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Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

All of which makes Theodora sound like an early and ardent feminist, but her story is more complicated. There are hints that she was involved in poisoning, torture and forced marriage, and while she did a great deal to help women and girls in difficulty, she had rather less time for women of higher standing â?? attacking any who threatened her position, including the empress Euphemia.
He also hints at irritation with the way the governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, intervened, saying: "I do think the Bank has to be terribly careful it does not come into party politics because that could be very, very damaging to it."
More pointedly, however, the defeat in a tournament he has won five times follows his quarter-final exit at Roland Garros at the uncompromising hands of Robin Soderling â?? whom he humiliated in that tournament's final a year ago â?? and hints at wavering form a week before Federer defends his title at Wimbledon.
Head On succeeded in simultaneously sealing the Teardrop Explodes' legendary status while at the same time overshadowing their music, which struggles to make itself heard above the stories of drugged lunacy. But there wouldn't have been any stories of drugged lunacy had the Teardrop Explodes not been good at what they did in the first place. It's an infinitely more straightforward pop album than someone approaching it after reading Head On might expect, and Kilimanjaro gleams with concise jewels â?? only Sleeping Gas's cyclical motorik bassline hints at the weirdness to come. Five of its 11 songs were released as singles in one form or another, and listening to Treason or Bouncing Babies, you can see why Duran Duran got the fear. The tunes are uniformly fantastic (fantastic enough to overwhelm the production, even when it tends to early-80s chart-bothering smoothness), the words intriguing: long before he actually did create his own unique universe of megaliths, Odinism and krautrock, Cope was cramming his lyrics with enough off-kilter references to suggest he already had. And the sense of swaggering confidence never abates. It sounds like that most beguiling of things: a band at the top of their game. It sounds like a band that could have had it all. As it turned out, that was the last thing their frontman wanted.
As a publisher with his own company, SuperGraphics, Steranko was able to revisit and appraise the history of the industry in his remarkable two-volume History of Comics, with their wraparound covers bringing together the greatest characters from the dawn of the comic book. Taking the form into new areas, he also created the anti-drugs comic book The Block, which was distributed to elementary schools all over the US. The difficult subject matter and innovative layouts gave hints as to where Steranko might be heading next â?? sequential art for an adult audience. Then, in 1976, he created, wrote and drew the extraordinary Chandler: Red Tide.
They do. Although Shapcott excelled in her earlier incarnation, picking up the Forward prize in 1999 for her third collection, My Life Asleep, and becoming the only poet to win the National Poetry Competition twice, there's a hard-won maturity to her latest poems, coupled with a new and deep attentiveness, that lifts them above anything she has so far written. In former collections, she took vital pleasure in inserting herself into multiple personae, from Marlon Brando to Elizabeth Barrett Browning to her famous "Mad Cow" of the early 90s (best line: "I love the staggers"), switching masks with such enthusiasm that Michael Hofmann, writing in the Times, said of her that "once in disguise . . . pressed into other skins and other perspectives, she howls and sings". In Of Mutability, though, the howling is quieted. These poems, which are as full of greenery and music and fresh air as they are of hospitals and hair loss, are briefer, breathier; their edges, often acid-sharp in previous books, have relaxed and spread. "Look further into the stands of trees / and everything changes", she says in the lovely, lilting "Viral Landscape", in which the collection's themes of physical uncertainty, and the glad embrace of it, are exemplified. "The eye // can't locate an individual shade: / it's all delicate tips and hints / of green rolling in the wind. / We are moving and I can't see a thing."
There were the occasional hints that she might end up doing something like this. In the early Treasure-writing days, I reported on one of our Christmas shopping trips. We were battling our way along the hell of Oxford Street, usually Treasure's favourite place to be, when she spotted an elderly beggar outside Selfridges. He looked very like her Grandpa, but an older, raggedy version. He was holding a few boxes of matches in his trembly fingers and looked utterly wretched. Treasure gave him all her remaining pocket money, but her outing was ruined. She had suddenly realised that the world was grossly unfair. We pressed on into Marks & Spencer, but all she could see was capitalist greed.
He says Blair warned him not to be offended by the language, and it wasn't swearing he was talking about. Prescott hints that he was suitably shocked. He doesn't remember when this happened.
10.29am: The jobs data "hints that the improvement in the labour market may be faltering" according to Howard Archer, chief European & UK economist at IHS Global Insight
9.59am: The jobs data "hints that the improvement in the labour market may be faltering" according to Howard Archer, chief European & UK economist at IHS Global Insight:

The most mysterious with their hints of Egyptian sun gods.
I tajemnicze, z ich podobieństwem do egipskich bogów słońca.

