Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski



Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Anna, im. Hanna

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

A survey of Espa??ola, the southernmost island, confirmed last week that a pioneering effort to repatriate giant tortoise hatchlings has produced a thriving, reproducing population of more than 1,500 specimens. The project aims to turn the clock back to before human beings all but wiped out a species that helped to inspire Charles Darwin's theories on evolution and natural selection. "It's a great end to a sad story," said Johannah Barry, president of Gal??pagos Conservancy, a Virginia-based organisation which partly funded the study.
Prior to tonight's sale, the painting only appeared on the open market once in 171 years. It was offered for sale by a descendant of the 5th Earl of Rosebery, the earl having bought it in 1878 while on honeymoon with his wife, Hannah Rothschild.
There are concerns globally that midwives, who have long campaigned for mother-friendly births, have lost ground in recent years. Hannah Dahlen, the president of the Australian College of Midwives, backed her counterpart in Britain saying that "intense medical lobbying and strategically released journal articles" had put the profession in Australia "in the hands of the medical profession".
Next, Parker asks us to describe ourselves from the perspective of our mothers, or another close, older female in our lives: "I want to get a sense of how you see yourself through the eyes of others," says Parker. I go first, describing myself in the voice of my aunt Linda: "Hannah is my niece. She is sweet, kind and funny, but she should have been naughtier when she was younger." It's a bit pop therapy, and I feel a little exposed. Three of the others describe themselves through the eyes of their mothers, and one refuses to do the exercise â?? for personal reasons â?? which makes us all more curious. After we're done, a few inhibitions have gone and we are starting to gel as a unit.
From Phoebe Philo at C?©line to Stella McCartney to Hannah MacGibbon at Chlo?©, women designers are at the forefront of fashion right now. And Jess Cartner-Morley likes it that wayâ??
Now let me describe how the three designers creating the most buzz at Paris fashion week looked when they took their catwalk bows. After the C?©line show, Phoebe Philo popped on to the catwalk for about a nanosecond, wearing a dark crew-neck sweater and trousers, no jewellery, her hair in a ponytail. After the Stella McCartney show, Stella came out for a quick wave in grey V-neck sweater, grey trousers, hair in a ponytail, no jewellery. And after the Chlo?© show, Hannah MacGibbon took a low-key bow with a camel rollneck tucked neatly into black leather trousers.
â?? The then-business secretary allowed filmmaker Hannah Rothschild to shadow him for eight months leading up to Mayâ?? Guardian has exclusive footage
Mandelson allowed the filmmaker Hannah Rothschild â?? brother of financier Nathaniel Rothschild â?? to film his inner circle in the eight months leading up to the general election in May.
Hannah Rothschild's access was unfettered; Mandelson is shown at home in his dressing gown, wrestling with his dog, Jack, and standing in his underpants in his office as he hurriedly tries to change into a tuxedo.
"I would never have given such access to a political or current affairs documentary maker," Mandelson said last night. "I would not have trusted them to do it without their own spin or prejudice. Hannah came to it with an open mind."

How long are we going to keep Hannah in the dark about her mother?
Jak długo nie będziemy mówić Hannie o jej matce?

I need to find another way for Hannah to get out of the country.
Muszę znaleźć inny sposób na wydostanie Hannah z kraju.

What does that have to do with my Hannah's death?
Ale co to ma wspólnego ze śmiercią mojej Hannah?

Hannah, I did that out of love and concern for you.
Hanna, zrobiłem to z miłości i troski o ciebie.

Hannah, there are things in my life that you can't understand.
Hanno, w moim życiu dzieją się rzeczy, których nie zrozumiesz.

I think it's possible that you and Hannah could have a relationship.
Myślę, że ty i Hannah możecie trwać w związku.

Hannah, you don't think people can die for a cause?
Hannah, nie uważasz, że ludzie mogą umrzeć dla jakiejś sprawy?

Hannah, will you please open the door just for a minute?
Hannah, możesz otworzyć drzwi, chociaż na chwilę?

I think Hannah's being held at one of the dead men's homes.
Myślę, że Hannah jest trzymana w domu jednej z ofiar.

Hannah, we have enough to charge you with murder right now.
Mogę już iść? Hannah, mamy dość, by oskarżyć cię o morderstwo.

Hannah, he had a hard enough time being there for me as an Uncle.
Hanna, on miał wystarczająco dużo czasu, by być dla mnie wujkiem.

Hannah, why didn't you tell us what's going on in school?
Hannah, dlaczego nam nie opowiesz, co się dzieje w tej szkole?

I mean, Hannah said that you'd be okay with it.
Chodzi o to, że Hannah powiedziała, że nie będziesz miała nic przeciwko.

