Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Adverb) hermetycznie; tajemnie, ezoterycznie;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy



Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

One digital industry that learned this lesson long ago is the video-game sector, which excels at creating electronic environments hermetically sealed off from the outside world. World of Warcraft's 12 million players are worth well over a billion dollars a year to the company that runs their virtual world, Activision Blizzard, a value that rests on the game's impervious isolation. Only in-game effort by players can generate rewards and status. Its rules are universal and absolute; the company's word is final, and any cheating or exploitation is ruthlessly dealt with. Users would not have it any other way.
From the very beginning, Peanuts had an elegiac quality. It made Americans pine for an earlier, more innocent time that had never actually existed. In this sense, Peanuts occupied a place in the American consciousness that was a bit like that occupied by Sir Walter Scott's novels in Victorian times, evoking a time and place where life was simpler and easier to understand, and therefore entirely illusory. Though Schulz would sometimes make satirical allusions to events of the day, the adult world never really intruded. Physically, he did not allow adults to enter the strip. Nor did he allow senseless cruelty. Pratfalls, yes, but not cruelty. The world of Peanuts was hermetically sealed, in the way that children at play have always wanted their cosmos hermetically sealed.

Carl, I happen to live in a hermetically sealed military bunker.
Carl, tak się składa, że mieszkam w hermetycznym bunkrze wojskowym.

Hermetically sealed bags of human emotion.
Hermetycznie zamkniete torby ludzkich emocji.

However, we are not living in a hermetically sealed room, we are living in a political situation.
Nie żyjemy jednak w hermetycznie zamkniętym pomieszczeniu, żyjemy w określonych uwarunkowaniach politycznych.