel, but in the unique atmosphere of Sarajevo in 1993, it was obvious. "I couldn't believe what I was hearing back home," says Osborne. "I was doing my best to get around Bosnia to find out more about what we could do to help, and all we got back in England was the hatred and fascism of the politicians in Bosnia not only echoed, but amplified and endorsed by John Major's government â?? going on about "ancient ethnic hatreds". So I thought: fuck them â?? and please quote that â?? we need to do something."
The National ANPR Data Centre provides a central search facility for all the data captured in England and Wales. It can also analyse ANPR readings -including the number, location, date and time - from all the cameras and hopes to move towards sharing its database with other agencies in the future. It already plans to have the capacity to store more than 50mn traffic movements each day.Critics acknowledge that ANPR has played a crucial role in cases such that of Steve Wright, who murdered five Ipswich women, and in helping the police hunt the gang that tried to bomb London and Glasgow in 2007.
Appearing on the BBC's Crimewatch programme, the unidentified woman claimed Tobin put something in her drink before assaulting her in a Glasgow tenement in 1968. She contacted police after recognising a magazine photograph of the 63-year-old when he was younger. He would have been 21 at the time.
Tobin has also been convicted of the murder of Kluk, a Polish student he killed in September 2006, dumping her body under the floor of a Glasgow church.
Try to picture it: it's the equivalent of the entire populations of our five biggest cities combined - London, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow and Sheffield - all being left without the tool that we now heavily rely on every day.
Hundreds headed for airports yesterday unaware that Goldtrail had bust. A group supposed to be flying out of Glasgow were forced to retrieve their bags after having checked them in during the early hours of Saturday morning.
Similarly bold schemes went forward across the country â?? Scotland finally got its expensive new parliament building and Glasgow was given the Clyde Auditorium, known as the Armadillo.
Get on the phone to Glasgow, find what you can.
Dzwoń do Glasgow, znajdź, co tylko możesz.
We could go to Glasgow but she didn't want it.
Moglibyśmy się przeniść do Glasgow ale ona nie chce, ja też nie
Your only chance, son, is getting out of Glasgow.
Twoją ostatnią szansą jest ucieczka z Glasgow.
The only good thing about Glasgow is that it's very, very far away.
Glasgow ma tylko jedną zaletę... Jest bardzo, bardzo daleko.
I am at the corner of Glasgow and 15th. We'll be there.
Jestem na rogu Glasgow i 15. - Zaraz tam będziemy.
My tailor sends me twelve suits a week from Glasgow.
Co tydzień przysyła mi z Glasgow dwanaście garniturów...
You said a plum tree wouldn't grow in Glasgow, if I remember.
Jeśli dobrze pamiętam, to mówiłaś, że śliwa nie wyrośnie w Glasgow.
His lab was located inside the quarantine compound in Glasgow.
Jego laboratorium było w strefie kwarantanny w Glasgow.
Torchwood Two is an office in Glasgow, very strange man.
Torchwood 2 to biuro w Glasgow, bardzo dziwne.
But the second soon after your glasgow incident.
Drugą po incydencie w Glasgow.
I've got an address for him in Glasgow.
Mam jego adres w Glasgow.
One day Pettit, you're going to be the best cook in Glasgow.
Pewnego dnia będziesz najlepszym kucharzem w całym Glasgow.
But if you grew up in Glasgow in the 7O's, you'd do the same.
Ale ja dorastałem w Glasgow w latach 70 - tych, byłbyś taki sam.
I saw it in a curiosity shop in Glasgow.
Zauważyłem to w sklepie z ciekawostkami w Glasgow.
Maddy runs the best supermarket in all of Glasgow.
Maddy prowadzi najlepszy supermarket w Glasgow.
Probably Glasgow by now, and still running.
Prawdopodobne w Glasgow, i nadal ucieka.
You are going to study in Glasgow!
Będziesz studiować w Glasgow!
I might as well stay in Glasgow.
Nie ma problemu, mogłabym być również w Glasgow.
More recently, we have had the London suicide bombings and the attempts to cause carnage in Glasgow.
Niedawno doszło do samobójczych ataków w Londynie i prób spowodowania masakry w Glasgow.
We bought them in Glasgow last year.
Kupiliśmy je w Glasgow w zeszłym roku.
So they have a satellite Glasgow and Edinbourgh in the holes leave.
Więc oni mają terminal satelita Glasgow i Edinbourgh w dziurkach odchodzi.
Something very dark up in Glasgow.
Coś bardzo złego w Glasgow.
Don, have you spoken to Glasgow yet?
Don, rozmawiałeś już z Glasgow?
Glasgow. Uh, but they don't have a name.
Glasgow, ale... nie ma nazwiska.
And they called it New Glasgow because it was new.
I nazywają je Nowe Glasgow Bo jest nowe.
Glasgow water riots into their third day.
Trzeci dzień zamieszek w Glasgow.
Don't they have any churches in Glasgow?
W Glasgow nie ma kościołów?
Go north, you get to Glasgow.
Jedź na północ, a trafisz do Glasgow.
Not bad for a wee lad from Glasgow.
Nieźle jak na małego chłopaka z Glasgow.
They're waiting for you at Glasgow.
Czekaja na ciebie w Glasgow.
I can't find it in Glasgow.
W Glasgow jest nie do zdobycia.
Anyway, he went back to Glasgow.
A on wrócił go Glasgow.
When I called you last night from Glasgow
Byłam chora i zmęczona wszystkim, gdy dzwoniłam do ciebie ostatniej nocy z Glasgow
Can you confirm that your full address is 16 Birchmore Street, Glasgow?
Tak Czy mogłaby Pani potwierdzić pełny adres 16 Birchmore Street, Glasgow?
They got place of birth. Glasgow.
Glasgow, ale... nie ma nazwiska.
I don't mean to be confrontational, but there is no New Glasgow in Scotland.
Nie chcę się spierać, ale nie ma Nowego Glasgow w Szkocji.
has now been dismantled and is on its way to Glasgow.
została własnie zdemontowana i jest w drodze do Glasgow.
But I moved to Glasgow when I was eleven.
Ale przeprowadziłam się do Glasgow kiedy miałem jedenaście lat.
Floating from London to Glasgow to promote optimism.
Lecieć z Londynu do Glasgow promując optymizm.
Give him another Glasgow test.
Zrób mu kolejny test Glasgow.
Did I mention that New Glasgow just got waterslides?
Czy wspominałem, że w Nowym Glasgow mają wodne ślizgawki?
Glasgow, Scotland, two years ago... 150 infected, 14 dead.
Glasgow, Szkocja 2 lata temu... 150 zainfekowanych, 14 zmarłych.
My father is from Glasgow.
Ojciec jest z Glasgow.
Glasgow Street house was deserted.
Dom przy Glasgow był pusty.
My father worked in a shipyard in Glasgow
Mój ojciec pracował w stoczni w Glasgow.
Born in Glasgow in 1846... he was soon after brought to New York.
Urodzony w Glasgow w 1846, niedługo potem przybył do Nowego Jorku.
Good evening, Glasgow.
Dobry wieczór, Glasgow.
I say New Glasgow.
Ja powiedziałem Nowe Glasgow.
I'm from Glasgow!
Jestem z Glasgow!
Well, we have relatives all the way in Glasgow, in Portsmouth--
Mamy krewnych wszędzie w Glasgow, w Portsmouth...