Przykłady użycia
Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy is appearing today in The Steyning Bookshop in West Sussex, queen of romantic fiction Katie Fforde will be at Brendon Books in Taunton tomorrow, and former children's laureate Michael Morpurgo has lined up a visit to Edinburgh's Mainstreet Trading Company later this week. A week-long celebration of independent booksellers kicks off today with hundreds of events planned for the next seven days, as the beleaguered sector looks to raise its profile.
Katie Allen
Your TV used to be the equivalent of a rating-agency, exposing you only to AAA-rated talent. Now however, it asks you to keep up with the Kardashians; watch a Hilton or an Osborne muddle through the real world, and, yes, be a guest at Katie Price's latest wedding. The fundamentals of all these celebs are, frankly, ropey, and yet viewers are invited to invest time and emotional equity in them.
Owning Five could also give him the chance to develop TV shows by exploiting the commercial relationships he has with leading celebrities who are signed to OK!, including Katie Price and Kerry Katona.
He told Live From Studio Five: "We've bought Channel Five because it's a great station, as you know as viewers. We're not messing about with the programming. All we're going to do is add more programmes and put extra money on screen." He named the channel's most popular shows, including CSI and Grey's Anatomy, and said they would all stay at Five. Asked if he planned to create programmes featuring Katie Price, one of the celebrities who regularly appear in his weekly magazine OK!, he said: "It might not be a bad idea, eh?"
2006 Katie Price
10.40am: Here are the thoughts of Katie Allen on the Bank of England report:
9.43am: The UK unemployment data is out and it's a "mixed bag" according to our economics expert Katie Allen:
Blogs such as Jane Aldridge's Sea of Shoes, Rumi Neely's Fashion Toast, Susie Lau's Style Bubble, and Katie Mackay and Joe Sinclair's What Katie Wore have all shown the impact that snapped self-portraits teamed with well-written captions can have. What Katie Wore started as a challenge from Sinclair, digital director for a PR firm, to his girlfriend, who works in marketing, to wear a different outfit every day for a year. She easily managed this goal about eight months ago, and the blog continues due to its popularity. There's something oddly compelling about the albums of images â?? you'd be surprised how quickly you can start to care about a complete stranger's wardrobe.
Celebrity blogging also has obvious rewards. "Two things motivate celebrities: more fame and more money," says Sinclair, who writes What Katie Wore. "A daily blog can answer these two ambitions relatively well. On a less cynical note, it's a powerful way to build a personal dialogue with the celeb's fanbase."
He'll be in with Katie and an attorney first thing.
Przyjedzie z Katie i prawnikiem, jak szybko się da.
Yeah. Katie, you are about to be a part of history.
Katie, jesteś tu po to, aby stać się częścią historii.
I know why it didn't work out with me and Katie before.
Wiem, czemu mi wcześniej nie wyszło z Katie.
Katie and I are going to go see the lawyers later today.
Katie i ja idziemy się później zobaczyć z prawnikami.
You've barely looked at me since you found out Katie was dead.
Ledwie na mnie spojrzałaś odkąd dowiedziałaś się, że Katie nie żyje.
I haven't really heard anyone say Katie's name, except for me.
Nie słyszałem jednak, żeby ktoś wypowiadał imię Katie.. Poza mną samym.
I've been wearing the wrong size all my life,' says Katie.
Całe życie nosiłam niewłaściwy rozmiar, mówi Katie.
You could have left it at the coffee shop with Katie.
Możesz zostawić go w kawiarni u Katie.
Katie wanted Bud to go to college, to make your name stand for something.
Katie chciała, żeby Bud się uczył. Żeby wasze nazwisko coś znaczyło.
Pleased to meet you. Katie's one of my best friends.
Katie jest jedną z moich najlepszych przyjaciółek.
Katie told me that night when she got back to the ranch.
Katie opowiedziała mi tej nocy, kiedy wróciliśmy na ranczo.
You know, Katie, this is exactly why people get divorced.
Katie, właśnie przez to ludzie się rozwodzą.
You remember how before, when Katie's dad was talking about being a surgeon.
Pamiętacie, jak tata Katie opowiadał o byciu chirurgiem?