If he writes about Hannah and me my career is a memory.
Jeśli napisze o mnie i o Hannah, mogę zapomnieć o swojej karierze.

After all those years of waiting to go with your dad, he picks Hannah.
Po tylu latach czekania aby pojechać z tatą, a on wybiera Hannah.

Hannah, this is a picture. You have to smile, okay?
Hannah, do zdjęcia musisz się uśmiechnąć, dobra?

Hannah, it's not like the possibility never crossed my mind.
Hanna, to nie jest tak, że nigdy nie przeszło mi to przez myśli.

Hannah must know that Price's body will be tested for poison.
Hannah musi wiedzieć, że ciało Price'a zostanie zbadane pod kątem trucizny.

Hannah, your mother said that the rental car was missing this morning.
Hannah, twoja mama powiedziała, że wynajęty samochód zniknął dziś rano.

So, hey, Hannah here was in a real live camel race.
Hej, Hannah była na prawdziwym wyścigu żywych wielbłądów.

Now, if Hannah's the killer, she had to drive this car.
Jeśli Hannah jest zabójcą, to musiała prowadzić ten samochód.

What makes you think Hannah means anything to me?
Dlaczego uważasz, że Hannah coś dla mnie znaczy?

As if I needed another reason to stay away from Hannah.
Tak, jakbym potrzebował kolejnego powodu, by trzymać się z dala od Hannah.

Hannah, as you know, we have a zero-tolerance policy for this behavior.
Tak, gapił się. Hannah, jak wiesz, mamy zerową tolerancję wobec takiego zachowania.

Well, she just found out her mum's a prostitute, Hannah.
Cóż, właśnie się dowiedziała, że jej matka jest prostytutką, Hannah.

Hannah could have come in contact with formaldehyde any number of ways.
Hannah mogła wejść w kontakt z formaldehydem różnymi sposobami.

It's like Hannah and her sisters meets the 39 steps.
To jak Hanna i jej siostry w Trzydziestu dziewięciu stopniach.

And this is Hannah, the girl I was named after.
A to jest Hannah, dosatałam imię po niej.

Hannah, I think you're beautiful and you know that.
Hannah, myślę że jesteś piękna, doskonale o tym wiesz.

Hannah Rechhi can't tell us where she entered the water.
Hannah Rechhi nie powie nam gdzie wpadła do wody.

My father gave it to Hannah, but she didn't want it.
Mój ojciec dal go Hannah, ale ona nie chciała.

The couple waltzing around me, the waiter standing behind Hannah.
Para tańcząca obok mnie, kelner stojący za Hannah.

You know, after the funeral, Hannah cut everyone off.
Wie pani, po pogrzebie Hannah odcięła się od wszystkich.

How did it go with Hannah and Parker, by the way?
Tak przy okazji, jak poszło z Hannah i Parkerem?

I just wanted to be Belle for a bit and not Hannah.
Chciałam tylko być na chwilę Belle, a nie Hanną.

What do you intend to say to Hannah when you see her again?
Co zamierzasz powiedzieć Hannah, kiedy znów ją zobaczysz?

All right, then we have to prove that Hannah could not have done this.
W takim razie musimy udowodnić, że Hannah nie mogła tego zrobić.

Now I feel very good and cosy being here next to Hannah.
Teraz jest mi bardzo dobrze i przytulnie u boku Hanny.

Archie is not getting much off of Hannah's computer.
Archie nie wyciągnął zbyt dużo z komputera Hanny.

Hannah, this is because I didn't like your essay.
Hannah, czy to dlatego, że nie podobał mi się ten esej.

Believe me, Hannah, we had our wild moments too.
Uwierz mi, Hannah, też miewaliśmy różne sytuacje.

Hannah keeps wanting me to open up, get to know the real me.
Hannah wciąż chce, żebym się przed nią otworzył, żeby mogła poznać prawdziwego mnie.

Well, yeah, if your relationship with Hannah is serious, then...
Tak, jeśli twój związek z Hannah jest poważny.

Hannah, when you hear this, it'll all be over.
Hannah, gdy słyszysz to, będzie to wszystko się skończy.

If there was so much of it, why didn't Hannah smell it?
Skoro było go tak dużo, dlaczego Hannah go nie czuła?

Well, not for a fox hunt, and not with Hannah.
Ale nie na polowaniu i nie z Hannah.

Hannah and I don't have time to wait.
Ja i Hannah nie mamy czasu.

Nice of your father to bring Hannah along.
Miło, że twój ojciec wziął Hannah ze sobą.

You need to leave me alone with Hannah.
Musisz mnie zostawić samą z Hanną.