Wielki słownik angielsko-polski red. nacz D. Jemielniak, M. Miłkowski

(Noun) historia chan; gospoda; karawanseraj;

ECTACO słownik angielsko-polski Słowniki elektroniczne Ectaco do nabycia u wydawcy


Wordnet angielsko-polski

1. (an inn in some eastern countries with a large courtyard that provides accommodation for caravans)
karawanseraj, chan, chana
synonim: caravansary
synonim: caravanserai
synonim: caravan inn

2. (a title given to rulers or other important people in Asian countries)
chan: :

Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

isl. chan

Wielki słownik wojskowy angielsko-polski

hist. chan
~ of Tartars - chan Tatarów

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

When Reena Roy, a popular Indian actress, quit Bollywood at the height of her fame in 1983 to marry Pakistan cricketer Mohsin Khan, it caused nothing like the stir kicked up today. "The best part about our marriage was that I got a very warm acceptance in India and Reena received the same in Pakistan," Khan explained earlier this week. "Times have changed, and sadly so."
Stoute left Barbados in 1964, aged 19 and having spent the previous three years as a schoolboy racing commentator moonlighting at the old island track of Garrison Savannah. He arrived in Britain with just one distant racing contact and yet, through perseverance and an uncanny talent, he has become a knighted giant of British racing, working with owners ranging from the Aga Khan to the Queen to Sir Alex Ferguson. He is now on course for his 11th champion trainer title.
A contrasting hurt clouds Stoute's face as he remembers Shergar's kidnapping by the IRA â?? and the recent revelation that he was probably machine-gunned to death after the ransom demand failed so abjectly. "It was tragic. He was such a lovely horse, a great horse, and they made the terrible mistake of thinking he was owned just by the Aga Khan rather than an international syndicate. I knew it would end in a horror story â?? but I've closed the book on that pain."
Khan Shatyr, designed by Lord Foster, is latest vanity project initiated by president Nursultan Nazarbayev
The Khan Shatyr, a 100,000 sq metre complex designed by Lord Foster, holds a city within a city, with shops and restaurants, cinemas, water park, botanical garden, mini-golf course, and a monorail.
The Khan Shatyr is the latest vanity project initiated by Nursultan Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan's increasingly autocratic president. Its opening ceremony, launched with a performance by Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and closed with a burst of fireworks, was timed to coincide with Astana day, a new holiday to celebrate the country's capital. It was attended by Nazarbayev, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, Turkish president Abdullah Gul and Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, among others.
The Khan Shatyr is Lord Foster's second design in the city, after opening a "Pyramid of Peace," which holds an opera house, library and cultural research centre, in September 2006.
Khan was in his office at the time but escaped unharmed. He said 70 to 80 shops in the area were damaged or destroyed by the blast, including a prison building from which 28 prisoners had apparently escaped.
"After the blast, I saw destruction. I saw bodies everywhere. I saw the injured crying for help," security official Esa Khan said from the main north-west city of Peshawar, where he helped escort some of the wounded to a hospital.
Newly appointed Afghan interior minister General Bismillah Khan last week announced plans to step up police training as local security forces prepare to take security responsibility from US and Nato troops within four years.

I had to do something to draw Khan out and he went for it.
Musiałem zrobić coś, żeby wypłoszyć Kahna, postukać w jego klatkę, i udało się.

Khan's C-4 is responsible for many deaths in this city.
C-4 Kahna jest odpowiedzialne za wiele zgonów w tym mieście.

Khan was a great leader, but he made one fatal mistake.
Khan był wielkim przywódcą, ale popełnił jeden wielki błąd.

Tell the people I don’t want to be khan.
Powiedź ludziom, że ja nie chcę być chanem.

Khan and his crew were condemned to death as war criminals.
Khan i jego załoga zostali skazani na śmierć jako zbrodniarze wojenni.

Temujin, we throw at your feet the body of our Khan.
Temudżynie, rzucamy ci do stóp ciało naszego Chana.

Khan has refused to go back home until he meets the President elect.
Zdecydował, że nie wróci do domu póki nie spotka się z prezydentem.

Does it not shame a Khan to show an enemy his heels?
Czy to nie hańba dla Chana pokazywać wrogowi swe pięty?

He is in a bad condition khan baba how can we attack him.
On jest ranny Khan Baba jak możemy go atakować.

Rizwan khan Is being discharge from hospital,can we meet him or not?
Rizwan Khan został wypisany ze szpitala. Czy możemy się z nim zobaczyć?

You are the khan now and I'm kneeling before you.
Teraz ty jesteś chanem, a ja przed tobą na kolanach.

My son is khan now He'il take his vengeance on you!
Mój syn jest teraz chanem Zemści się na tobie!