I didn't drop any hints or otherwise recommend you take heroin.
Nie rzuciłem żadnych aluzji. albo inaczej nie polecałem Ci brać heroiny.

Why not, how many hints do I have to drop?!
Dlaczego nie, ile wskazówek muszę ci jeszcze dać?!

Ladies, if you need some hints, I'm up front.
Drogie Panie, jeśli będziecie potrzebować wskazówek, bądźcie bezpośrednie.

There are only several hints from the book.
Jest tylko kilka wskazówek, o których wspominają księgi.

Tantalising hints of microbial life, whose gifts might light the world.
Kuszącą wskazówkę życia drobnoustrojowego, którego dar może rozświetlić świat.

You're not gonna give us any more hints, are you?
Nie dasz nam więcej wskazówek, co?

Or hints, like pink stationery and red ink. Handwriting, if possible.
Albo podpowiedzi, jak różowy papier, czerwony atrament, charakter pisma...

I heard hints that he was involved in something in Los Angeles.
Słyszałam plotki, że jest zamieszany w coś w Los Angeles.

Now, I can give you a couple of hints, reminders reaIly.
Teraz mogę ci dać parę porad, a tak naprawdę - przypomnień.

You're supposed to tease me, give me hints, make me guess.
Powinieneś drażnić mnie... daj mi do wskazówki, domyślić się.

Did she give you any hints?
Dała ci jakieś wskazówki?

Heaven never hints makes sense, right?
Niebo nigdy nie daje wskazówek" - to ma sens, prawda?

I believe that the report hints at that direction and I welcome the move towards that type of model.
Uważam, że w sprawozdaniu sugeruje się przejście w kierunku tego rodzaju modelu, co przyjmuję z zadowoleniem.

Why do they need hints?
Do czego aluzji?

Hints, hunches, any scrap or shred of information.
Wskazówki, przeczucia, każdy strzęp jest ważny.

Cause he's the Devil. heaven never hints.
Skoro on był Diabłem. „Niebo nigdy nie daje wskazówek”.

Some helpful hints for the beginner.
Jakieś pomocne wskazówki dla początkujących

Have you dropped any hints?
Robiłaś jakieś aluzje?

Just the faintest hints of humanity.
Po prostu nikłe ślady człowieczeństwa.

Give her hints you're accessible.
Daj jej do zrozumienia, że jesteś dostępny.

I notice hints and clues.
Zauważyłem aluzje i wskazówki.

By not being receptive to Parliament's hints, the Commissioner is helping to bury his own Directive.
Nie będąc skłonnym do przyjęcia wskazówek Parlamentu, pan Komisarz pomaga "pogrzebać” swoją własną dyrektywę.

Only hints, otherwise it's cheating?
Można tylko dawać wskazówki bo inaczej to będzie oszukiwanie?

No, poison oak... and hints of game.
Nie, trującego dębu-- I odrobinę dziczyzny.

Hints of creme de cassis, red berries, Toasty oak... Hmm.
Odrobina créme de cassis, czerwonych jagód, w barrique z dębu białego...

So my hints worked. - Mummy...
A więc moje aluzje pomogły.

The recent shooting of Perence Shiri, one of Mugabe's henchmen, hints at the anger bubbling under Zimbabwe's surface.
Próba zamachu na Perence'a Shiri, jednego z popleczników Mugabe, do której doszło niedawno wskazuje na to, że w Zimbabwe pod powierzchnią wrze gniew.

This hints at the worrying reduction in the number of printing and publishing companies in the Netherlands and, consequently, the very downturn in the economy as a whole.
Sugeruje to zmniejszenie liczby przedsiębiorstw poligraficznych i wydawniczych w Holandii, a wskutek tego - odczuwalne spowolnienie całej gospodarki.

The recent news of incidents that have taken place at the Gdaim Izyk camp are causing major concerns regarding respect for the human rights of the people of Western Sahara by the Moroccan authorities, and hints at a disturbing upsurge in this conflict.
Ostatnie doniesienia na temat zajść w obozie Gdaim Izyk budzą poważne obawy, jeśli chodzi o przestrzeganie praw człowieka przez władze Maroka w Saharze Zachodniej, tak jak niepokojące są wzmianki o eskalacji tego konfliktu.