(Noun) lipiec;
n lipiec
(attrib) lipcowy
s lipiec
Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
The June summit in Luxembourg, the Chantilly meeting in July, are milestones along that route.
Czerwcowy szczyt w Luksemburgu i posiedzenie w Chantilly to milowe kroki na tej drodze.
She has spent the last 19 years in prison, since July 1989.
Spędziła w więzieniu ostatnie 19 lat, od czerwca 1989 r.
As stated in July, inflation should decline further in the course of 2012 and be below 2% again in 2013.
inflacja powinna nadal spadać i w 2013 r. znaleźć się ponownie poniżej 2%.
Now, by July 2008, we have already spent EUR 365 million.
Teraz, do czerwca 2008 wydaliśmy już 365 milionów euro.
Established: 15 July 2002 Executive Director: Patrick Ky
Rok utworzenia: 2002 Dyrektor wykonawczy: Patrick Ky
"Scribes and historians will clamber for ways to deconstruct the meaning of this euphoria sweeping the nation and our continent ... Today represents a rebirth, a second wind. In a country and a continent searching for relevance in a world seemingly gone mad, June 11, 2010 could not have come sooner, because we've shown the whole world how to have fun, and that it's OK to lighten up a little ... But the real challenge is to take this wonderful spirit of unity and make it meaningful beyond July 11."
The judges at The Hague convicted Ljubisa Beara and Vujadin Popovic for the slaughter of almost 8,000 Muslim males at Srebrenica, eastern Bosnia, in July 1995.
The public position of the oil group remains that no decision is likely on payouts to shareholders until much nearer July 27, when the half-yearly financial figures and the forthcoming dividend policy must be given. But privately there is increasing acceptance that the political heat is so intense that BP could need to make some kind of gesture, and earlier rather than later. Options being considered include putting the dividend into an escrow or trust fund until the full scale of the spill liabilities are known.
In July 2008, soldiers posing as members of a humanitarian mission freed former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, three US contractors and 11 police and military officials held by Farc.
The iconic pier in Weston-Super-Mare is due to reopen in July following a multi-million rebuild after the original pier was destroyed by fire in 2008
As a long-time Athelstan watcher (I'm writing a book on him), I confess I almost felt my eyes prickle when I saw the startling image of the open lead coffin: an ivory silk shroud covering (or at least so I imagined with narrowed eyes) an almost discernible human shape. Under the crumpled folds was a small slim frame slightly bent at the knees, like a child asleep. Buried first in July 946, she had been reburied in this tomb in 1510. As blue bloods go, she was second to none: her grandfather, her father Edward and her brother were three of the greatest rulers in British history (well, why not the greatest?). I must say I was glad not to see the forensic close-ups of her bones and skull: the respect afforded by the antique silk shroud had the strange effect of giving her back something of her life.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the 1960 Greensboro sit-ins, a series of non-violent protests that started when four black students from the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College sat at the "whites-only" lunch counter in Woolworths. In July 1960, five months later, the 19-year-old Jackson instigated a similar protest in the segregated public library in his hometown of Greenville, South Carolina. He went on to become a leader of the sit-in movement. "Once the flame was lit, it caught fire," he says, his words slurring together in his languid Southern drawl.
In July 2008, the ODA told the Environment Agency that it had found 40 cubic metres, about 50 tonnes, of waste that showed radioactive readings up to three times higher than the levels at which waste is treated as exempt. But it argued that when put together with 1,500 cubic metres of material that was "definitely exempt" this would bring the whole waste into the exempt category.
The Agency accepted this argument in July 2008. By the time the waste was buried on the site three months later the total waste had doubled to about a hundred tonnes and the total exempt waste had risen to 7,500 tonnes.
Knight's artistic reputation is now in the ascendant. On 15 July last year, a watercolour, Wind and Sun, sold at Sotheby's for Â?914,850. On 17 December, On the Cliffs, a truly stunning plein air painting, sold at Sotheby's for Â?646,050. A woman painter who can command prices like these is likely to be taken very seriously indeed. Alas, very little of Knight's massive body of work is of this quality.
He told me that he's going back to on July 27.
Powiedział mi, że wraca na K-Pax. 27 lipca.
It has to do with your brother and last July 4th.
To dotyczy twojego brata i 4 lipca zeszlego roku.
My parents are away; they won't be back until July.
Są daleko Nie będzie nikogo do lipca Zostań ze mną
I hope that this can take effect in July 2010.
Mam nadzieję, że może ona zacząć obowiązywać od lipca 2010 roku.
And then, on July 5th 1844, he wrote this letter to his wife.
Po czym 5 lipca 1844, napisał ten list do swojej żony.
She has spent the last 19 years in prison, since July 1989.
Spędziła w więzieniu ostatnie 19 lat, od czerwca 1989 r.
I think you can tell me now. what report? july, 1947.
Chyba teraz możesz mi powiedzieć. - W jakim raporcie? - Z lipca 1947-go.
His girlfriend died on the same road, July 4th, one year earlier.
Jego dziewczyna umarla w tym samym miejscu, 4 lipca, rok wczesniej.
July 31, 1995 now i know the value of the word 'first'.
Lipiec, 1995 Teraz znam już wartość słowa 'pierwszy'.
I notice they've not paid you for that job in July.
Zauważ, że nie zapłacili Ci za tę robotę w lipcu.
How much he loves you and you're getting married on the 21st of July.
