Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adjective) pełen;

Słownik zwrotów brytyjskiego angielskiego

'hi: vIÎadj Przepełniony
pełen The place was heaving with students (Było tam pełno studentów) - Student University of Leeds (1999) The restaurant wasn't exactly heaving (Restauracja nie była zbytnio przepełniona) - Yorkshire Evening Post (2000)

Słownik morski angielsko-polski Iwona Kienzler

n lina rzutka

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

8.35am: One of the reasons why my colleague Marina Hyde and I got to Pretoria early was to make sure we snagged a ticket to the Maradona press conference. When we arrived we had only the cleaners for company, now it's beginning to fill up. We've been promised a ticket in an hour's time. We'll need one; by lunchtime the place will be heaving with hacks hungry for El Diego and their lunch, although perhaps not necessarily in that order ...
The anonymous street paintings have set the city discussing not just the graffiti tactics of the protester, but also the limits of tourism in a city that sometimes feels set to burst. Budget airlines, stag parties, a thriving nightlife, five kilometres of beach and the city's famously liberal atmosphere have all combined to turn its famous and colourful Las Ramblas boulevard into a heaving mass of slow-moving, camera-toting or beer-swilling foreigners.
Because there's nothing like a good spy saga to unleash those stereotypes. US blog Edge of the American West has a rather fine roundup of how female Russian spies have been portrayed over the years â?? all full lips, shapely figures and heaving bosoms â?? not to mention a newspaper headline that declared: "Mrs Rosenberg was Like a Red Spider."
Apparently, members of the investigative team privately doubted all three when they claimed to have met on Facebook, thinking it too much of a coincidence that people with such depraved tastes would just chance upon one another on a mainstream networking site. It certainly pushes the boundaries of credulity that there are paedophiles ambling the corridors of Facebook, waiting to meet one another to scale up their perversion. But if you look at the Facebook application these three met on, Are YOU Interested?, you would have no trouble believing it to be just heaving with incredibly lonely, violently angry people, just sitting there, ripe for a toxic relationship with other incredibly lonely, violently angry people.
Besides the gents, a glass-panelled door reveals a private room heaving with people in tight groups clutching glasses of wine. On a wall behind them, a large projector screen is displaying a "Twitterwall", a way of showing to an audience a feed of any particular Twitter hashtag, in this case, the name of the networking event. So I go back up to the bar, set up a Twitter account under a pseudonym on my phone, and â?? not wishing to freak Louise out â?? send a public message using the event's hashtag to the Twitterwall that I wish to talk to any of the Foursquare users I can see on my phone who are currently in the pub. A five-minute wait and a further tweet later, Louise â?? sensibly accompanied by a male colleague â?? walks up to the bar area where I'm waiting and asks if I'm the person trying to make contact. It's probably with a sense of relief that she discovers that I'm "only" a journalist investigating Foursquare.
Thousands of rescuers in central China's Henan province searched for survivors after a bridge collapsed from heaving flooding in the Yi river over the weekend, killing 37 people with 29 missing, Xinhua reported.
But a little further up this wind-whipped Cornish beach, a hardy group of Brits are heaving hefty surf boards one-and-a-half times their own height to the water's edge and giving a reminder of how competition surfing used to look.
The Pleasance has opened a creche this year to cater for a more grownup, 30-something audience. Alderson said: "I am in the Pleasance courtyard now and it is absolutely heaving with prams and buggies. Those of us in our 30s and 40s are of a generation that are used to going out more than our parents, and we don't want to stop doing that when we have children."
Local skipper Magnus Midling-Jenssen's boat-hire business offers visitors a great way to take in the local sights, including an old herring factory, the Spangereid Canal and rows of 17th-century houses in the historic coastal village of Svinor. Magnus is the archetypal salty old seadog. Full of stories and local lore, he operates his empire from a little yellow hut â?? "my crisis centre" â?? next to the house he built on the edge of the land. The water is heaving with salmon and cod, he says, and for about Â?20 a day you get world-class fishing.
"We have just come to say thank you to the friends who supported us," one said as they hovered, mournfully, outside the entrance, uncertain whether they could face the heaving mass of bodies inside. Another remarked that she could not wait to leave Manchester: "What has happened is awful, awful." Nearby stood Stewart Wood, campaign chief for Ed, who was chatting away to journalists. But the representatives of both brothers' teams kept their distance.

Listen, I'm heaving breakfast, would you let me eat in peace.
Słuchaj, jem śniadanie, daj mi to zrobić w spokoju.

And on page two, he's not reaching for her heaving beasts.
A na stronie drugiej, on nie łapie za jej falujące pięści.

Luckily I've moved on to my second, which involves heaving and running like hell.
Na szczęście zdecydowałem się na drugi, który wiąże się z zerwaniem i ucieczką.

The last one was about her legs trembling and heaving bosom.
Ostatni był o jej piersiach i drżących nogach.

You can usually find them on the heaving beasts.
Zazwyczaj możesz je znaleźć na falujących pięściach.

Knock them down! and they're heaving sharp cutting ice, oyster shells, clubs.
Powalić ich! i miotają ostrymi kawałkami lodu, muszlami, pałkami.

Is she panting heavily and heaving?
Cóż, mocno i ciężko dyszy?

She could have heaving beasts.
Mogłaby mieć falujące pięści... Racja.

Her crisp, white nurse's uniform can barely contain her... heaving breasts.
Jej świeżo uprasowany strój pielęgniarki ledwo trzyma w ryzach jej... falujące piersi.

And then our heaving, sweaty bodies... grinding in unison...
A potem, nasze spocone ciała... - złączone w uniesieniu... - Dalej, dalej!

Can you imagine if it had been 'no', this Chamber would be full and heaving with emotion and I suppose the fact that it was 'yes' and we are now very calm here in the European Union speaks volumes.
Wyobraźcie sobie, że gdyby wynik brzmiał "nie”, ta Izba byłaby pełna i by w niej wrzało. Jak sądzę, fakt, że wynik brzmi "tak”, a my w Unii Europejskiej jesteśmy teraz uspokojeni, jest bardzo wymowny.

on behalf of the PPE-DE Group. - Madam President, it is always very useful to be able to debate such an important issue in front of a heaving Chamber of colleagues who are agog to hear what Parliament has to say on this very important matter.
w imieniu grupy PPE-DE. - Pani przewodnicząca! Przedyskutowanie tak istotnej kwestii tu, w tej Izbie, gdzie koledzy i koleżanki z niecierpliwością słuchają, co ma do powiedzenia Parlament w tej bardzo ważnej sprawie, zawsze jest korzystne.