The you are going to win today, and Katie does not lose the workshop.
W którym dzisiaj wygrasz i Katie nie straci warsztatu.
Katie, take this out in the kitchen and slice it.
Katie, weź to do kuchni i pokrój.
She seemed to make it her mission to cheer Katie up.
Wydawało się, że to jej prywatna misja, by pocieszyć Katie.
Robin convinced Katie to stay with her that first night.
Robin przekonała Katie, żeby przenocowała u niej.
Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Katie.
Więc juz nie musisz się martwić o nic.
Zack, maybe you can help us understand what made Katie so mad.
Zack pomożesz nam zrozumieć dlaczego Katie jest zła na Ciebie.
So have you made a move on katie yet?
Zrobiłeś już jakiś krok w kierunku Kate?
Why did you leave the little Katie all alone?
Czemu zostawił pan małą Cathy całkiem samą?
To find out if Katie's one in a million.
Sprawdzić czy Katie jest tą jedną na milion.
Your name is Katie, I see here on my phone.
Twoje imię Katie, Widzę tutaj na moim telefonie.
Katie ended up having a great first time in New York.
Katie miło zakończyła swój pierwszy raz w Nowym Jorku.
Katie and Willis invited us up to the camp for the weekend.
Katie i Willis zaprosili nas na piknik w ten weekend.
So it's possible that Katie's just lying to hide their affair.
Więc możliwe, że Katie kłamie by ukryć romans.
But then I met Katie, and she's perfect for me.
Ale wtedy poznałem Katie... Jesteśmy dla siebie stworzeni.
Hey, Katie, I got a idea about what we can do.
Hej, Katie, mam pomysł, co możemy zrobić.
Hunter, this is for you, from your favorite aunt, Katie.
Hunter, to jest dla ciebie od twojej ulubionej cioci, Katie.
Look, Katie, the great thing is life is full of second chances.
Słuchaj Katie, w życiu dobre jest, że masz mnóstwo drugich szans.
I know you can do it yourself, but it's not just about you, Katie.
Wiem, że sama sobie poradzisz, ale nie chodzi tylko o ciebie, Katie.
Everyone relies on you to tell the truth, Katie.
Wszyscy polegają na tobie i mówią ci prawdę, Katie.
And then, Katie, you come in with the bass.
I wtedy, Katie, wchodzisz z basem.
Katie, are you sure you didn't sneak into the house last night?
Jesteś pewna że nie wkradłaś się do domu ostatniej nocy?
They are calling him butcher and I can't find Katie.
Nazywają go rzeźnikiem i nie mogę znaleźć Katie.
Katie said that as she was being followed, the camera was taking pictures.
No jasne! Katie mówiła, że kiedy ktoś ją gonił, aparat nadal robił zdjęcia.
Well, that must be really good for Maya and Katie.
Cóż musi to być bardzo miłe dla Mayi i Katie.
He went to pick up Katie Brown for a lunch date.
Poszedł po Katie Brown, mieli iść na lunch.
Look, Katie Holmes really wants this, and she's been through a lot.
Katie Holmes bardzo tego chce, a przeszła już wiele.
I just want to protect Katie and Travis from that.
Po prostu chcę przed tym uchronić Katie i Travis'a.
So Katie want to sleep without opening the envelope?
Katie chce iść spać bez otwierania koperty?
Katie, please stay with us. We'll be more fun.
Katie, zostań z nami, będzie tyle zabawy.
Well, hickory nut cake as only Katie can make it.
Cóż, ciasto z białych orzechów, jakie jedynie Katie potrafi zrobić.
But my daughter Maya didn't want to raise Katie that way.
Ale moja córka Maya nie chciała wychowywać Katie w ten sposób.
Katie says that you washed me, in the bath.
Katie powiedziała mi, że mnie umyłeś. W wannie.
Katie, you have people here who care about you.
Katie, są tu ludzie, którym zależy na tobie.
You and Katie were made for each other.
Ty i Katie jesteście dla siebie stworzeni.
What possible motive could Katie have had to want to kill Martin?
Jaki Katie mogła mieć powód, by zabić Martina?
Katie calls me that almost every other day.
Katie nazywa mnie tak prawie każdego dnia.