Jak bardzo cię kocha, i że bieżcie ślub 21 lipca.
It could have started the procedure much earlier than the end of July.
Mogła wszcząć procedurę znacznie wcześniej niż pod koniec lipca.
That'll be our last chance to hold off till July.
To będzie ostatnia szansa, aby powstrzymać atak do lipca.
The issues under discussion in July should have been dealt with long ago.
Sprawy omawiane w lipcu powinny zostać rozpatrzone już dawno temu.
From July 1, each station is to have an equal opportunities plan.
Od 1 lipca, każdy posterunek musi wdrożyć plan równouprawnienia.
They were all stalked for a few days before July 4.
Wszyscy byli śledzeni na kilka dni przed 4 lipca.
There was only one objection with respect to 15 July, which came from you.
Był tylko jeden głos sprzeciwu - sprzeciw pani poseł - wobec terminu 15 lipca.
Can anybody tell me the significance of the date July 21, 1861?
Może mi ktoś podać znaczenie daty 21 lipca 1861?
Now, listen here, what's your position on a July wedding?
Słuchaj, co sądzisz o ślubie w lipcu?
July 4th, 1972. First time my old man let me set off a firecracker.
lipca 1972 roku mój staruszek po raz pierwszy pozwolił mi odpalić petardę.
The final report will come out in July 2009.
Sprawozdanie końcowe pojawi się w lipcu 2009 roku.
We have come a long way since July 2008.
Od lipca 2008 roku przeszliśmy długą drogę.
Last time I saw this face was July 4th, 1969.
Po raz ostatni widziałem tę twarz 4 lipca 1969.
One colleague died on July 7 in a gas explosion.
Jeden strażak poniósł śmierć 7 lipca w skutek wybuchu gazu.
The proceedings, lasting 18 months, were opened in July 2007.
Postępowanie, które ma trwać 18 miesięcy, rozpoczęło się w lipcu 2007 roku.
I didn't think the house was going to be done until July, Mom.
Nie sądzę, żeby dom był gotowy do lipca, mamo.
Following the blocking by the administration, this obligation has not been met since July.
W związku z blokadą administracyjną obowiązku tego nie wykonano od lipca.
July 12. Transmit this message for 5 days without answers.
Jest 12 lipca. Nadawałem tą wiadomość przez 5 dni...
If I don't return after July 5th, let her go.
Jeśli nie wrócę po piątym lipca to ją wypuść.
Drink champagne, dance in the streets, whatever they do on July 14th.
Pić champagne, tańczyć na ulicach, cokolwiek się robi 14 lipca.
The negotiations that took place in July delivered some real progress.
Lipcowe negocjacje przyniosły rzeczywiste postępy.
Between July and December of 1983 what was your relationship?
Jakie stosunki łączyły was między lipcem a grudniem 1983?
My parents died in the 4th of July attacks.
Moi rodzice zginęli w atakach z 4 lipca.
Full implementation of the upgraded system will take place by 1 July 2009.
Pełne wdrożenie ulepszonego systemu odbędzie się w dniu 1 lipca 2009 r.
I should like to read a quotation to you, which comes from a radio interview of 28 July this year.
Przeczytam państwu cytat, pochodzący z wywiadu radiowego przeprowadzonego 28 lipca tego roku.
The vote will take place tomorrow, 10 July 2008.
Głosowanie odbędzie się jutro, 10 lipca 2008 r.
The first meeting of the high-level group was held on 17 July; another is scheduled for this month.
Pierwsze spotkanie grupy wysokiego szczebla odbyło się 17 lipca, następne jest zaplanowane na ten miesiąc.
In this context, a public consultation was launched at the end of July 2008.
W tym kontekście pod koniec lipca 2008 r. rozpoczęto konsultacje społeczne.
I would remind you that the interim agreement came into force on 1 July.
Pragnę państwu przypomnieć, że umowa tymczasowa weszła w życie dnia 1 lipca.
We met again in Paris on 13 and 14 July.
Ponownie spotkaliśmy się w Paryżu w dniach 13 i 14 lipca.
It would sound like the Fourth of July out there.
To sound lubiłoby 4 lipiec.
In July his green garden will be yellow like ripe wheat.
W lipcu jego zielony ogród będzie żółty jak dojrzałe zborze.
The last one I have here is dated July 2009.
Ostatnie sprawozdanie, które mam ze sobą, pochodzi z lipca 2009 roku.
As you know, the new directive will apply to economic operators from July 2011.
Jak Państwu wiadomo, nowa dyrektywa będzie obowiązywała podmioty gospodarcze od lipca 2011 roku.
The next robbery is going to take place on 14th July...
Następna kradzież będzie miała miejsce 14 lipca 2006 roku.
The vote will take place today, Thursday 8 July 2010, at 12.00.
Głosowanie odbędzie się dzisiaj, czyli w czwartek, w dniu 8 lipca o godz. 12.00.
And then in July 1944, we were transferred to Paris.
I wtedy w lipcu 1944, zostaliśmy przeniesieni do Paryża.
On July 22 you were informed the revolution would start
lipca był pan poinformowany, że rozpoczyna się rewolucja.
So, why is today, July 13th, known as day?
Więc, czemu dzisiejszy dzień, 13 lipca, znany jest jako dzień.
The swim team starts training first week in July.
Drużyna pływacka zaczyna trenować od pierwszego tygodnia lipca.