Doctor Khan has said, for a couple of days no...
Pani doktor Khan powiedziała, że kilka dni... nie...

Khan butchered them all in front of your eyes.
Khan zabił ich wszystkich na twoich oczach.

If Khan thinks he went to the authorities, he might kill her.
Jeśli Kahn myśli, że Emilio poszedł do władz, może ją zabić.

I saw rebel in your eyes since last wars khan baba.
Widziałem bunt w twoich oczach od ostatnich wojen, Khan Baba.

Khan, I told you to leave this case.
Chan, kazałem ci zostawić tą sprawę.

Genghis Khan conquered half of the world in his lifetime.
Genghis Khan podbił połowę świata za swojego życia.

There wouldn't be any books if not for Rahim Khan.
Gdyby nie Rahim Khan, nie byłoby żadnej książki.

You were never building a case against Khan.
Nigdy nie zacząłeś budować sprawy przeciwko Kahnowi.

Genghis Khan was the fourth child in his family.
Dżingis Chan był czwartym dzieckiem w rodzinie

The Khan's are in majority in our film industry.
Khanowie są w naszym przemyśle filmowym w większości.

I want confirmed reports on that Ibrahim Khan is dead.
Chcę oficjalnego potwierdzenia w że Ibrahim Khan nie żyje.

I promise you victory, and that we will celebrate it with Khan
Obiecuję wam zwycięstwo i że będziemy świętowali je z Khan

So, after your marriage, will my name be Sameer Khan?
Po ślubie będę się nazywał Sameer Khan.

My name is Khan. And I am not a terrorist.
Nazywam się Khan i nie jestem terrorystą.

Didn't you ask if Pakistan was ready to release our prisoners too, Khan?
Nie spytałeś, czy Pakistan był gotowy aby wypuścić także naszych więźniów, Khan?

Arif, put the phone on handset mode and give it to Khan.
Arif, wyłącz gośnik w telefonie i daj go Khanowi.

You were going to kill me, Khan! You're going to have to come here!
Jeśli chcesz mnie zabić, Khan, musisz tu do nas przyjść!

Don't think of him as Khan, all right?
Nie myśl, że to Khan, ok?

Mr. Khan has just confessed to violation of federal explosives law.
Pan Kahn właśnie się przyznał do naruszenia federalnego prawa obrotu materiałami wybuchowymi.

Khan never intended to sell us the C-4.
Kahn nigdy nie zamierzał nam sprzedać tego C-4.

Maybe do one or two crazy things - Khan khan.
Zrobimy jedną lub dwie szalone rzeczy

Jafar Khan will catch you from wherever you go, ok?
Jafar Khan złapie cię, gdziekolwiek byś nie zwiał, jasne?

Kamal Khan says we are to stay here until we cross the border.
Kamal Khan kazał nam tu zostać, aż przekroczymy granicę.

Sir, he is waiting since a long time to meet you. Mr. Khan.
Sir, on czeka od długiego czasu by spotkać się z tobą.

I'm leaving the country on Khan's plane tonight.
Opuszczam kraj dziś wieczorem na pokładzie samolotu Kahna.

Great Khan, every way of escape is blocked.
Wielki Chanie, wszystkie drogi ucieczki są odcięte.

Be careful, Brother, or he will be Khan, not you.
Bądź ostrożny, bracie, albowiem on stanie sie Chanem, nie ty.

Khan... will you not cease to make war, even now the Mongols are united?
Chanie. Nie powstrzymasz się przed wojną, nawet gdy Mongołowie są zjednoczeni?

Why does Khan want to meet the President?
Dlaczego Khan chce się spotkać z prezydentem..

If blood must be shed, then it must, Khan!
Jeśli krew musi zostać wylana, zrobi to, Khan!

To ask that question makes you Khan.
Zadałeś to pytanie, więc nim jesteś.

And arrest Khan before the feds arrest us, all in the next nine minutes.
I aresztować Kahna zanim Federalni aresztują nas. Wszystko to, w ciągu najbliższych... 9 minut.

All we care about today is the whereabouts or an address for Jamal Khan.
Wszystko zależy nam od dzisiaj gdzie jest miejsce pobytu lub adres Jamala Khana.

Professor Khan has sent this for you.
Przepraszam, profesor Khan dał mi to dla pani.

The attack on your son seems vey personal Mrs. Khan.
Atak na syna był bardzo osobisty pani Khan.

Kabir Khan, ls there any money transaction on this scandal.
Kabir Khan, czy była jakaś skandaliczna transakcja pieniężna.

He is worse than a dead man, Khan Baba.
On jest w gorszym stanie niż nieboszczyk, Khan Baba.

Rizvan Khan, good to see you hale and hearty.
Rizvan Khan, dobry i serdeczny.