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Izba Lordów

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

However, the storm clouds are gathering above sumo, a 2,000-year-old sport celebrated in Japanese mythology, watched by warlords and emperors, and steeped in Shinto ritual and pretensions of moral rectitude.
At first Prescott seemed to have mixed feelings about being "amongst the Barons". He read the oath of allegiance in an uncharacteristically quiet and high-pitched voice, I felt, and his facial expression was still mostly grumpy. But when he shook hands with Lady Hayman, the Lords Speaker who was sitting on the woolsack, a cheer went up around the chamber and at last Prescott smiled. Then he went off to shake hands with Lord Strathclyde, the (Tory) leader of the Lords. Prescott was still smiling, and from what I saw it was genuine.
And the theatre is going to take place in the House of Lords, where Labour's great class warrior John Prescott will be taking his seat at 10.45am. He won't be speaking today, but he will have to perform that time-honoured process whereby the Lords neuters any politician possessing any vestiges of radicalism by forcing them to take part in an archaic ceremony and dress up in a silly costume. Just for fun, someone in the Lords has decided that Prescott should be introduced on the same day as Quentin Davies, the former Tory with the bell tower who defected to Labour.
Lord Prescott, who took his seat in the Lords last week, said tensions at the top of government were nothing new, pointing to Margaret Thatcher's difficult relationship with Geoffrey Howe.
At the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington DC, a current exhibition called Women to Watch featuring "underrepresented and/or emerging women artists" has chosen, besides seven women from the US, one woman from the UK: 76-year-old Wylie. The picture that was selected is Lords and Ladies, which was inspired by something Wylie read in this newspaper: "For better for worse, divorce is always stressful, but . . . supportive colleagues make life easier." She began, as usual, by making small drawings of a bride and (in her words) "the groom reduced to a standing wedding suit", and a stylised bride standing on a wedding cake, before combining the themes with one of her favourite images, the standing portrait of the future Philip IV of Spain by Rodrigo de Villandrando (c 1620).
10.09am: Clegg started with some opening remarks. He said that although the government had an ambitious agenda, plans for constitutional reform were not particularly new. Parliament has been talking about House of Lords reform for more than 100 years, he said, and the Commons first voted on the alternative vote in 1930. He also said that he thought there was a cross-party agreement that political reform had to happen.
The mood has changed, too, among white Americans, who have interpreted the increasingly aggressive language used by politicians as a green light to express their own prejudices. Incidents of harassment towards undocumented Latinos from employers, landlords and neighbours have increased. Should the victims protest, they are frequently taunted with the refrain: "So what are you going to do about it, tell the police?"
Black, who is a member of the House of Lords as Lord Black of Crossharbour, lived in London and he and his wife, Barbara Amiel, became regulars on the party set. He was famously pictured at a fancy dress party looking like Cardinal Richelieu, although he later said that he was not Richelieu but just a cardinal "because it was the last costume available at the place I went to rent one, and my wife wasn't Marie Antoinette, only a barmaid".
The reasons I came back to Gordon in 2008 had nothing to do with missing being the centre of attention. I simply wanted to serve my country, help an old friend and wangle an invitation to Corfu to hang out with the Rothschilds, the Murdochs, a Russian oligarch and George Osborne on a luxury yacht. "You're not as useless as everyone says you are," I told Gordon. "So let's put old enmities behind us. You can pretend to be prime minister and if you guarantee me a place in the Lords I'll be the entire cabinet." The Third Man had finally become the Second Man.
The decorative flowers and the young seed heads are also edible as is the underground bulb (make sure you identify the right root and have permission from the owner of the land if you plan to dig this up). There are several poisonous plants which lie in wait for the careless wild garlic collector - lily of the valley and the autumn crocus (or meadow saffron) bear a striking similarity, as do the the immature leaves of lords and ladies plants. There is no need for concern though â?? wild garlic smells strongly of garlic when crushed and none of these impostors do.

Think it over and you will never have to work for your lords.
Przemyśl to sobie, posłuchaj mnie i nigdy więcej nie musisz na pańskie!

Which of these lords do I trust more than you?
A któremu ufam bardziej niż tobie?

Then all the local lords will come to join us.
Wtedy wszyscy miejscowi lordowie dołączą do nas.

My lords, let me think on it, just a little while.
Moi lordowie, dajcie mi się nad tym chwilę zastanowić.

My lords, I can offer you no words of comfort.
Moi Lordowie... nie potrafię dać wam słów pocieszenia.

At the same time, I'll gather the lords who are on my side.
Jednocześnie będę zbierał lordów, stojących po mojej stronie.

Even so, a time comes when servants rise up against their lords.
Nadejdzie taki czas, kiedy sługi powstaną przeciwko swym panom.

When I gathered my lords together, we had a purpose, a mission.
Gdy zebrałem mych lordów, mieliśmy przed sobą cel, misję.

The dinosaurs were lords of creation for about 200 million years.
Dinozaury były panami stworzenia przez około 200 milionów lat.

There's just one question, sir, about the four hundred thousand to influence the Lords.
Tylko jedno pytanie, sir, co z tymi 400 000 funtów dla lordów?

