Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) geografia stan Indiana;

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Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

And it was at Indiana I got the impression that, you know, the gene was likely to be DNA.
I właśnie w Indianie dostałem olśnienia że gen jest nośnikiem DNA.


(Laughter) So I had a really quite happy life at Indiana.
Więc byłem bardzo zadowolony z życia w Indianie.


(Laughter) So I went to Indiana, which was actually as good as Caltech in genetics, and besides, they had a really good basketball team.
Śmiech Więc udałem się do Indiany która była tak dobra jak Caltech w genetyce, tak na marginesie, mają tam naprawdę dobrą drużynę koszykówki.


And I moved from my home state of Indiana to Boston, where I was working in the lab of Dr. Francine Benes, in the Harvard Department of Psychiatry.
Pracowałam z dr Francine Benes w Instytucie Psychiatrii Uniwersytetu Harvarda.


It's already been done at the University of Indiana in the States, among other places.
To koncepcja, w myśl której zamiast dawania ludziom ocen cząstkowych dajemy im jednego bohatera, którego doświadczenie stopniowo rośnie w kroczkach, które ludzie odbierają jako własne.


Something had been festering in the American undergrowth. Calling themselves a militia, gatherings of extremely right-wing men (and some women) were crawling around the backwoods in camouflage fatigues playing war games against a loosely termed "federal government". Absurd, certainly, but the movement had a seriously dangerous core. Back then I explored this group and some of its more (preposterous) propositions: there should be an uprising against "The New World Order", of which the US government was a puppet; there was a site in Nevada where the militias believed a crashed UFO had been taken, the government plotting with aliens. The movement's leadership in Indiana were apparently preparing for armed insurrection, and a training compound in Arizona was headed by a man Timothy McVeigh knew, William Cooper, who threatened me when I tried to visit. In Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, he insisted that the prison transfer centre in Oklahoma City was a "concentration camp" for those resisting the New World Order of the Antichrist. In November 1994, on his radio station, Cooper issued a call to arms: the militias should be ready, he said, to "fight a war" within six months. Closer to hand, at another compound called Elouhim City â?? visited by McVeigh â?? the leader of the Oklahoma militia, Robert Millar, urged his followers to "take whatever action necessary against the US government". A few weeks later, McVeigh and Nichols parked a rented Ryder truck packed with 2.15 tonnes of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil outside the Murrah Building, lit a fuse and walked away.
It was one of those Hollywood-in-the-hood myths, part of the fabric of living in a town with a single industry: entertainment. Deep inLos Angeles's Venice district, it was said, less than a mile inland from the heft of the Pacific, was the house. It stood in the hood, down on Indiana and fourth, past Broadway, past Brooks â?? an area that scared the lights out of Charles Bukowski, the drunken postie-turned-poet who was afraid to look out of the window when he lived there, for fear of the eyes peering back in at him.
Well that, you may object, doesn't prove much. There will always be a small proportion of sexual acrobats (or men who think they are). But how to account for the 16% of women aged 18-24 who reckoned they used four of the five techniques the last time they had sex, or the 8% of women aged 50-59 who said the same thing? "The findings demonstrate the enormous variability that occurs in the sexual repertoire," concludes Debby Herbenick of Indiana University's Centre for Sexual Health Promotion, a leading author of the study of 5,865 US residents aged between 14 and 94. So while "vaginal intercourse was still the most common sexual behaviour" among adult men and women, more of them than ever before reported experiencing what the researchers romantically refer to as "sexual events" that did not feature any actual intercourse at all.
Then there's the Spielberg film. One of the first people he told when he got the part, says Pegg, was his stepfather Richard, nodding back to their days of watching Indiana Jones films together. Due out in 2011, The Adventures of Tintin, directed by Spielberg and produced by Peter Jackson, will employ a kind of motion-captured animation similar to that used to realise Gollum on screen in Jackson's Lord of the Rings. Pegg will be rendered on screen as one half of Tintin's moustachioed detective partners, the Thompson twins. Frost, fittingly, will play the other twin. "It's the perfect way to represent our symbiotic careers," says Pegg. "We finally become the same person, appearing on screen with the same head."
It's another lengthy journey back to the Caribbean coast, but if you have time, aim for Chetumal, south of Cancun. There's a great Mayan museum there and more ancient treats nearby. You'll find seaside Tulum busy with day-trippers from Cancun, but a short bus ride inland at Cob?  you may find you have whole pyramids to yourself in real Indiana Jones-style jungle.
The close unification of LucasArts and ILM in these buildings is symbolic of the convergence we're now seeing between games and movies. Developers on both sides of the divide now employ the same tools, the same staff, and they're exploring the same technological horizons, using bleeding edge motion capture to record human movement, and experimenting with 3D visuals. At LDAC that sort of cross-pollination is rife. "We can walk the corridors and have conversations with the folks creating the Clone Wars TV series, with writers, artists, directors and animators that are carrying the Star Wars legacy forward," says global VP of publishing, Mary Bihr. "And we can talk to people from Industrial Light and Magic, who not only work on Star Wars and Indiana Jones, they touch other properties â?? right now they're working on films like Rango and Transformers III. We're all housed here in this one facility."
The multiplayer component is, as you would expect from this series, skilfully constructed and breathtakingly expansive. There are 14 maps, designed to explore and support a range of playing styles. The standouts, at least in terms of visual style, are "Jungle", with its winding paths, tree houses and hanging vines, and the brilliant, "Nuketown", designed to resemble one of those simulated neighbourhoods constructed in remote locations by the US military to test the effects of nuclear weapons. There are eerily authentic fifties houses and vehicles, and the streets are lined with spooky shop window dummies. The level was apparently inspired by the nuclear explosion scene in Indiana Jones 4 â?? though it also feels a lot like the scary test zone featured in Alexandre Aja's Hills Have Eyes remake.
Tigers tend to attract alpha males as their champions: from Putin to the man behind the tiger summit, Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank. These are characters whose pulses are unlikely to be set racing by trying to save a rare moth or a salt marsh. Dr Alan Rabinowitz, president and CEO of Panthera, is another rugged saviour of the tiger, dubbed "the Indiana Jones of Wildlife Conservation" by TIME Magazine. Rabinowitz, who recently helped identify previously undocumented tiger populations in Bhutan in the BBC's Lost Land of the Tiger, has incurable leukaemia. He likens current tiger conservation to someone telling a cancer patient they will buy them a new house. Like Pandav, he believes conservationists are not being held accountable for tiger losses. He cites an Indian reserve where tiger populations are thriving: it has a "shoot to kill" policy towards poachers. "I'm frustrated because the international conservation community is not pulling itself together. It's hiding behind trees," he says. "We know how to save tigers. It is not brain surgery. Tigers breed really well. Protect them, and they come back pretty quickly but none of the areas are being protected."

