(Adverb) nieodłącznie; z natury;
z natury
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Mixed signals might in fact be quite smart â?? or at any rate manageable â?? if they represented a shared recognition that these are complex matters and that no course is without its price. On his best days, Cameron succeeds in conveying the choices more in sorrow than in anger. So, for the moment, does David Willetts when confronting the financial dilemmas facing universities. Increasingly, however, the coalition seems to be succumbing to the temptation to present the fiscal-tightening as inherently virtuous, framing austerity as a redemptive liberal act even while the shadow of recent Tory history ensures it appears to others as merely Thatcherite.
"Rock'n'roll," continues Osborne, "is inherently democratic, whatever is done in its name. Against third-rate politics, in Bosnia and across Europe, we pitched first-rate music. If the local fascist politicians were going to have their speaker system in the John Major government and at the UN, then we were going to have our speaker system too."
It was JB Priestly who summed up the terrain between Bolton and Manchester: "The ugliness is so complete it is almost exhilarating," he wrote. "It challenges you to live there." I grew up not far from there, just outside Wigan, a former mill town famed for pies and pits, for rugby and George Formby and Northern Soul, as well as for being the destination of George Orwell's 1936 investigation into the living conditions of the working poor, The Road to Wigan Pier. There is, let it be known, no actual pier. It is today, the type of place that to outsiders seems inherently amusing â?? like Grimsby or Scunthorpe or Skegness. In his book Pies and Prejudice, Stuart Maconie describes how when hearing that he comes from Wigan, "People begin to chortle, rolling the name around their mouth like an Uncle Joe's Mint Ball."
The question of what changed to revive prog's popularity is an intriguing one. Josh just thinks the music got better, and that his band slowly built a following to its current level â?? next year, they're headlining the 2,000-capacity Shepherd's Bush Empire in London â?? by the simple expedient of gigging hard. Ewing suggests the rise of the internet helped propagate and spread the prog scene and that attitudes softened as a result of the passing of time: "The journalists who naturally despised the whole genre because it completely went against the grain of punk, something they inherently believed in, had moved on out of that area into different forms of journalism and other media, or else they just didn't have that sort of attitude any more, so the hangover had gone."
But there is nothing inherently girly and suburban about spots and nothing inherently androgynous and chic about stripes. In Renoir's painting La Loge, of a man and a woman in a box at the theatre, the glossily dolled-up young woman, all corseted curves and flowers in her hair, is wearing broad monochrome stripes. There is no suggestion that the sitter was channelling Alexa Chung boyish festival chic. This is fashion. Things change.
Dance is nothing new to Tate Modern. Choreographers such as Merce Cunningham and William Forsythe have adapted existing work for the space, and participatory art has even become something of a signature â?? Carsten H??ller's slides were a hit with the public in 2006; and during 2009's Long Weekend festival, the performance artist Paola Pivi assembled 1,000 people and goaded them into screaming in unison. With its hangar-like, cavernous interior, there is something inherently theatrical about the Turbine Hall. But this is the first occasion on which anyone has attempted to fill it with a completely new dance piece, or one that makes the public themselves part of the drama.
Report by Lord Hutton also recommends raising retirement age for public sector pensions and ending 'inherently unfair' final salary schemes
The former Labour work and pensions secretary Lord Hutton, who was asked by the government to conduct the inquiry, also recommends raising the retirement age for public sector pensions in the longer term and ending the "inherently unfair" final salary schemes.
Ruth Sheen is the happiness supremo. As Gerri, she is serene, almost queenly. She was wonderful, too, in High Hopes (1988) as Shirley, a younger working-class woman who, like Gerri, has green fingers, a heart of gold and dotes on her other half. It is a tonic to see wedded camaraderie at the centre of a film â?? but hard to pull off, because it is inherently undramatic. It is equally uncommon to focus on women in their 50s â?? age of invisibility â?? and bring them so richly into focus. "What he is showing in Another Year," says Sheen, "is a family that is the heart. Around them are the lonely and the sad and those detached from their emotions â?? where alcohol is in place of relationships." To develop Gerri "took months and months". Sheen can supply all the details of her early life â?? hopeful child, positive young woman, first in her family to get to university (Manchester). She is "a thinker, a listener".
Widders is quite a delicate play for a broadcaster fresh from an ageism and sexism discrimination case (Countryfile-gate is its technical name). Are we laughing with her or at her? Are we just laughing because she can't dance? Or is it inherently ludicrous that a 63-year-old woman would even be on telly?
Just being parasitical by nature doesn't make you inherently bad.
Bycie pasożytem z natury nie czyni cię złym.
You could talk about things that are inherently female.
Możesz rozmawiać o rzeczach, które są z natury kobiece.
Does he believe the very essence of being a country - having a domestic government, an independent economy and national borders - is inherently wrong?
Czy on wierzy, że sama istota bycia krajem - posiadania krajowego rządu, niezależnej gospodarki i granic państwowych - jest ze swej natury zła?
But too alert. Geeky girls are inherently suspicious of anyone who's nice to them.
Kujonki z natury są podejrzliwe gdy ktoś jest dla nich miły.
The fact that you see that as inherently bad means you're an irrational patriot.