How can we prevent the soldiers from joining the war lords once they have been trained?
W jaki sposób możemy nie dopuścić do przejścia żołnierzy - po ich przeszkoleniu - na stronę lokalnych watażków?

The more than 60 Lords of our country will tremble with respect.
Więcej niż 60 Panów z naszego kraju zadrży przed nim z szacunkiem.

As one of the nine pirate lords, you must honor the call.
Jako jeden z 9 pirackich władców, musisz stawić się na ten zew.

My lords and councillors, there is a great deal of work to do.
Moi lordowie i doradcy. Jest wiele do zrobienia.

Perhaps not, but there are many System Lords that do.
Może i nie. Ale ma je wielu Władców Planet.

I say, you've come a long way down from the House of Lords.
Powiedziałbym, że przebyłeś długą drogę z Izby Lordów na dno. - I jeszcze powstanę.

Do that and the river lords will join us.
Zrób to, a lordowie Dorzecza dołączą do ciebie.

That should fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland.
To powinno zachęcić dokładnie takich lordów, jakich nam w Szkocji potrzeba.

I address these words to the Nigerian authorities, but also to all those who consider themselves to be lords of another person's life and death.
Słowa te kieruję nie tylko do władz Nigerii, ale także do wszystkich tych ludzi, którzy uważają, że są panami życia i śmierci drugiego człowieka.

Carol said you might go to the House of Lords today?
Carol mówiła, że idzie pani na posiedzenie Izby Lordów?

The Queen and I put the decision to you, my lords.
Królwa i ja składamy decyzję na was, panowie.

Terrorists, arms dealers, drug lords. Everyone who wants to get rid of us.
Terrorystów, przemytników broni, handlarzy narkotyków... ...wszystkich, którzy chcą się nas pozbyć.

Lords of Kobol, take these brave men into your arms.
Władcy Kobolu... przyjmijcie tych odważnych ludzi w swe ramiona.

It is now the province of the drug lords.
To jest teraz prowincja króli narkotyków.

I took the Lords name in vain 211 times.
Wzywałem imienia Pana na daremno 211 razy.

Most of those lords should consider themselves lucky I don't hang them for treason.
Większość lordów powinna się cieszyć, że jeszcze nie wiszą za zdradę.

The System Lords can't be trusted, as a group or individuals.
Władcom Systemu nie można ufać, ani jako jednostkom, ani jako całej grupie.

My Lords, this man was tried as a commoner.
Wysoki Sądzie, ten człowiek był sądzony jako plebejusz.

We forget, my lords, Narnia was once a savage land.
Zapominacie, że Narnia była kiedyś prymitywną krainą.

The attack on the System Lords will begin sooner than planned.
Atak na Władców Galaktyki rozpocznie się szybciej, niż to było w planach.

How can you fight all the other lords?
Jak możesz walczyć ze wszystkimi lordami?

If you don't fight willingly, my lords, the peasants will break your bones!
Jeśi nie będziecie walczyć chętnie, moi panowie... ...chłopi połamią wasze kości!

All the lords of Westeros will gather here to see the little prince.
Wszyscy lordowie Westeros zbiorą się tutaj, by ujrzeć małego księcia...

By your leave, my lords, the ladies would withdraw.
Za waszym pozwoleniem, moi panowie, panie chcą wyjść.

From the sky and the light We the lords of this vast universe...
Z nieba i ze światła, nas, panów tego olbrzymiego wszechświata.

Tell the System Lords to call the ship back.
Powiedz Władcom Systemu, żeby odwołali statki.

Your Majesty, my lords, ladies and gentlemen, please be seated.
Wasza wysokość, lordowie, panie i panowie. Proszę zająć miejsca

You said that repeatedly to the House of Lords.
Wielokrotnie twierdziła Pani tak wobec Izby Lordów.

We need the combined force of the System Lords.
A my potrzebujemy połączonych sił Władców Galaktyki.

What if they were kidnapped by drug lords?
Co jeśli zostali porwani przez narkotykową szajkę?

His army is drawn from many different System Lords.
Jego wojsko składa się z Jaffa wielu Władców Systemu.

All my lords and masters, make way for his Lord's Grace.
Lordowie i panowie, zróbcie przejście dla jego łaskawości!

Where do I begin, my lords and ladies?
Od czego mam zacząć, moi lordowie i panie?

Wait here, my lords while I... make him decent for the lady.
Poczekajcie tutaj, podczas gdy ja... przygotuję go na odwiedziny damy.

This house, these servants, and this same myself are yours, my lords.
Ten dom, ta służba, i ja sama, są twoje Panie.

I know you will forgive me, my lords.
Wiem, że mi wybaczycie, panowie.

An investigation by the British House of Lords highlights this further.
Przeprowadzone przez brytyjską Izbę Lordów dochodzenie wydobywa na światło dzienne dalsze szczegóły.

My Lords, we have not been idle under such provocations
Moi Panowie, nie pozostaliśmy bezczynni wobec takich prowokacji

My lords, ladies, and gentlemen, please charge your glasses.
Panie i Panowie. Proszę wznieść kieliszki.

The lords need them to farm their lands.
Panowie muszą uprawiać swoje ziemie.