In the state of Indiana, there may be six.
W stanie Indiana może być sześciu.

Kyle, who was totally gorgeous, but then he moved to Indiana.
Kyle, który był cudowny, ale wyprowadził się do Indiany.

Well, if you change your mind, you're now officially a licensed Indiana hunter.
Jeśli jednak zmienisz zdanie, jesteś teraz oficjalnym licencjonowanym łowcą stanu Indiana.

It is me, but I didn't leave Indiana till high school.
To ja, ale nie wyjeżdżałam z Indiany do liceum...

That was my Indiana dough map project for school.
To był mój projekt Mapa Indiany z ciasta do szkoły.

Hit the board and spun out, and Indiana wins the game.
Uderzony deska i przedłużony, i Indiana wygrywa grę.

When does your mom get back from Indiana?
Kiedy twoja mama wraca z Indiany?

I have absolutely nothing I want to do in Indiana.
Nie mam kompletnie nic do załatwienia w Indianie.

Well, his plates were stolen three weeks ago in Indiana, and...
Cóż, jego talerze zostały skradzione trzy tygodnie temu w Indiana, i...

I can be in Indiana by 11:30 Tuesday morning.
Mogę być w Indianie o 11:30 we wtorek.

Why do you look like Indiana Jones when he's a Professor?
Dlaczego wyglądasz jak Indiana Jones w przebraniu profesora?

I remember Dad took me to see Indiana Jones, though.
Pamiętam, jak tata zabrał mnie na „Indianę Jonesa”.

