Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) brak nadziei, beznadzieja; rozpaczliwość;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Wordnet angielsko-polski

(the despair you feel when you have abandoned hope of comfort or success)
poczucie beznadziejności, poczucie beznadziei

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda


Otwarty słownik angielsko-polski V.9.2007, Copyright (c) Jerzy Kazojć - 2007 r.


Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski


Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

Bahram Bekhradnia, the HEPI's director, spoke of the "general hopelessness of young men". "The increase in unemployment that occurred between 2008 and 2009 is striking. For those graduates who have not found work it is a personal tragedy â?? a really bad start to their working lives," he said.
At the inquest, coroner John Pollard identified 23 separate failings of individuals, organisations and authorities that had contact with Andrea during the critical stages prior to her death, yet ruled that none of the apparent failures had a direct causal link with Andrea's death. "Rather, she was completely overwhelmed by the apparent hopelessness and worthlessness of her situation."
The ambition to inspire us to action, to foment what they call a modern abolitionist movement, informs every page of the book. It's not just evident in the direct appeals they make to readers; it is also subliminally present in the way they manage their information. Specifically, they wanted to avoid a numbing effect where readers would become so overwhelmed by the grimness and apparent hopelessness of the lives women lead that they would sink into depression, rather than leap into action.
There was a need to increase the miners' calorific intake, get them on a regular sleep schedule and ensure they remained optimistic. Duncan said: "These miners showed us tremendous strength in surviving as long as they did without any contact with the surface. What we want to try to avoid is any kind of situation of hopelessness on the part of the miners."
Frank O'Connor bridged the gap between the aesthetic and the cultural in a more romantic way. "There is in the short story at its most characteristic," he writes, "something we don't often find in the novel, an intense awareness of human loneliness." His book, The Lonely Voice, which was published in 1963, is still a touchstone in any discussion of the short story form. The question he asked â?? as this collection also asks â?? was why Irish writers excel at the short story. The answer, for him, lay in the loneliness to be found among "submerged population groups". These are people on the margins of society; the outlawed, the dreaming and the defeated. "The short story has never had a hero," says O'Connor, offering instead a slightly infantilising idea of "the Little Man" (as though all novels were about big ones). Americans can be "submerged", because America is made up of immigrant communities, but the proper subjects of the short story are: "Gogol's officials, Turgenev's serfs, Maupassant's prostitutes, Chekhov's doctors and teachers," and, we might note, not a single English person of any kind. The novel requires "the concept of a normal society", and though this, O'Connor seems to say, is available to the English, there is in Irish society a kind of hopelessness that pushes the artist away. The resulting form, the short story, "remains by its nature remote from the community â?? romantic, individualistic and intransigent". 
Five years ago these estates in Clichy-sous-Bois on the edge of Paris exploded in riots that spread across France and led to a state of national emergency. The trigger for the violence was the death of two young boys electrocuted in a power substation while hiding from police. But the root cause was the hopelessness of a generation of young French people, ghettoised in dismal suburbs, marginalised and jobless because of their skin colour or their parents' immigrant origins. Since then discrimination against the third- and fourth-generation children of immigrants has worsened, tension is rife and Nicolas Sarkozy's rightwing anti-immigrant rhetoric is blamed.
Williams, who has tried to keep disparate churches talking rather than leave the communion altogether, articulated the hopelessness of taking up entrenched positions on homosexuality, criticising both sides in the debate.

I rest my emptiness and dirty hopelessness in that thought.
Uczepiony tej myśli odpoczywam z bagażem mojej pustki i brudnej nadziei.

In this phase, the feelings of low self-esteem and hopelessness are common.
W tej fazie, poczucie niskiej samooceny i desperacji jest powszechne.

Can I urge you, in all hopelessness, not to go in there?
Mogę Cie prosić, żebyś tam nie wchodził?

Particularly when we are passing through difficult situations or hopelessness, faith provides us with inner strength and hope.
Szczególnie gdy przeżywamy trudne sytuacje czy nęka nas poczucie beznadziejności, wiara daje nam wewnętrzną siłę i przywraca nadzieję.

I feel the same sense of... futility and hopelessness as the next guy.
Mam to samo uczucie... bezsensu i beznadziejności jak facet obok.

Suddenly the emptiness turns into abundance - and hopelessness into life.
Nagle pustka zamienia się w bogactwo - a beznadzieja w życie.

There's no room for hopelessness here, is there, Guido?
Nie ma tu miejsca na beznadziejność, prawda Guido?

To look at the hopelessness of things.
Patrzył na beznadziejność rzeczy i spraw.

Where there is hopelessness, there will be violence.
Gdzie brak nadziei, tam pojawi się przemoc.

A night that brings on all those familiar festive feelings of hopelessness, anguish, despair.
W ten wieczór protegują się wszystkie świąteczne uczucia. Beznadzieja. Cierpienie.

We have that helplessness and hopelessness that we perhaps shared.
Znamy tę niemoc i beznadzieję, którą zapewne wszyscy odczuwaliśmy.

Emily, I know this is hard. But the hopelessness you're feeling is a symptom.
Emily, wiem, że jest ci ciężko, ale twoja rozpacz jest objawem.

We shared a bleak and profound hopelessness.
Poczuliśmy wspólną ponurą i głęboką beznadzieję.

Mr. Wizard, why is this place called the Cave of Hopelessness?
Panie czarodzieju, czemu to miejsce nazywa się Jaskinia Beznadziei?

They lie in hopelessness and despair, in poverty, in the preaching of hatred.
Pogrążeni w beznadziei i biedzie, głoszą nienawiść.

The Ukrainian people have freely elected a change because the democratic orange powers have run the country into poverty, hopelessness and decay.
Ukraińcy sami wybrali zmianę w wolnych wyborach ponieważ demokratyczne siły pomarańczowej rewolucji zepchnęły państwo na skraj biedy, beznadziei i upadku.

Hopelessness is a winter in Verdun...
Beznadziejność, to zima w Verdun...

hopelessness, so it cannot be God, but it can...
Więc to nie może być Bóg.

One was the lack of freedom and democracy, while the other was lack of social prospects and a sense of hopelessness.
Jednym z nich jest brak wolności i demokracji, podczas gdy drugi to brak perspektyw socjalnych i poczucie beznadziei.

We found widespread despondency and hopelessness amongst the people we met and in the areas we visited in Hebron, East Jerusalem and Ramallah.
Stwierdziliśmy powszechne przygnębienie i brak nadziei wśród ludności napotkanej w Hebronie, Wschodniej Jerozolimie i Ramallah.

But I believe that we need to do everything possible to ensure that there are no loopholes in the legislation and that consumers are not left with a sense of unfairness, hopelessness or helplessness.
Uważam też, że powinniśmy zrobić wszystko co w naszej mocy, aby w przepisach nie było luk prawnych i aby konsumenci nie mieli poczucia niesprawiedliwości, bezsensowności i bezsilności.

on behalf of the UEN Group. - Mr President, once a beacon of hope, an example of African self-empowerment and a leader among African states, Zimbabwe is now the epicentre of African despair and hopelessness.
w imieniu grupy UEN. - Panie przewodniczący! Niegdyś wzgórze nadziei, przykład afrykańskiej autonomiczności i lider wśród państw afrykańskich, dzisiaj Zimbabwe jest epicentrum afrykańskiej desperacji i rozpaczy.