adj. przepojony
adj. impregnowany; nasycony
~ with tar - adj. impregnowany smołą
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Growing up among sangria decanters and velvet Spanish bulls, flamenco dolls artfully positioned on home bars in the shape of a ship's bow, with walls adorned with prints of crying boys and dogs with oversized sad eyes, has impregnated me with a healthy (some would say unhealthy) appreciation of kitsch.
Hitchens had already impregnated the story with preemptive meaning in his prologue to his recent memoir, Hitch-22, in which he meditated on the unpredictable incursion of death. One motivation to undertake the book, he confessed, was the need to do so before it was "too 'late'". As he wrote those words, he had no knowledge of the tumour growing in his oesophagus which has metastasised in his lymph nodes and lung. It was not until he was on a promotional tour for the book that he fell ill and was diagnosed.
She finally admitted that Logan was the boy who impregnated her.
Przyznała, że Logan jest chłopakiem, który ją zapłodnił.
Only later did Leda realize she had been impregnated by a god.
Dopiero później Leda zdała sobie sprawę, że została zapłodniona przez boga.
One of them is impregnated with a poison... that kills in 5 seconds.
Jeden jest pokryty trucizną... która zabija w pięć sekund.
Would anyone like to be impregnated?
Czy ktoś chciałby być impregnowane?
And its teeth are impregnated with cyanide.
A jego zęby są nasączone cyjankiem.
I presume you've impregnated my daughter.
Przypuszczam, żeś uczynił moją córkę brzemienną?
Gaius Germanicus, Caligula, murdered his own sister, impregnated with his own child.
Gaius Germanikus Kaligula zamordował własną siostrę, będącą w ciąży z jego własnym dzieckiem.