Next time, Indiana Jones, it'il take more than children to save you.
Następnym razem, Indiana Jones, nawet dzieci cię nie uratują.

Wished that he would come to Indiana to save her little sister, Jenna.
Chciała, by przyjechał do Indiany. By ochronił jej młodszą siostrę Jenny

Indiana, we are simply passing through history.
Indiana, my przemijamy w historii.

Indiana Jones couldn't find it down there.
Sam Indiana Jones nie znalazłby go tam.

Yeah, he might be as old as Indiana Jones.
Tak, i może być tak stary jak Indiana Jones.

Go to Indianapolis in the state of Indiana.
Jedźcie do Indianapolis w stanie Indiana.

Indiana Jones and his father have escaped.
Indiana Jones i jego ojciec uciekli.

Even I would never send you to Gary, Indiana.
Nawet ja chciałbym was wysłać do Gary w stanie Indiana.

Monticello, Indiana? At the lake house, where your girl's family has reunions.
W dokmu nad jeziorem, gdzie twoja dziewczyna ma rodzinne zjazdy.

These are manufactured in my district, in Indiana by...
To produkuje się w moim dystrykcie, w Indianie dzięki...

Who wouldn't want to be Indiana Jones?
Kto nie chciał być Indiana Jones'em ?

Willie is my professional name, Indiana.
Willie to mój pseudonim zawodowy, Indiana.

for the next two games, the scene shifed to Indiana.
Dla następnych dwóch gier, scena przesunęła się do Indiany.

He's on his way back from Mooresville, Indiana.
Teraz wraca z Mooresville z Indiany.

The dude thought he was Indiana Jones.
Facet sądził, że jest Indiana Jonesem.

I was just saying goodbye to Shelbyville, Indiana.
Mówiłam do widzenia do Shelbyville.

This is what Indiana wants.
Ten jest jaka Indiana chce.

I was raised on a farm in Mooresville, Indiana
Wychowałem się na farmie w Mooresville w Indianie.

He wanted Indiana kept free.
Chciał, by Indiana pozostała wolna.

There are no cougars in Indiana.
Nie ma pum w Indianie.

No, but Dr. Lowrey called and found that crazy guy's family in Indiana.
Nie, ale dr Lowrey odnalazła w Indianie rodzinę tego wariata.

It's in Indiana or something.
To w stanie Indiana czy coś takiego.

My name is Indiana Jones.
A ja jestem Indiana Jones.

I am like Indiana Jones.
Jestem jak Indiana Jones.

On our way from Syracuse to Indiana so my daddy could try farming, my mama got cholera and died.
Na naszej drodze z Syracuse do Indiany, żeby mój tata mógł popróbować rolnictwa, moja mama zachorowała na cholerę i umarła.

Man, it's like Indiana Jones with snakes.
To jak Indiana Jones z wężami.

Well, you see, I live in Shelbyville, Indiana.
Widzisz, ja mieszkam w Shelbyville, Indiana.

Indiana and Anchorage closing in.
ZbIiżają się Indiana i Anchorage.

This is Indiana Jones, famous archaeologist.
A to jest Indiana Jones, sławny archeolog.

She was at Euclid street, and I was in Lebanon, Indiana.
Żona mieszkała przy ulicy Euclid. Ja byłem wtedy w Lebanon w Indianie.

Indiana, my ass.
Indiana, moja dupo.

Some clodhopper down in Griffith, Indiana.
Jakaś łajza z Griffith w Indianie.

Indiana paper, Wanted, John Dillinger, dead or dead.
Przeczytałem dzisiaj... w gazecie z Indiany: John Dillinger - poszukiwany martwy lub martwy.

On October 23, stole bank of Green Castle, Indiana
Nasza. 23 października obrabowałeś bank w Green Castle w Indianie.

Indiana Jones, adieu.
Indiana Jones, adieu!

I feel like Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Greased Fist.
Czuję się jak w Indiana Jones i Świątynia Natłuszczonych Pięści.

Grace Ann Phillips was born in Newport, Indiana, on October 3, 1971.
Grace Ann Phillips urodziła się w Newport, Indiana, 3 października 1971 roku.