Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

monast. Służebniczki

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

"To say school dinners hasn't worked is not just inaccurate, but is also an insult to the hard work of hundreds of thousands of dinner ladies, teachers, headteachers and parent helpers who strive to feed schoolkids a nutritious, hot meal for 190 days of the year," said Oliver. Any problems were due to there being too little funding available to train school catering staff properly.
Largely, it seems, about the many things Liebreich and her helpers had got wrong. Maurice had not drowned, but been knocked off his bicycle. He had died in 1981, 21 years before the letter was written, not just a few. The "dawn of summer"? "Just a lyrical expression." The talk of rupture, alienation, conflicts? "I was never in conflict with my son at all." The claim that they had lived together "almost as a couple"? "A shocking thing to say." The lesbianism? She had had a good laugh over that â?? probably one of her few while reading the book. And the medium's claim: "I don't think you will ever find her â?? she is no longer alive." "Well, I am alive and you have found me."
Five years on, the victims and helpers show the most remarkable fortitude in the way they have repaired their lives and got on with the business of living. They have struggled while, as a society, we have wrestled with the problem of how to defend ourselves against the moral corruption so exuberantly voiced by Mohammed Hamid that day.

Here come willing helpers To guide you to Your very own machine!
Wasi instruktorzy już czekają, by zaprowadzić was do maszyn.

We could go find helpers to help us.
Moglibyśmy iść i znaleźć kogoś kto by nam pomógł.

She is one of our best local helpers.
Jest jednym z naszych najlepszych pomocników.

Princess Kitty´s one of my most faithful helpers.
Księżniczka Kasia jest jednym z moich najlepszych pomocników.

This is for you and your helpers.
To dla ciebie i twoich pomocników.

Now remember. Who were his helpers in England?
Pamiętaj, żeby spytać, o to kto pomagał mu w Anglii?

I need more than two helpers.
Potrzebuję więcej niż dwóch pomocników.

You look like one of Santa's helpers.
Wyglądasz jak jeden z pomocników Świętego Mikołaja.

Bernd said you were looking for helpers.
Bernd mówił, że szuka pan pomocników.

In addition, adult education also depends on voluntary helpers, who enrich it by lending their experience and providing skilled instruction.
Ponadto, kształcenie dorosłych zależy także od wolontariuszy, którzy wzbogacają je poprzez udostępnianie swego doświadczenia i dostarczają specjalistycznych porad.

One of his helpers.
Będę jednym z jego pomocników.

They're singing. Lord, with me abide When other helpers fail...
Oni śpiewają. Trwaj przy mnie Panie Gdy inni zawiodą...

It's one of Santa's little helpers.
To jeden z jego pomocników.

And to his valiant helpers.
I za jego dzielnych pomocników.

I'm one of the Hogfather's Little Helpers, me.
A ja robię za jednego z Małych Pomocników. Ja.

That's Tin Tin, one of T- bird's little helpers.
Tin Tin. Jeden z rzezimieszków T.

in writing. - (DE) Unpaid work by voluntary helpers is vital for the public good.
na piśmie. - (DE) Świadczona bez wynagrodzenia praca wolontariuszy posiada zasadnicze znacznie dla dobra publicznego.

Despite some incidents with St. Nicholas' helpers... was surprisingly quiet this year.
Pomimo kilku incydentów z pomocnikami Mikołaja... ...było niespodziewanie spokojnie tego roku.