Nowoczesny słownik angielsko-polski


Praktyczny słownik religijny angielsko-polski 2005, Krzysztof Czekierda

im. Ludwik

Przykłady użycia

Przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

In an outbuilding of Louis Meintjes's 42-hectare vegetable and nursery farm, the TAU has set up an "ops room" with a fold-down table, maps and radios. "When my wife and I were attacked in December, we had guys here in five minutes," says Meintjes, who was shot at when he disturbed late-night burglars passing his hi-fi through the living-room window. He fired back with his pistol and believes he injured two of the intruders before they fled.
11.23am: Another email. "I just wanted to know if your constant reference to Serenity Now! was alluding to the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza's father is asked by his psychiatrist to say Serenity now every time things start going wrong," asks Louis Olivier. "A classic Seinfeld episode. Unlikely though that you be such a big Seinfeld fan, but who knows." I love Seinfeld, Louis. It's arguably the best sitcom ever ...
In his 30-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Louis Stanton in New York said massive volumes of evidence submitted in the case had convinced him that YouTube did what it needed to do to fall under the "safe harbor" provisions of the copyright law.
In recent years, the planet's largest corporations have become dependent on the Wangs catching up with the Joneses. The US had shopped until its economy dropped. Sinking in debt, plagued by obesity and increasingly dependent on military might to protect its lifestyle, the world's superconsumer was groaning with indigestion. Europe was too decrepit and conservative to take up the slack, so global manufacturers, retailers and restaurant chains were desperate to stimulate the Chinese appetite. Shanghai was their beachhead. While information firms and political lobbyists headed to Beijing and manufacturers flocked to Guangzhou, retail giants almost invariably chose Shanghai for their China headquarters and their first showrooms. From Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's and Starbucks to Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Chanel, international brands made the city a giant shopping mall. Shanghai became the biggest, richest, most globalised mass of modernity in China, home to the most luxurious boutiques, the tallest buildings, the nation's first formula one track, the biggest auto companies, the second busiest port in the world and a gathering horde of international salesmen trying to sell the American consumer lifestyle.
Goodall telegraphed her boss, the fossil-hunter Louis Leakey (father of Richard), with the news. His response has since become the stuff of scientific legend: "Now we must redefine man, redefine tools, or accept chimpanzees as humans." Leakey was exaggerating but not by much. Certainly, there is little doubt about the importance of Goodall's discovery five decades ago. As the distinguished Harvard palaeontologist Stephen Jay Gould put it, this was "one of the great achievements of 20th-century scholarship".
A friend took a job in Kenya, and Goodall decided to join her, working as a waitress to raise funds for her trip. In Nairobi, Goodall was introduced to Louis Leakey, the scientist whose fossil discoveries had finally proved mankind's roots were African, not Asian, as had previously been supposed.
At this time scientists were particularly sensitive about giving human attributes to animals. Anthropomorphism was simply not on, they told Goodall when, in the early 60s, she took a PhD at Cambridge at the insistence of Leakey â?? who was desperate for his protege to gain academic respectability. "These people were trying to make ethology a hard science," Goodall recalls. "So they objected â?? quite unpleasantly â?? to me naming my subjects and for suggesting that they had personalities, minds and feelings. I didn't care. I didn't want to become a professor or get tenure or teach or anything. All I wanted to do was get a degree because Louis Leakey said I needed one, which was right, and once I succeeded I could get back to the field."
Like Thwaite, Hartley is insistent that Larkin loved women; nor will she go along with the idea of him as a miser. When she won a place at university as a mature student, Larkin, knowing how hard-up Hartley was, opened a book account for her, and placed a fat sum in it. She is full of stories about him: the time they went to see Louis Armstrong together in Bridlington; the time Larkin arrived at a party clutching a bottle of cr?¨me de menthe. She reminds me â?? so unlikely seeming, this â?? that he thought Dylan's "Mr Tambourine Man" the best song ever written. Larkin, who once described his physique as being like that of a "pregnant salmon", hated dancing, but at departmental Christmas parties, he would be sure to ask every woman in the room to dance: cleaners, caterers, library assistants. No one was left out.
In recent years, the planet's largest corporations have become dependent on the Wangs catching up with the Joneses. The US had shopped until its economy dropped. Sinking in debt, plagued by obesity and increasingly dependent on military might to protect its lifestyle, the world's superconsumer was groaning with indigestion. Europe was too decrepit and conservative to take up the slack, so global manufacturers, retailers and restaurant chains were desperate to stimulate the Chinese appetite. Shanghai was their beachhead. While information firms and political lobbyists headed to Beijing and manufacturers flocked to Guangzhou, retail giants almost invariably chose Shanghai for their China headquarters and their first showrooms. From Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's and Starbucks to Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Chanel, international brands made the city a giant shopping mall. Shanghai became the biggest, richest, most globalised mass of modernity in China, home to the most luxurious boutiques, the tallest buildings, the nation's first formula one track, the biggest auto companies, the second busiest port in the world and a gathering horde of international salesmen trying to sell the American consumer lifestyle.
The issue is particularly sensitive now due to the six-month captivity of two French journalists in Afghanistan. In February, the then chief of the defence staff, General Jean-Louis Georgelin, caused outrage when he estimated the cost of rescuing the men at â??10m, and said he was making it public knowledge in order to try to encourage "a sense of responsibility".

Louis has recently come to new york to find himself.
Louis Ives. Przybył niedawno do Nowego Jorku, w poszukiwaniu swojego ja.

I think something bad is about to happen here, Louis.
Wydaje mi się, że stanie się coś złego, Louis.