Fakt jest taki, że widzisz to jako z natury złe środki. Jesteś irracjonalną patriotką.
I suppose you think science is inherently evil.
Myślisz, że nauka jest złem.
I think that flowers are something inherently disgusting.
Myślę, że te kwiaty są z natury obrzydliwe.
Yes, the common fisheries policy; yes, let us talk about sustainable development - but the two are inherently contradictory.
Tak! Wspólna polityka rybołówstwa; tak, pomówmy o zrównoważonym rozwoju - ale przecież te dwie kwestie są z gruntu ze sobą sprzeczne.
These inherently risky circumstances lead to errors by them and also by those paying the funds.
Te nieodłącznie ryzykowne okoliczności prowadzą do powstawania błędów zarówno po stronie otrzymujących, jak i wypłacających środki.
We are in a position that we have an inherently fragile structure supporting the euro.
Okazuje się, że euro jest wsparte na strukturze z samej natury kruchej.
But people didn't think that that's inherently amateurish.
Ale ludzie właściwie nie wiedzieli, że to amatorstwo.
Suicide is an interesting topic to me because it is an inherently interesting decision.
Samobójstwo to dla mnie bardzo ciekawy temat ponieważ to w ogóle interesująca decyzja.
Because they inherently agree with the establishment.
Media są po stronie establishmentu, ponieważ właściwie się z nim zgadzają.
Susan Sontag says that images are inherently fascistic for that same reason.
Susan Sontag twierdzi, że zdjęcia są z natury faszystowskie z tego samego powodu.
The 'governance' package that has just been voted on is inherently poorly balanced in the way it seeks to respond to the crisis.
Reakcje na kryzys zawarte w pakiecie "zarządzania”, nad którym właśnie głosowano, są zupełnie niewyważone.
Bachha Yadav is inherently not a bad person, I think
Bachha Yadav się nie z natury złym człowiekiem, myślę, że
It's an inherently wild and frenetic place.
To z natury dzikie i gorączkowe miejsce.
Like all humans, they are inherently illogical.
Jak wszyscy ludzie, oni są z natury nielogiczni.
So it's inherently safe to use.
Więc z natury bezpiecznie jest go używać.
Some men are inherently less receptive.
Niektórzy mężczyźni są mniej wrażliwi.
Given that this minority is inherently transnational, an effective approach on Roma's rights can only be handled at European level.
Zważywszy na to, że owa mniejszość jest z natury ponadnarodowa, skuteczne podejście do kwestii praw Romów można zaprowadzić jedynie na szczeblu europejskim.
The future is inherently uncertain.
Przyszłość jest niepewna.
My relationship towards tulips is inherently Lynchian.
Moja relacja wobec tulipanów jest z natury lynchowska.
The result will be a more rational and risk-based approach to control actions at sea and on land, the latter being inherently more cost-effective.
W rezultacie stosowane będzie bardziej racjonalne, oparte na ryzyku, podejście do kontrolowania działań na morzu i na lądzie, przy czym te drugie w oczywisty sposób będą efektywniejsze pod względem kosztów.
Jason, do you believe a thing... ...can be inherently evil?
Jason, wierzysz, że coś może być z natury złe?
separate educational facilities Are inherently unequal.
r.: odrębne placówki oświatowe są z natury nierówne.
Well, Allison-- - Human perception is inherently flawed, Dr. Blake.
Cóż, Allison-- - Postrzeganie ludzkie jest z natury błędne, dr Blake.
The situation of this minority, which is inherently transnational and at great risk of exclusion, can only be improved through adopting a concerted policy at European level.
Sytuacja tej mniejszości, która ze swojej natury zamieszkuje wiele krajów i narażona jest na wykluczenie społeczne, może ulec poprawie jedynie wskutek przyjęcia wspólnej polityki na szczeblu europejskim.
Nevertheless, we Hungarians can be rightly proud that, to quote the Hungarian composer, Ferenc Liszt, born 200 years ago, 'we are the sons of an inherently free people'.
Niemniej my, Węgrzy, możemy być słusznie dumni z tego, że - zacytuję słowa urodzonego 200 lat temu węgierskiego kompozytora Franciszka Liszta - "jesteśmy synami ludzi z natury wolnych”.
The implementation of this inherently toothless directive must be legally strengthened and this should be linked to sanctions in order to ensure that it is possible to implement the directive.
Proces wdrożenia tej właściwie bezsilnej dyrektywy musi zostać prawnie wzmocniony, co powinno wiązać się z wprowadzeniem sankcji, by zagwarantować możliwość wdrożenia dyrektywy.
Firstly, by changing the sector itself: the report is intended to demonstrate how this sector can, first and foremost, look within itself to see how it can produce communication, microelectronic and other instruments that consume less energy, and are thus inherently more efficient.
Po pierwsze przez zmiany w samym sektorze - sprawozdanie ma pokazać, jak przedstawiciele tej branży mogą po pierwsze przyjrzeć się jej samej i zobaczyć, jak mogą wytwarzać urządzenia telekomunikacyjne, mikroelektroniczne i inne zużywające mniej energii i tym samym sprawniejsze same w sobie.