Why don't you ask Louis what he did with it?
Dlaczego nie zapytasz Louisa co z nimi zrobił?

Louis, this is a little bit lower than I expected.
To jest trochę bardziej poniżające aniżeli się spodziewałem.

Louis, why do all your stories start off this way?
Dlaczego twoje wszystkie bajki zaczynają się w ten sposób?

About the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up.
W tym czasie Ludwik stracił wszystko od karku w górę.

Louis, it's one of the things I love about you.
Louis, to w tobie uwielbiam.

Louis doesn't even know where to buy drugs, let alone plant them.
Louis nawet nie wie, gdzie zdobyć narkotyki, a co dopiero je podłożyć.

I'm not entirely sure Louis knew what he was getting himself into.
Nie jestem pewien czy Louis wiedział, w co się pakuje.

Louis feels it's important for us to have a fresh start.
Louis czuje, że ważne lda nas jest żeby zacząć od początku.

The real question is will you have the guts Louis?
Pytanie tylko, czy będziesz miał jaja Louis?

Ray and Louis here have been telling us all about you.
Ray i Louis dużo nam o tobie opowiadali.

They were like a fan of Louis and the club was his home.
Byli dla Louisa jak rodzina, a klub był ich domem.

If your Louis was too stupid to see beyond, it's his problem.
Jeśli twój Louise był zbyt głupi, by cię docenić, to jego problem.

I fight for the belief that every man can be better, even Louis.
Wiary, że każdy człowiek może być lepszy, nawet Ludwik.

Louis wants you to go with him to the Spectator party tonight?
Louis chce żebyś poszła z nim na dzisiejszą imprezę w Spectator?

Louis, what are you doing in the house when Jon's home?
Louis, co ty robisz w domu, kiedy John jest w środku.

So, Louis, tell me about that new strain everybody been talking up.
Więc Louis, powiedz mi o tym nowym towarze, o którym wszyscy gadają.

Louis Michel held discussions for two and a half hours.
Louis Michel odbył rozmowy trwające dwie i pół godziny.

When we're ready, Louis will flash his lights three times.
Kiedy my będziemy gotowi Louis zapali trzy razy światła.

Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Louis, myślę, źe to początek pięknej przyjaźni.

Louis, Crystal hired me to keep you away from her.
Louis, Crystal wynajęła mnie, abym cię trzymał z dala od niej

I gotta stop going with Louis just because you're feeling guilty?
Nie będę jeździł z Louisem, bo ty czujesz się winny?

Louis, I'd buy you a beer, but it has been a long day.
Louis, postawiłabym ci piwo, ale to był długi dzień.

It's not polite to talk money at one of Louis's parties.
To niegrzecznie, rozmawiać o pieniądzach, na imprezach Louis'a.

Maybe you could do some business with him, Louis.
Może zrobisz z nim jakiś interes, Louis.

Why didn't they come and take Big Louis before we did?
Dlaczego nie zdjęli Dużego Louisa przed nami?

We gave him a good look after the St. Louis thing.
Dobrze mu się przyjrzeliśmy po wybuchu w St. Louis.

When Louis told me you were coming to the party,
Kiedy Louis powiedział mi że przyjdziesz na imprezę,

No, but Louis does, and making him miss it would be amusing.
Louis chce, fajnie będzie, gdy go to ominie.

And as a family, we'd rather Louis have no descendant.
Poza tym nasza rodzina wolałaby, aby Louis nie miał potomków.

Louis will flash his lights three times to let us know they've arrived.
Louis zapali światła trzy razy, żeby dać znać, że już przyjechali.

Oh, don't be discouraged, Louis, things are not that bad as you think.
Nie zniechęcaj się, Louis, nie jest tak źle, jak ci się wydaje.

I should find Louis and tell him it's over.
Znajdę Louis i powiem mu, że to koniec.

How long would it take to go to St Louis?
Jak długo zajmie podróż do St Louis?

Louis told me what you did at the club.
Louis powiedział mi, co zrobiłeś w klubie.

I think Louis is a man at his end at this point.
Myślę, że Louis jest człowiekiem na jego koniec w tym punkcie.

You wanted me to be more specific back in St. Louis.
W St. Louis chciałeś, bym się bardziej określił.

So what do you think the chances are, eh, Louis?
Jak myślisz, jakie mamy szanse, Louis?

Prince Louis has an army may be persuaded to join us.
Być może książę Ludwik zgodzi się do nas dołączyć.

Louis, how come you won't see your own daughter?
Louis, jak to się stało, że nie widujesz się z własną córką?

I'm moving back to St. Louis and we're getting married in the fall.
Wracam do St. Louis. Na jesieni bierzemy ślub.

And she took responsibility for everything that happened in St. Louis.
I wzięła odpowiedzialność za wszystko co się wydarzyło w St. Louis.

Louis Kahn said even a brick wants to be something.
Louis Kahn rzekł: ,,Nawet cegła chce być czymś.

Louis said I'm not allowed to prioritize your work anymore.
Louis powiedział, że nie wolno mi więcej stawiać w pierszeństwie twoich spraw.

So, Louis, may I speak to you for a second?
Więc, Louis, mogę z tobą chwilkę porozmawiać?

Louis hits him with a left and a right!
Louis uderza go z lewej i z prawej!

I'il show myself out, call Louis to pick me up.
Mogę sama wyjść, zadzwonię do Louisa, żeby po mnie przyjechał.

Or that she went with Louis to the falls.
Ani że poszła z Louisem nad wodospad.

As you can see, we're devastated by Louis' tragic death.
Jak widzisz, jesteśmy zdruzgotani tragiczną śmiercią Louisa.